Is making you lose in a game cheating?

Fully agree.
I mean, look at Klondike Solitare. If memory serves, that has a theoritical win rate in the low 40s%, yet every computer since Win 95 (at least) has Solitare pre-installed. Because of all the possible ways the 52 cards can get randomized (and dealt) there’s a HEAVY RNG aspect.

Plus anyone who’s ever played Dungeons and Dragons KNOWS that sometimes RNG will screw you over when you need it most, and some days it FEELS like your own dice are out to get a Total Party Kill.

That’s the chaos that is RNG. And that chaos is why people go back to games again and again, to try and beat the odds.

Ah, old-school Nintendo Hard. Back then, games were brutally hard for several reasons:

  1. Developers on the whole hadn’t yet found a sweet spot between “challenging” and “rewarding;”
  2. Play control was an unsolved puzzle for most genres, and some games were just difficult because they were hard to manipulate; and
  3. The audience was comprised of hardcore computer enthusiasts that generally are more tolerant of punishing mechanics than the mainstream audience is.

Thankfully, for those that like to be punished, a small set of sadistic games do survive and can make a profit!


Nearly all games of chance which have persisted over the years generally either have an inherent fairness to them, or make the player feel like their skill level has a significant impact on their odds of winning.

Take blackjack for example. Yes, it is random. But also, it is always possible to win. You always move first, and have full agency, even while the dealer is forced to draw until he reaches 17 points. So while your Strategy may fail a certain percentage of the time, there is almost no condition the deck can be in where it is straight up impossible that you could win at any given time if you happened to guess the correct moves to make.

Monopoly is a rather famous game of chance as well; and if you take a look at the general opinions people have on it, it is pretty much unanimous that the worst part of the game BY FAR is the 1-2 hours at the end where one person is literally guaranteed to win, and the remaining players are just waiting to go broke so the game can end. In fact, many people will just go ahead and stop the game once the clear winner has been established, because nobody wants to bother playing after that point.

The thing is, the player needs to be able to win in order to be engaged. Player agency is sort of a big deal in gaming. It’s literally the thing that separates gaming from other genres. So, mechanics which strip the player of agency are bad mechanics.

The more cards there are which have an overpowered, but random effect, the less skillful the player ends up feeling, as they are forced to rely more and more heavily on luck, and feel less engaged and less involved in the outcomes of any given match. Even worse, and more on the topic of if making you lose is cheating, forcing a player to lose regardless of their skill just utterly betrays the player’s expectations. If you do that, even once, and get caught, players will feel completely disengaged. Why bother trying to play well if the game is going to MAKE you lose?

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Tbh compating dnd and this dont have much sense, sure you can get a 1 rolled, maybe 2 or 3 times in a row but anyone ever rolled 1’s for 1 hour non stop in dnd? defo i didnt.

I said 1 hour but the amount of “rolls” this game make in a match is way more than dice rolls you make in a whole dnd session and in SOME MATCHES they are all 1’s x you.

Hopefully you noticed the “some matches”, am not talking about losses you can get like, taipan/scurwydog team wipe you on their first turn or DE/tpk turning you whole team, that’s normal and can happen.

Can use today gw as example, in about 30+ turns i didnt had a single chance x a 4 match with tpk and titan with explosion trait on team, almost no brown x barrier and the couple of times i was stupid enough to cast Azura i got no mana or cascade but just gave a nice board to ai for some 4 matches, end of story didnt managed to kill a single troop.

Too easy and totally wrong just say " bad luck", we arent talking about 1 or 2 “dice rolls” but thousands and thousands on the 15 mins + of the match.

After that AI seemed happy and got 2 ridiculous wins (both times 1 cast of tpk also turned the enemy hero lol).

Not really sure what also got to do with all this the “old games”, playing games since commodore 64, played rpg’s in japanese and all this stuff but, forgive me, i dont recall a game that gave me sensation of “Now You Die No Matter What” that one give me.

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I must be one of the lucky players then. I have not ever gotten a 1 or 2 turn TPK against me, and usually in my battles I do have a chance to turn the tide of the matches back in my favor. It is rare for me to have a board be so completely against me that I have no hope, unless i brought the wrong team to the fight, like my green mana generator spam team against a team with the green doubling troll I did earlier this morning. I mean, it’s not like it never happens, but at the same time, it’s DEFINITELY not happening all the time like I see posted in the various threads.

Generally my teams always have a way to fix whatever the board and AI throw at me, other than the meta teams in PVP. (But I’m only 710, with 4 of the weaker mythics to me name, so i don’t expect to win against the meta teams like the divine Uba teams)

Did i said it happen all the time anywhere?

And actually sometimes happen aswell the opposite, ai give you a free win for no reason (thing i find lame the same), look at this:

What do everyone would have done on ai place? well the ai instead of firing yao made a 3 MATCH, ended turn and lost.

