How to reach out as whistleblower?

Having gone through that process on a couple of occasions, my experience is that the “supervisors” do not care for (or, in one instance, even bother to read) the facts presented (and I trust you can count on me having presented all relevant facts, links, and screenshots), and just side with their staff.

And then they stop responding when further facts are presented that demonstrate the staff actions may have been biased/unfounded.

The closure of the megathread about Dev Actions/Inactions because it suddenly became

(the thread can still be browsed to seek these nonexistent “more often than not” breach of guidelines over the years), coupled with the countless “callout” bans that many of us have gone through since, demonstrated that they are no longer willing to even pretend to act objectively.

And while I support Kafka’s advice that mods should be reported when there are Actions/Inactions that require adjustment, the current reporting method has proven to be of little assistance to improve how mods ‘use’ their authority in the forum.

:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:

PS: here’s to hoping my words aren’t once again selectively picked on for a ban :crossed_fingers: