Discussion: Sexuality in GoW

If you think you’re going to bully me into never posting jokes or memes, you got another thing coming broslammer. The homies got banned for purposely derailing a thread. Completely different than posting a couple jokes and a few memes. I can only be held accountable for my actions.

You derailed this thread when you started talking about derailing threads. So that’s all. Ta-ta.


This is not your typical play thread.
it’s serious discussion thread where we discuss serious and sensitive topics. if you want to play go
play comedian than do so else where

Was this directed at me?

Yeah be quiet, @HKdirewolf; this is serious. @UKresistance was about to tell us again how he’s a slave to “big boobs” and how that somehow means all feminists are ugly, jealous women. :rolling_eyes:


I like boobs.
I’m not ashamed to admit it.

This thread was bothering me showing up unread for too long
i admit openly i did not read all the 505 entries above me
as i slide through pages to find the mute option on bottom i figured ill add my 2 cents:

im a woman and i dont consider art in gow a porn at all, to me this is too much fantasylike, lacking details and/or characters are dressed well enough to ever consider it a porn.

about the feminine/masculine ratio: i do not mind at all, overall the arts are cool and support enjoyment of the game rather then the other way around

about physically/realistically impossible body characteristics /physics:

  • seriously? this is world of magic. apply rights of magic to it then talk about what is realistic in world of krystara. talking about “the person should not look like that in reality” but forgetting that this is a magical world where different laws apply annoys me.

edit: thank you very much and if someone wishes to discuss any of the matters directly with me please send me a pm as i might not notice being mentioned in here (hoping to not be back)


thanks for sharing

women I think too often forget the pressure men are under to look a certain. way.

Well, I don’t really mind either way. I find all humans to be internally and externally repulsive, so the art style is irrelevant to me.

HK isn’t a troll, and you certainly don’t get to say who can and cannot post in this thread. I may not like your red pillar, ridiculous “feminists are ugly and jealous” canard, but you have the right to post it.


As opposed to them holding all too much weight.

“sex sells” we know what it means, or do we? I have begun to wonder something about this, why? Why does it work, who is it aimed to? What is its purpose? When I pick up a magazine directed at women, all i can think of is old school playboy mags. Not in the sexual sense, but in the content of it. If we were to cut out all of the pictures of women and only keep the articles of a woman’s magazine, how much is left? Some things in those articles may be helpful, but they are between so many advertisements that it becomes hard to take the articles seriously. What is inner beauty when there are so many in this fashion mag whose have been altered to look good. This makes me wonder, why are women allowed to have fashion mags out in the open everywhere but men can’t have playboy’s out? Some fashion mags depict naked or almost naked women, same as playboy yet, men get embarrassed when they see one, and women get angry when they see it. Playboy is a who way street too. There is playgirl which features only men, and few articles. We never talk about how playgirl objectifies men. We used to see men in video games play the hero, but why should men be forced into that role? Same with villains, why should men be forced to be the villains and the heroes? With the release of the new final fantasy game, we see the male stereotype of strong and dumb, but where are the dudes in distress? Bonny rose was released and let me tell you, i really like her, her art is on par with female pirates, her being leader is normal for female pirates, the card looks good. This is a fantasy-like game so one thing you have to remember is glamour, this is something females can probably use on them selves to look the way they want.

This particular rambling is even more incoherent than usual, so I won’t bother trying to address whatever point you may or may not be trying to make. But one sentence in particular made me double-take:

Are you kidding me? Are you seriously suggesting males are forced to, and are reluctantly adopting, the role of hero?

Rather the expectation to actually be or act like a hero that springs from this stereotype, i would assume.

That makes some sense, actually. The whole “men-don’t-show-weakness” thing. Not being in those shoes, I can only imagine how that’d feel.

(Okay, killerman, point conceded. Amidst the drivel about justifying pornography in public or whatever that other bit was.)


I was typing up a defence, when you posted that. [quote=“Lyya, post:540, topic:11906”]
Amidst the drivel about justifying pornography in public or whatever that other bit was.)

I was referring to how female mags are a bad representation of women in society and are on the level of porn mags in the terms of content.

At least “porn mags” are honest about what they’re about and what they’re selling. Most “Women’s” magazines are absolute garbage (or worse) being sold as salvation.

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I only read playboy for the articles though! I swear!

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Good grief, both men’s and women’s magazines sell “fantasy”. Its just an entirely different fantasy based on the audience.


I agree they both sell fantasy but that’s not what I was referring to. Nothing wrong with a little fantasy and escapism.

I tried to read the block wall you posted, I don’t think I succeeded. Just so you know playboy and playgirl are aimed at the same group: men. Just with different sexual desires.