This topic is about the console version of the arena, I believe there are already plenty of topics discussing PC/Mobile arena. So I suggest mentioning this there, so as not to confuse the console users.
Was this a team that had Poison Master in it? The only time I’ve seen arena freeze (and not see an error dialog) is from using Poison Master’s ability to explode a gem that ends up destroying a skull and the damage from that skull was lethal damage for the final enemy. Seems pretty specific, but I’ve had it happen a couple/few times already until I realized the cause.
I’ve reported this to 505 and they claim its a known bug and they’re working on a fix.
I’ve had this one happen, too. I think it is caused if the game “saves” if you’re outside of your arena team window and prior to your first battle. I think the best way around this bug is to immediately go into, at least your first, battle after team selection.
I’ve reported this one to 505, too. Known and working on a fix, apparently.
I’ve had quite a few freezes in the arena myself. Not sure about Poison Master, but I know it’s happened a few times while I was using Bombardier. And now that you mention it, I believe most, if not all of the time was when it was a final blow?
I occasionally get frozen screens and have to close out and restart. Sometimes in the arena, but also in other areas like Invade, Defend or even kingdom stuff. Quite often it’s on the Victory image, after the battle.
Its possible the Poison Master bug applies to Bombardier as well, as he can destroy a skull for additional damage.
Until we see a fix, I would avoid using any explode/destroy mechanics on any card as the lethal damage in any match to avoid a freeze, just to be safe.
Yeah, after reading the above post, I was thinking the very same since they do similar damage. … Though, as of late, I haven’t been playing arena as much since when this happens it shows as a defeat. Been doing more Invade/Defends.
You know, I don’t even remember…but not likely because I rarely pick (or have the option to pick) that troop. As a matter of convenience, for the last hit I prefer to use a spell because I don’t have to move the joystick over hehe so perhaps it could have been that troop, however. Soooooo frustrating though. Console version is extremely buggy
addressing the issue of the same team over and over… it pulls from others who have recently played who are also near your level. so it might be that no one played for a while and it was defaulting to that one… the nice/bad thing about it is you already know their weaknesses or you know what DOESNT work against them…
Ommmmmggggggg. Needless to say now, this just happen to me. Brilliant arena win turned into frozen screen due to killing blow (game ending) Poison Master strike. I don’t know if you just cursed me or what hehe…naw, I’m just an idiot for not remembering what you had said! The thing is, look, this caused me an arena loss. It’d be one thing if it just froze and you had to re-enter. Secondly, this was the only move I could make to win the game. The next turn the AI would have killed me. So this is a problem, because the presumed workaround of using another measure to finish the match doesn’t work if it is your only move oh well… @505GamesSupport?
Unless I’m missing something, I’m able to pick my weapon…perhaps they remove some choices? Idk, looks like my full list of weapons each time. Moreover, I can change it before each match, etc. as per normal.
this is what I was talking about, this is a staggering departure from the way Ix2 has arena setup. This would completely remove me from the arena game.
I am new to the game, however it doesn’t seem to me like the weapons are the problem in the arena. Seems like a peculiar place to introduce a balancing component. Perhaps at the much higher levels this suits the gameplay better? Just my two cents
I got away from arenas for a bit to start doing the pvp’s. The arenas were getting annoying. I found out the rewards changed now that I’m in a guild - an addition of 10 trophies. So thought I would do an arena. See how it went.
Not to bad but … the same thing happened that I have commented on before. Once I got to seven wins the ai took over. Didn’t matter if I took his mana. Didn’t matter what I did to fight back. Every move gave them 4’s and skulls. They just walked through me.
I won’t be doing arenas if they continue to rob me whenever they see fit.
Now that the new update for consoles has gone live, I can confirm: YES. You do get the choice between three random epic weapons. From my experiences so far, they aren’t really anything helpful or too exciting. For instance, Skull Blade was offered to me last time…which presumably everyone already has. It is fun for a noob like myself to get to use weapons I haven’t unlocked yet though …however I can see the negative appeal for players such as yourself with better options. Happy Holidays!