I guess this game really never changes anymore, does it?

I really don’t care how much money you’ve spent on the game. It doesn’t matter to my argument at all. And I am not an “old player” who doesn’t want to see things made easier.

I don’t own Bear Totem, Crescendo, Daemon’s Leash, Festival Staff, Fey Wand, Goblin Crusher, Merchant’s Blade, Order and Chaos, Sands of Time, Spider’s Kiss, Staff of Madness, Sun and Moon, Undine’s Trident, 19 other Epic weapons, and 1 Rare weapon.

If they were all put up for sale at $5 a pop, that’d be $165 I’d have to shell out for them, just to ‘complete’ my weapon collect. That’s nothing to say of all the pet levels I could get if I bought the cosmetic pets to hit level 20 with them.

I’ve spent a lot of money on this game too – but I’ve never spent it on those things, old weapons and cosmetic pets. And yet, they’re offered. But I’m not interested. Should others be able to buy them? Absolutely.

Should I complain because I haven’t bought them and I think they should be in the Soul Forge instead? Not going to happen. That’d be really neat if they did incorporate them into the Soul Forge whenever their respective kingdoms popped up. But they haven’t, so oh well?

I get the feeling a lot of players want to call that “money grabbing,” because they see -other- items being in the Soul Forge, but not these ones. “Oh, they’re just being greedy.” Well, okay? But are they really being greedy? Comparatively speaking, they’ve been incredibly generous keeping this game free all this time.

All of the weapons and troops from the Campaign and Class paid-pass, they’re all available, you just have to wait a bit. It’s no different than not wanting to pay $60 for a new game and waiting a bit till it’s on sale. And in fact, it’s quite different, because in Gems of War, you just wait a couple months, and it’s FREE!

Well, now, I think that’s just outrageous. Here I’ve paid $10 to get my Mythic and legendary weapon and some other player just waits 2 months and gets the same stuff for free. So in fact, maybe I should argue that they should have to pay at least HALF of what I paid to get it. Right?

If you think that sounds stupid, than you can understand why I disagree that the game is becoming “more” paywalled. It isn’t.


But you keep on writing walls of texts about this one very limited topic, trying real hard to … dunno, convince someone that you have a point? You already exhausted that point a few textwalls ago.
I tried to offer alternative points but your tunnel vision left you repeating your script.
Guess there’s nothing to talk about here.

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Your entire point is that it’s unfair they are offering older weapons for money instead of being able to acquire them in game for free or craft them using in game resources. I’m saying you’re lucky they even offer them at all. The only players who care about the old weapons are completionists.

That wasn’t my entire point, but… whatever, whatever makes you feel better.

If u mean that them putting politics in gems of war is bad, I can understand what u mean. If u are complaining about stuff from a leftist point of view, I don’t agree (and some conservatives complain too of course)

I agree with @igniteice. GoW is just pay to progress faster. Nothing wrong with selling for me as long as it is clear and not in scamming way then it is good.


I wish the game was just a game u buy and it didn’t have mictrotransactions

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I agree with that too

Great post.

I stopped spending money with them in october 2021, im vip 8, just short of 9. Agree with everything you said.

Sadly we can compkain all we want, these devs dont care, after years and years and a lot of money spent, i have given my top 10 guild notice, i will be leaving the game altogether with not only my main account of level 1400+, but also my alt account of level 1050+.

Thats my form of boycott lol, they dont deserve my patronage and quite frankly at the current rate of all the issues this game is gping through lately, i think the devs should throw in the towel, or hire competent employees to sort it out quickly, they are losing a lot of players.


I wish the game was just a game u buy and it didn’t have mictrotransactions

If Gems of War was like that, you’d never see new troops or new content. Buggy or no. You’d probably see the servers shut down as soon as the expense for running them was deemed to be too high of a number for the non-existent returns; those micro-transactions have a hand in paying for that support.

Not to mention that you’d be obliged to pay for the game up front, as opposed for so much of the player base that is 100% F2P and quite possibly has never put any money into the game. And to pay for it at “market rates”, which means a similar price point to other new games.