Don't change how competitive PVP now

Just responding to the feedback here as Bramble already commented on keeping it civil.
Also just want to add, don’t shoot down people who have an opinion differing from your own. It’s healthy to discuss a variety of opinions in a respectful way. We don’t want the forum to be an echo chamber.

PVP is Player vs Player. It wouldn’t make sense to attach a player’s name to a team that isn’t their own. We absolutely have no plans to remove PVP from the game. We’ve been putting a lot of time into reworking PVP into something cool.

You can want more PvE without removing PVP. Both things can exist in separate game modes.

The main issues are these:

  • PVP is currently quite punishing, it should be challenging but not punishing.

Some of the feedback we’ve received could address this, the 2 main points for me PERSONALLY that may help with this are:

  • Review the code we have that is meant to make it so you’re more like to show up as an opponent if you run a different team from everyone else. This code was in the old PVP system but for some reason we’re seeing 3x the same team showing up instead of there being more variety in the choice options for opponents.
  • Review how opponents are being picked so that there are an easier > normal > hard options

These 2 things add variety and choice back in, so for the most points you could fight the meta team but for those who don’t like that they can choose the easier opponent.

The other main issue and just ONE of the reasons players who prefer PvE are affected by the current PVP system is:

  • There are rewards tied to PVP that aren’t available in other areas of the game as easily.

These rewards are everything from increased Gold rewards, Class XP and Pet Gnomes.
They also include the Marks and the things you can buy with them from the PVP shop.

Part of the feedback I’ll be passing on is going to be about how some of the issue is also being caused by the feeling PVP has to be farmed to earn those rewards, when ie. maybe they could be in a PvE game mode.

I still think if you want to earn Marks you should play PVP, but if people are feeling like they’re forced to play PVP to earn ie. Gold and Pet Gnomes… maybe it’s worth considering if we can add those to PvE in some way so those players who dislike PVP don’t have to play it.

I think it’s fair to say though if you want PVP specific rewards (ie. Marks), you have to play PVP.
My personal opinion is that I don’t think every reward needs to be available in every game mode all the time.
Ideally we wouldn’t have people playing game modes they don’t enjoy because they feel like they have to but this is a muddy issue that isn’t super easy to solve due to us all being humans who get fomo (myself included, I promise I’m not an alien :space_invader: )


Yes. Please.

At the beginning of the year I was wondering why I’m still playing this game. My current goal is to level up the kingdoms, requiring many books of deeds. When the new PvP shop showed me a random book of deeds, I finally had a reason to grind PvP.
However, with the current state of the PvP feature, I am wondering again why I’m still playing this game.


Think most players have always wanted this.


The only reason i touch this horrendous new pvp is i need dragonite desperately and underspire with the intentional lack of potions and rng isnt fun.

Thats mainly because of the devs insistence on allowing dupe dragons and giving us absolutely no way to target dragons we need. The playerbase is sick of stellarix/diamantina mainly being gated not because of dragonite…but because you are very likely to get duplicate dragons, espeically when you are down to your last ones you need.

Either change this (preferred.) Or give us better ways to earn dragonite since we need so much of it unless we are very lucky.

Maybe cap the number of dupe dragons you get before you are garunteed a new dragon.

This is my #1 dislike of GoW.


Casual (and easy) PvP was the answer in the old system. So people who don’t like extremely hard PvP and didn’t want to engage in global LB leaderboard, but still wanted to hunt for pet gnomes for their guild - had a choice. I realise that you might want people to focus on this new ranked PvP so that there are more people in the system, but please, make it bearable and worthwhile.

Is there a risk that the high-base-VP battles will show up even less often after such changes than they do now? If it is meant to cut out repeating teams, won’t it, as a side effect, reduce how often the highest-level players appear among the 3 choices offered?

Although, after 5 days of the changed system, I’m not sure I care any longer. I now see about 90% of my enemies in the 45-55 base VP range, the other 7-8% being enemies below 45, and 2% (or less) are enemies above 70. 90 is like a yeti. And when I finally get one, especially in a blood frenzy region, I take one turn, ONE, and then can only watch how the enemy AI destroys my team. (I’m lvl 1738). I think I won two 90-base-VP battles the entire week, out of many more tries. This is not competitive, this is pure RNG revenge. I’m just tired of starting the battle, taking one move, and then watching the AI play, without giving up a turn. What’s the point of getting these 90-base-VP battles, when they are impossible to win anyway. When you lose so often after only being able to take ONE move, your attack team is irrelevant, you can just as well use 4 x firebombs or another joke team.

Oh, and my alt account, lvl 1437, is doing even worse in terms of winning in PvP, especially the higher level battles. There’s competitive, and there’s unwinnable and unplayable.


That is me. I would love to be able to ignore PvP for a week or a month but as a pretty casual player I need to do PvP to earn gold for my guild. With the amount of time I play I wouldn’t be able to make enough gold to be in a guild that finishes all basic tasks.

I would love to be able to play more arena but with the terrible gold payout I need to spend that time on PvP instead. 1 full arena run is just over 9k gold but 2 PvP battles are over 10k. 1 PvP battle and 1 arena battle take a similar amount of time to complete.

IMO arena should give at least 25k gold per run so that it is at least on par with PvP and it would give players an alternative mode to PvP to earn a decent amount of gold. With arena being one of the most hated modes you could even give 40k to 50k gold per run to make arena the best place to in the game to earn gold and actually give people a reason to play it.

I disagree with that. I don’t think anyone should have to play a mode to earn somthing in the game or just miss out on it. If there is a set amount of a resource per day and it only required a few battles that is fine like dungeons being 3 battles but PvP requires a large amount of battles to finish the goals and get the gold marks and without doing PvP you just don’t get marks. What I would like to see is every resource being available in mutiple modes but with each mode giving more of a certain resource than others.

PvP - best place to earn marks, glory and gold.
Dungeons - best place to earn diamonds. Could also give a small limited amount of marks like 10 for winning all 3 battles in a day.
Explore - best place to earn medals and traitstones. Could also give another resource for the first one or 2 runs each day.
Delves - best place to earn ingots and chaos shards. Could also give a small limited amount of marks.
Arena - best place to earn gold and souls. Could also give a small amount of dragonite or cursed runes for the first 2 runs per day.

With dungeons only being 3 battles a day, being forced to play them to earn diamonds isn’t that bad but being basically forced to play PvP for marks and to earn a decent amount of gold will just put people off the game. If PvP remains the same as it is now I might just quit the game because I don’t want to grind out PvP every week or play triple the amount of time in other modes to earn enough gold to be in a guild that completes all basic tasks.