Discussion: Sexuality in GoW

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: ← All the extra likes you deserves but i alone can’t provide.
It’s silly how off-guard your post caught me…:joy:

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Somebody missed the sarcasm. We need tags! :innocent:


How is this thread still open?!

Because I didn’t get it locked yet.

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Dude: so What i assume you’re saying is–

Lady: no, we’re saying something different. Here, we’ll explain–

Dude: because that argument i assume you’re making is really stupid.

Lady: we’re really not saying that.

Dude: and also you have a bad attitude, so case closed.

But sexism is dead!


That is fair, it has stayed rather civilish for such a sensitive subject.

Thats a little exaggerative. The discussion has had a fair run. Its probably time those affected agree what they think should come of this topic. Can you agree on how to improve things to your satisfaction?

No need to lash out @Personette, remember you used to condemn me as well.

@Personette’s point is that you guys aren’t listening. You (and I’m using a generic ‘you’ here, not referencing any one in particular) don’t see it because it doesn’t affect you. It doesn’t make you feel disenfranchised or unincluded, so your reaction is, “What’s the big deal? What are you on about all the time?”

One more thing: explaining how women shouldn’t be affected by this sort of sexism is an insult of the worst kind. Way to make us feel marginalized, guys. Don’t even try to tell me how tough it is in your white male world.


A lot of the comments, like yours above, just describes what a pain it is. Everyone (or most, whatever) has listened and there has been a discussion.

But, for the love of god, tell us what you lot want to happen about it. It is endlessly dragging on without anything productive coming from it

Heyo, you’re being polite and i appreciate it so i’m trying to do the same in return. Noted and hat tipped. Doesn’t mean i agree with you (doubt you agree with me, very often) & certainly doesn’t mean your politeness extends like a cloak over every person on the forum who doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘condescending’.


[quote=“Koolbiird, post:200, topic:11906, full:true”]
I just don’t see it. This discussion has run its course for me.[/quote]
It’s cool, bird. :bird:

It’s… still cool, bird. Kuddos for trying to figure this one out, at least, although you seemed like you landed on this thread by accident, honestly, and you… just don’t see it. No one meant to force you to see it at any point, you know. ^^

That on the other hand is not cool, bird. Crappy attitudes? Yeah, this brings a handful of posts to mind, but none of them was addressed to you and/or made by @Personette… Condescending language? Nobody talked down to you, that I can recall. Do you mean eloquent, perhaps even pompous language? If so, yes, a large part of this here discussion was indeed on a much higher level of discourse than you’ll usually find in a forum like this one. Sorry if you felt that this was done to belittle you (or anyone in particular, for that matter). As for “Get off your high horse. It’s freakin’ art.”, if you feel that way, you were definitely in the wrong thread all along. I’m sorry if you wasted your time here (and a little bit of ours). Cheers.

I’m glad to hear it was sarcasm. :slight_smile: To be fair, I didn’t know you (or recognize you, at least) when you made that post of yours I initially answered to, and not just one, but at least two other people made very similar statements earlier on in this thread, who still appear to have been dead serious about it… So that was basically impossible to guess.

Regardless, that inspired me to make that tedious research and take plenty of screenshots which turned into a demonstration I’m fairly satisfied with. Even if it turned out to be completely unnecessary for you (which is good news), I think it definitely proved a point that was useful to this discussion, especially in the part concerning GoW. So that’s nice.

@Well, most of you guys active in this thread, honestly (with a few notable exceptions):
I was honestly pleasantly surprised by some of you through this discussion. If you could you please, pretty please with cherry on top, avoid going back to your kindergarten ways of spamming pointless private jokes at each other in one-liner, emoticon and 9-Gag/4chan/MemeGenerator Ctrl+V form in this very thread?.. That would be great. Sons, I’m disappoint. Hmm’kay? (See? I’m making intrawebz references too? :sheep:)

[quote=“Robert, post:212, topic:11906, full:true”]
Thats a little exaggerative.[/quote]

I strongly disagree. From where I stand, the other guy lashed out at her way out the blue. Personette made a tongue-in-cheek, but still pretty accurate summary of their exchange. I fail to see in which way she “lashed out.”

Ooookay, then. So why were you shocked it didn’t get locked, then? :smile:

Man, you’ve been putting this idea on the table again and again. It just doesn’t work that way. Mostly, because “those affected” are (or should be) everyone, to varying degrees and in very diverse ways, and not just a specific set group, let alone a minority. For instance, I’m a man and I feel strongly about sexism (I’m sure no one would have guessed ^^ lol).

