Community Priority Bugs

The most annoying bug for me is the one that erase our team when we log out of pvp mode.
Not all the time, but very ( way to much ) often when using an immortal.
I just did my 5 battles for the daily rewards, go back to home screen and collect tribute, when I came back, I had to do my team again.

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This is a basic functionality change that greatly affects Android players. Notifications for tributes are unreliable and not time-stamped, and notifications for pet rescues are gone completely. It absolutely has impacted game play and overall enjoyment - I actively feel disadvantaged because I am now missing this functionality. This absolutely needs to be moved up the priority list and get fixed.


No. (I said the forbidden word :scream: )
This is not the purpose of this list.
The team are well aware of all player concerns and which are the most pressing, including the notification issue.

This list is for getting as many high community priority bugs fixed as possible asap.
If I put the notifications on the list - something else that could have been fixed gets removed.

My next meeting with the devs is tomorrow which is when I’m following up on a status update for the notifications along with raising concerns if necessary if there’s been no progress.

Basically, the notification issue is getting treated like its own beast, the list is like a to do list that can be checked off as much as possible. By splitting it out this way maybe we can get more of the top 5 looked at AND the notification issue too. If I chuck it on this particular list we’re looking at maybe 4 comunity bug fixes instead of 5 + notifications.

I guess if I have to think about it deeper this method probably works better because the notifications already has a big spotlight and attention on it so adding it to the list doesn’t add anything to getting the notifications solved and excluding it doesn’t detract from it being solved.

Also 100% agree the sooner we can get those notifications working again the better.

I had not actually considered this angle :thinking: we’re really not trying to do anyone dirty so we don’t always have this sort of thing spring to mind unless it’s pretty directly misleading/miscommunicated. I’ll mention this if it comes up again, but I’m hoping it just gets fixed in the next update so it won’t be a discussion point any more anyway :crossed_fingers:

We had a dev spend a tonne of time looking into this during 8.3 development. A dev who had never investigated it before so we could get fresh eyes on it, he also has a bit of a different speciality to the previous devs who looked at it so we were hoping maybe he’d spot something the others hadn’t yet. Could not work out what is causing it. We’re back to trying to look for more info and commonalities between the accounts that are getting the issue and the timing of when they get it :weary:

I will look for the bug report thread about it and revive it so we can see what CX and the players can find and add to the report before the next attempt.

So it was on the list, recently it was removed to be replaced with something else, as we hit a dead end and need to do more investigating.

Yes, this ^ I’m hoping it will be fixed for 8.4 if not sooner if possible at all.
It has to do with the region restrictions + the check to ensure a valid team is being used.

As 8.4 is the Guild Wars rework and Guild Wars = PvP style battles (essentially), I’m hoping this can be sorted out as that’s exactly the area of the game being worked on. I am very sorry this one has taken so long.

Ah yes, I actually agree, poor wording choice on my part for sure!

I don’t remember this sorry, I’ll ask about this when I ask about the main notification issue in general, it sounds like a separate issue. I’ll make sure it has been documented somewhere, if it has I’ll flag it as part of the work on the notifications that’s going on, if not I’ll make sure to add it to the reports.

PS. Feelings about these long format replies? Should I add spoiler tags to help condense it and make it easier to read or just keep replying like this?


The more info you give us the better, it gives more transparency which is better for everyone and everyone can just click on the image of the reply to just go up to the post in context