A New Mythic Approaches – Pharaoh Khafru

I agree with everyone’s analysis of pharaoh Kafru. I tried to overcomplicate his spell, and I don’t think that a second skull conversion could be implemented with how I phrased his new spell. After experimenting with him more, I have realized that his spell acts differently than other double doom skull converters like the Mydnight Queen because you have the freedom to select which gems get converted to cursed gems that give Kafru his mana back.

The mythic is very good at applying death mark and curse to the whole team and goes really well with the Lord of Slaughter. They have no mana conflict, and the cursed runes left over from Kafru’s spell can be converted into doom skulls in a nice looping cycle.

I have tried other team setups, like his nice synergy with skull themed troops from Khetar, but his spell just seems like it’s missing…something. I have come to embrace that the mythic on his own seems to be one of the best ways to apply curse and death mark to the enemy while looping into other supporting troops.:skull:



For activating the death mark gems, I’m using TPK for the explode on 4 matches on converting to brown/curse and resultant cascades, and having good luck so far.

Then using Carmina, who creates +1 to every skull type (15 total) if someone is death marked. (and obviously explosions from doom and Uber skulls, plus TPK, will tend to pop the rest of the death mark gems.)

So far Geomancer hero up front with an exploding weapon to clear the board if it stalls out (rare so far, with limited E12 testing) or pop any extra death mark gems remaining. a class with skull dmg enhancement could be faster (slayer, archer, etc) but higher variance, geomancer can take a punch if the carmina cast goes sideways

Lord of slaughter is more obvious/less setup but I was curious to experiment with Carmina, and enjoying it so far

Edit: to add the actual team link


My biggest problem with this mythic (and a lot of other mythics) is that 24 mana is just overcosted for what it does.

Like most times, if this troop didnt have its 3rd trait, I’d prefer using Apothecary at 10 mana.


When will Pharaoh Khafru be available in chests?

Khetar is scheduled for early to mid September. Since I used 8 months worth of resources and didn’t get a single copy, I really want to know …

He’s already in there. I blew all my resources too and didn’t get a single one. Two days after his week as sole drop was over, i got him from a chest. Good luck getting him, he’s great.

He’s probably not in Event Chests yet though?! Nobody found him so far. :cry:

ps4 clobal chat now 3 people found pharaoh khafru
sinnycool 2 copies

I got several of the other useless Mythic, but still no Khafru. Should have known after wasting 80.000 guild seals and a few 1000 other keys already on him …

You’re not gonna get anything but Aguara till Friday

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Don’t be shy, tell us your secret - how does one pull Aguara from event keys this week?

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I don’t understand - was that an attempt at a burn?

Ah I get it now - Ninja Gaiden’s comment if taken alone can seem like he spent 80K Guild Seals & 1K other keys looking for Khafru and “got several of the other useless Mythic” which out of context would be Aguara. My first mistake was not realizing Ryu is an OG and prolly wouldn’t make such an error. My second mistake was posting on the forum at all. Well no that’s prolly first.

I wasted those 8 months of all keys and resources when Khafru was introduced a month ago. Most expensive Mythic to never get. :cry:

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That stinks man - a player like you shouldn’t blow all that res and then still have to wait for it in the forge. A guildie of mine pulled it thru Raid Boss Tiers - I wish you their luck!!!

At least I got Aguara with my 1st pick.

But Khafru will be one of the last troops I’ll forge, just prior to Kukulkan. There’s Takshaka and Emberclaw, both I already have 3 of.

Khafru is just for completing the collection then. When I finally get him, the game has moved on so much that he’s not important anymore. :thinking:

Not saying he’s as evergreen a meta as Lep but he’s neck & neck with Tak for mana usefulness and the spell comes in handy too. Stella/PK/PK/Essencia is now my goto “just get it done fast” team. Just saying it won’t be as dusty on the shelf as say… Aguara :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I hope you get a few in chests randomly before the end of the year.


Yup i got 2 with event keys. Tyvm for mentioning me appreciate it

I already use 2x Tak for that and also 3x Emberclaw. Depending on restrictions or mood. :joy:

But I also use Aguara. Very useful and strong so far. Got my Stellarix up to 3000 magic with a few casts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PK is the one you slot into Brown and Purple when Red, Yellow, Blue isn’t available

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