Idea to change the Skeleton Key weapon

Context: The original post was made right after the change of Sunspear’s third trait from Firestorm at start of turn to +2 Mana when making red gem matches, with the basic line of logic being conveyed as to why it was changed being “x overlaps with what y does, so we changed x to be more in line with z instead” (even though, as was conveyed, there was no issue to this and said change would have been a massive nerf). This change was extremely poorly received and was repealed not too long after.

From the patch notes thread:

All replies in this thread for this weapon being changed “to bring it more in line with x” are of a clearly sarcastic tone. There were a few such threads around the forum at this time. The problem is, the sarcasm landed poorly even at the time (as can be seen from the initial replies in this thread) and seven months after the fact this kind of sarcasm isn’t readily apparent anymore for anyone without a good memory that was around for this happening, so I’m bringing this up for clarity. Once again, nobody in this thread is legitimately on the “for” side of a Skeleton Key change, and everybody “against” a change legitimately are against a change and are posting here either because the initial sarcasm didn’t land or they were afraid it would be taken seriously.

Thank you.

tl;dr: This post is a 7 month old sarcastic joke, no need to keep feeding it.