Basically you’re saying the same thing i said lol, did countless pvp matches before (thought to try the, pvp until lose then do gw, but got tired cuz no “lame loss” was happening so stopped and did gw) and didnt had any prob (this dont mean i won 100% ofc), then in gw here come the ****, and well about the “always happening” think that’s the first time i see 1 match where i cant make a 4 match, even more in a so long match.

Just wait for the Empowered Skull spawners in Delves! That’s when you know the game is cheating! Can’t wait to lose turn 1 because the board is PERFECT for the skull spawners! Seriously, anytime there is a converter, the board is always in a way to benefit the enemy even if you take a match, it will still give the enemy an extra turn.

Take Deep Borer, Dragon’s Eye (Titan), Gimlet Stormbrew and King Highforge. Gimlet has empowered and feeds Dragon’s Eye… that Eye turns your troops into weak Baby Dragon’s and unless you are running a +2 red banner, you aren’t getting it up in 1 turn and by then, it will either be reset or killed or another troop is now a Baby Dragon. With Titan, the barrier on brown always appears just before you can do the killing blow, usually out of nowhere too. I would say that’s cheating as it happens all the time.

High level delves as well really. 1 match can end the run for you. For example, Great Maw can be silenced and one shot by a Level 300 Silent Sentient… the AI takes a turn and makes a simple match of 3. No problems until 2 skulls suddenly fall and perfectly match with one other thus killing my Great Maw. Reversed situation also happens a lot where my Great Maw accidentally hits the Silent Sentient and not can’t gain mana or use the ability because of it… yes, the AI cheats at higher levels.

You have been such a negative nancy everyday since the day you joined these boards. Why are you still playing GoW, if I may ask? If the game is so horrible as your everyday statements, it can’t be healthy playing this game.


You’re telling me you’ve never made a 3 match when you should have fired off a skill, or made a four/five match you didn’t see until after your finger let go of the 3? One may assume a small amount of fuzzy logic is at play with the AI, otherwise, you would be playing against an opponent that makes the prime move every time… I’m confused now.

Are we operating under The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard, or under Artificial Stupidity?

Empowered Skull starter


• Hero with entangle at start
• Gorgotha or any troop with skull damage reduction

Trouble sorted :grin:


Don’t forget to add the troops with entanglement spells, or mana drainers :smile:


Not always, maybe recently with a lot of stress because delves pretty much ruined any fun I had with the game but I can agree with recently. I guess it’s just the frustration of always dying to the same old thing and no matter what I try, it never works.

Like… the game starts on equal footing but the more inflated stats (Power Creep kills games and isn’t necessary.) then there is a problem. Unless everything goes perfectly, I will never stand a chance of winning the higher delves and unless I waste every last treasure I have into the hoard, it still wouldn’t be enough to withstand the Gargoyle one shot as an example. Haven’t even mention Morana’s % chance failing all the time at 40%+ frequently but the enemies working at less than 20%

I feel like, the joys of before are all being removed. I was fine with PvP before they removed the majority of Fire Bomb teams and now it’s a major slog and both Tower of Doom and Delves are just bad. Ironically enough, I have no qualms with Raid or Invasion despite the same principle because at least there is a counter to them in form of the Godslayer and Siegebreaker’s.

As it stands though, the current power creeping is a bad omen.

You can’t climb Mount Everest with only a 6 months experience as a climber. Delves is meant to be bloody hard, even for very experienced endgame players that has been around 3-4 years with all the troops in their squad, like myself. Losses was meant to happen in this mode, more frequently. RNG against is more likely to happen in this mode, as you needs more turns you also have to give CPU more turns, because of their high stats.

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Consistently failing turn 1 because the one match the AI took gave them the skull from the sky to ruin my team or even before the boss? Needing 50+ turns per battle also sounds stupid out loud since, shocker, AI only need 1 turn to win, that’s it. At least in Raid’s or Invasions, while they do scale, there is counters, especially with invasions.

Tower of Doom and Delves have no real counters except the delve troops themselves which aren’t all the best and trying to deal with 500 Hall of Guardians is like your example. No way would someone climb Mount Everest with no experience and suitable equipment yet you act like it is. It just isn’t fun to do especially when it’s the same floor you are stuck at over and over again.

Eika out

i think this match was cheating in perfection or call it rng in bruce lee style… :roll_eyes:

with their 1st turn the ai beginns to loop, every troop take their action, creates new loops and take several casts and i look the “video” till my last troop (only 1 bandit from me) was dead. never saw a perfect match for the ai in over 3 years. most of the time, for example goblin loop of death, let me 1 troop with 10hp left before they kill me finally. so nobody can say ai go crazy, u have no chance :man_facepalming:t2:

but this was a new experience. i’m a little bit speechless and it helps to post this…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This was the only time i had a SS (seen i’ve sent it to psn group) but isnt the first and only time ai let me win a lost match, happened aswell in gw (and lame or not that was good rofl) that an ai had a DB rdy to cast but instead of using it it wasted time x at least 5 turns and it lost with DB still rdy to cast lol.