A Contemplation on Hero Races and Lackluster Sales

I differ from most people in this thread.

I don’t see why I would spend money on something that didn’t “enhance” or “improve” my game play.

I would be apt for a subscription of some sort, that gave me an advantage over other players, however I would not ever expect this game to do it as I know the reasons why and they would deem it P2W.

Without money there is no game, so technically Paying Players are always important, just how far does it go.

I would have bought the Deathknight Armor if it had been available when I first started, now I could care less about having the extra 50% soul bonus over the dragon armor. I am still 700k souls away from maxing my troops, however I have all the troops I care to play maxed and the others will slowly get there.

I would love a system where you grind to a Specific Card you want, or something to help fill the problematic Mythics for me. I have opened hundreds if not over a thousand VIP keys when Mythics are available and received NONE out of those chests. Then I open a few hundred Gem keys and get 1 Mythic. Since then, I’ve opened 1000’s of gem keys and not another Mythic. So RNG for me has been NASTY, while I see some level 100’s with multiple copies of multiple mythics and have not ever spent a $ on the game, and I have spent VIP 5.

I refuse to play the Lottery with luck trying to get the best cards always chasing the Carrot.


Good post.

Yeah there’s some areas where they went the random route that I don’t understand. If you spend $50 for something you should never have to guess what you’re going to get. Obviously there’s games that sell random packs or boxes, but those are much cheaper at $2-$5 a pop. $50 is in a total different ballpark, lol. That’s a whole lot of cashola.

It actually gives off a bad vibe. Like they think my $50 is “petty.” That’s not a good look.

Well that’s not fair to say. I can think of a lot of reasons why they would go this route, but none I agree with.


I BOUGHT my Khorvash. For $50 even. And never gave it a second though. After all, I knew up front I was not only getting a legendary, I was specifically getting Khorvash. To me, this is just good business.

On a similar note, if Path to Glory gave a chance at a mythic I don’t already have, I’d probably buy it too. But there’s no way i’m laying down $50 for a chance of getting something I already have.


Yeah none of us want to spend $50 to get @DonBoba’d.


It’s the cost of a full AAA game for 1 troop. Like huh? Even if it’s not random, i’m still not paying that, but random just rubs salt in the wound. Not to mention they’re missing out on money by doing this.


Seriously, I really do not understand this business decision. I have no doubt they would sell more of these packs if you were guaranteed a mythic you did not own. I know I would have bought it a couple of times at least.


I’m so happy that someone other than me makes this point!
I feel like I’m beating my head against a wall whenever I say it


Haha yeah that pricing is for one type of person, and one type of person only. The “whale” or someone who just has money to throw at the screen.

Path of glory makes more sense for $50. It comes with a lot of useful extras.

But if I ever did pay $50 for a troop, and they were to ever nerf that troop? Whew i’d be livid.


I kind of put that forward the other day. In the past year, I’ve pretty much played AC Unity, AC Syndicate, and GoW.

I’ve spent double on GoW what I spent on AC combined.


The legendary packs usually come with a bundle of other things, including 50 event keys. I got 1 copy of Khorvash from the pack and 3 more from the event keys. I was able to get 2 more with the resources I had saved (I was mid-game at the time) and got him to mythic the week he was released. To me, that was worth $50. I can totally understand why it wouldn’t be for others.


I’m glad that you were happy with your purchase. That’s all that matters. Only you can say what something is worth to you. I’m not saying the single troop rewards are bad, but they only lead to random things. The path to glory gives you stones which is at least something solid you know?

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I could have eventually gotten Khorvash without spending any money. By the same token, we could eventually get the stones in the Path to Glory pack without spending money.

It’s all about how much the expedite is worth to the individual. :wink:


that would basically remove base mythics (that u have 4x) from mythic loot pool plus mess some other drops, i dont see how is this alternative better in comparison to simply removing mythics (that u have 4x) from loot pool in the first place?

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Get damn draaks on, huh @ogunther?
Idc i havent got any draaks after the 5th copy for past 2 months, so i feel kinda lonely :frowning:


There is no chance in hell that I’m going to buy a cosmetic that doesn’t triple everything I get from that point forward.

And I wouldn’t pay more than $5 for it. I spent my “support tghe developer” money.

They have to earn anything more.