i hate guild war, and imho should be cancelled at all. Is so annoying and full of bugs that drives me crazy. Just my experience: today a spirit fox killed my gard with just 2 spells, ruining my game.
And plz do not tell me to send a ticket cuz is useless. When i was a victim of the “you won yet it counts as a loss” they could only say “we are sorry, but you still lost, cuz we can do nothing. here, take 2000 gold, 60 souls as a present”. I still cannot say if what angered me more was the bug or the so called pity gift
A quick change they could do is change Kerberos last trait. It was useless until guild wars and it is destroyed the guild wars idea. Not only do you get devoured but another troop shows up to rub salt in the wound.
What should it be changed to, in your opinion?
Why would you let he makes the wound in the first place?
Maybe summon at 25% or something. Maybe deal double skull damage against divine ? Or maybe disallow multiple copies of the same troop in GW attack and defense
I still think Gate Guardian should be a 25-50% chance to devour summoned troops.
I was thinking “Impervious.” I mean, he already gets half mana from Forest Guardian.
Or maybe Stoneskin.
I agree. At least make it once a month. Too much grind.
As your post deeply implies is that the devs seem to have alienated a large portion of the player base - basically the rage-quit types who end up in games like this because it’s so casual that it doesn’t invoke so much rage. Well, with GW, they introduced a rage-invoking crap-a-thon in terms of making 5 fights super important, no matter how the casino RNG falls.
I had announced this is my last week in the game and this week has been the worst luck, I had a game where the only matches were blue matches for the first 15 turns. These are not supposed to happen all the time but they seem to happen to me in GW. While I know its all fun and random and all, as a casual player who hates stress in his games, this added way too much stress.
I hear ya, five battles a day! What are we robots?!
we have several players in this boat. because of it, they have stopped playing gw all together… as in like - 5 or 6 players a week. we have dropped from bracket 3 to 5 because of it. my sister specifically said, i cant field a team to beat this. i cant level up (souls, sacrifices, traits) that many teams. Im getting slaughtered and its just no fun.
this was when she was lvl 250. Shes 380 and shes still having the problems.
Each time is see this thread title…
Today I had to mow the lawn, do laundry and the groceries.
I’d gladly do guild wars instead.
See @Venar its not 99% lol
The only change I’d like to see is that choosing your players from the guild pool of 30 to allow 25 to fight. This will allow for breaks and holidays etc.
All guild members to receive rewards, even if they don’t fight. This HAS to implemented at some point. I’m doing mine and my Mrs’ because she finds it too stressful and under pressure.
id rather have all members fighting but counting scores of only highest 25 players
no discriminating anyone
That’s an even better idea.
I know you’re trying to be funny but I’m fairly certain that you only say that because you haven’t attempted to get into the top 5, where all the defense is the same and you spend sometimes 20 minutes in a battle because your same-color offense doesn’t have the damage output to kill a grief wall in under 20 minutes.
It ended up spending over an hour a day on 5 battles, an hour of frustration, grief and changing out teams to try to beat another Psion/Famine combo. An hour where I could have gotten more than 30 PvP battles completed. So yes, your comment comes across as ignorant and not funny.
I understand your point of view, i still found it funny though.
And if you believe that FamineX is only met in bracket one, the ignorance seems to be found on both sides of this argument.
Anyways i get that having no relief of the FamineX/FGE teams is depressing, in lower brackets we do get one or two relief battles in every set, but still i personally have never wasted 20 minutes on a single FamineX game, time is too precious for that nonsense.
Well, I could have nit-picked all items in your comment, calling things as I saw it. Such as exaggeration based upon being a sore loser, (I won’t quote the comments as I’m sure you can re-read your post), but I didn’t.
What I did find profoundly funny was calling it a grind. I’m an old school gamer, to me a grind is not an hour as you mention (at most) out of ones day of five battles. Saying you could have pulled off 30 two minute PVP battles instead? Now that to me is grinding. Count up your PVP battles at end of week, is GW really the grind centre?
Quitting my top 10 guild that hasn’t placed below 4th has opened my eyes. Multiple guilds invited me in, filled with lvl 1000+ players who love grinding PVP but hate the different grind of GW.
I guess what has evolved for me is that PVP has stopped being a grind, but rather a nice distraction where I can play puzzle games casually. GW became a grind because it was required and I wanted to support my team by doing well. I would spend an hour plus each of the six days ‘grinding’ by choosing carefully selected teams to optimize points and counter the defense and playing matches that lasted for 20+ minutes just to get that win on a match I would have walked away from in PvP.
So yes, you’re right, maybe I’m misusing grind here but the OP topic suggests this is the place to complain about GW repetition… when GW was supposed to be the ANSWER to repetitive PvP.