Also, we don’t have any say on how the game will evolve (well, not quite directly, at least - the devs do read the forums and it does influence some of their decisions). More importantly, it wasn’t a black and white “should we do this or that” type of discussion. And besides, I think most of us who made long, detailed posts in this thread have already spelled out pretty clear pointers as to what direction we would like the game to take in that regard (and, beyond that, video games, media, and society at large ^^). We’re as close to your “consensus” as we’re probably going to get here.

Again, it’s not like there was a timer and the alarm ran off and we must conclude the thread right now. If some contributors no longer have anything to add and they’d rather move on, that’s perfectly fine. Those who still want to talk should also feel free to keep doing so.

And hey! More people can also join the discussion, and it can further evolve. Here comes @RiverSong, for instance (which I honestly expected earlier, and am glad to see). =)

So it’s okay, @Robert You don’t have to stay to the bitter end if you’re so tired of this topic. You’ve been a good sports (for the most part), thanks for the ride. You have my permission to go and PM cat and gorilla pictures to your friends? :wink: Were these the magic words you were waiting for?


@Personette :tophat:

@LegendMaker I know it was a retaliatory comment, but rise above it is what’s preached. And it wasn’t a pointed attack anyway

@RiverSong I find it offensive to be told I do not understand your plight. I agree I don’t live it, but I DO have empathy and an above-average IQ.

Boris Vallejo is still alive, maybe Sirian can hire him lol

This discussion has been had ad nauseum in the gaming industry for years. Everybody says they want more female protagonists with less sex appeal yet games continue to come out with hypersexualized female characters.

At this point, I’m inclined to believe that, despite the public outcry and continuous discussion, there’s simply no financial impetus to change things. At the end of the day the only thing that will incent change is the almighty dollar (or lack of it in this case).

A wall of text, and you said NOTHING. A couple of snide remarks, but that’s all good. Don’t really care.

Sexism is not in this game that I play. I DO NOT SEE IT. I see trope upon trope. MTG, WoW, LoL, Darksiders, and Final Fantasy. All have the same tropes. As far as I am concerned, you all are spinning your wheels.

Attack me all you want. White knight each other to your hearts content.

In closing, I wanted to see things your way. I would have gladly picked up my torch and fought with you. I get it. It’s frustrating. As a black man, it irks me that there is no minority representative for me in the hero tab. I chose Wargare (I love dogs), and kept it moving. I get it. I really do.

I am muting this topic. @TaliaParks I’m proud of you. I am really enjoying the non troll side of you. Anyway, I will no longer be a speed bump in your crusade.

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As I stated before, @TaliaParks, I was not referencing any particiular person. I also thought that we had left any acrimony between the two of us behind. I agree that you have empathy and an above average IQ. You said the important part yourself - you don’t live it.

And as for your comment, @HKdirewolf, my point was only to emphasize the difference between how things are between one group and another. Race is not the issue. Privilege is.

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@TaliaParks I get the impression that a few of the posters involved here have a bit of a history, either from the forum itself, from being guild mates, or from elsewhere. Being outside of that circle, I won’t be able to fill in all the blanks in what just happened here (although I’m curious), but fine, I’ll give it a rest. I’d much rather focus on the discussion anyway.

@Koolbiird Cool story, bird. All the best in your future endeavors.

(Alright, if that post is sarcasm as well, sorry in advance, and let’s agree on a safe word, from now on! ^^)

If that were the case, there would be riots (or at least widespread boycotts of some AAA games). The first part of your statement is clearly blowing way out of proportions the perception of a very small minority of people who do express these views out loud, often to the disproportionate backlash of an equally small minority of people who really, really don’t want to have their T&A privileges revoked. And, in between the two is the much larger group of people who are blissfully ignoring either side and could swing either way, depending on where the wind blows.

The debate is more and more common and well-known, yes, but it’s often caricatured, pigeon-holed and in no way audible as one strong voice from the gaming community to game developers in general.

This thread turned out to be more representative of the forces at play than one could have expected, I’d say.


It wasn’t sarcasm but we actually agree. My use of the word “everybody” was to demonstrate the amount of discourse when in reality the people passionate about it just aren’t that numerous.

I’ve been a game magazine subscriber for almost 3 decades and it’s a near monthly occurrence that the debate about female characters in games comes up. The argument seems to be ever-present but never seems to go anywhere.

FWIW, the comic book industry has been having this same argument for over half a century and if the casting of recent Marvel movies is any indication, they don’t have any reason to change things either.