Intrim Sets New Record!

Agreed with Matrim, your push that last day motivated me for another good chunk of games. Strong work, and great competition!


You know H0m1n1d, you’d look pretty good with the word Intrim under your name.

Give me a shout if you wanna join us someday.

shouldnt this be in guild chat cathegory?

im not saying intrim not doing a great job but putting this in gameplay chat to me feels a bit too much of a bragging.

congrats anyway

edit: clarification, this thread is made the way that i get impression it was not suppose to be a bragging thread, but a thread praising guild mates directly so i thought it belongs to guild cathegory MORE. if this is suppose to be a bragging thread then np just carry on, would be nice to get a clarifcaiton on this from the OP either way, thank you

it could have not been a bragging thread from the OP intention but being put in the wrong cathegory became the bragging thread. that i do not know, was it meant to be a bragging thread or not? :slight_smile:

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It is a bragging thread. Anna, if you hover your mouse over Gameplay Chat category you’ll see “Everything and anything about Gems of War!”. That’s include bragging. And trophy only worth for bragging right at the moment, aside of guild ranking.

Anyway, would it make any difference for you if it was under “Guild Chat” category? I don’t think so.


picture torture :scream::confounded::scream:
i cant stand looking at those salty icecream, the painful sensation :sweat_smile:
