6.9.5 Hot Fix

That’s exactly the response we SHOULD be saying. Thank You!

Directed to other players…We shouldn’t expect anything less because then we ENABLE them to keep their standards of game management LOW. Fixing bugs is a given and implied expectation as a game developer company but we’ve ‘gotten so use to disappointment’ that some of us here in the forum (not you Icy) are giving “praise” & “applause” for this “FIX” as if it’s progress. They were SUPPOSED to fix or not create these bugs in the first place, without being told to do so. It isn’t a reward or an upgrade to fix such things. If we have to give praise for such things, then that’s really pathetic and sad. To come this far down the toilet bowl of expectations.

What is progress is… the decision makers actually listening to us players and actually implementing our suggestions in the best way possible to increase quality of play and enjoyment of the game, not the opposite or just keeping our heads above water. I think most can agree to that. We give them an inch of approval or praise for tiny insignificant stuff they should already be doing (after being told to do), and they’ll run a mile in not fixing much more important things in a timely manner. We need to raise the bar to where it was ages ago or more so, not keep/maintain it very LOW where it is currently. This should be common knowledge, but it isn’t, apparently.

I can’t believe I have to explain this to some players on here.


There is at least one change within the patch, that did not concern a bug: The new bonus reward for buying multiple flash offers.
Good thing, development knows how to set priorities…


There will always be additions to support a pay system, thats the only thing guaranteed to work. Keep in mind this is a business, not a game.

Surely this is just a random coincidence (hihi) that this offer first time appeared the same day this “hot fix” was announced.
Shameless and greedy.


Are you serious? Not any of the members of the team could come up with a simple solution to provide people that already finished the trials to purchase the missing copies? Really???

I’m trying to find nice words to say, but it’s impossible. Each failure is bigger than the previous, and each bug is more ridiculous. This is a slap on the players face really.

I have the 5 copies from finishing the epic trials. Send me a damn offer to purchase for 1000 gems the others. Surely you can see who has those 5 pets, no??? Remove the damn shrine offer and flash offer and offer us back that compensation for dealing with this bs.

Unbelievable… devs are juniors at best, no project manager, no real leadership. This shit is just too much.

But glad your other stupid offers are still there… thanks a lot. Let me go spend more money on this piece of crap.

It would have been better if this “fix” would have been damn delayed until you figure everything out. This is not a fix, it’s more shit thrown at us. Thank you for that! We appreciate it!


more greed! all they care is profits. They don’t care about fixing or making it right after a big mess up. But hey, but this $3 offer 10 times and i’ll give you 2 stupid deeds.

The fact they’re doing it while other issues are more urgent clearly shows how much they care about the player base. They only care about those that pay, knowing they’re just going to shut the hell up and pay more.


Finishing all five epic trials, in any kingdom, should have given you six copies of the related stary pet.

Semantics. 5-6, my bad, i need 31!!!


When is Switch getting the 6.9.5 hotfix?

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Good day,

@Jeto - when will we receive offers to purchase extra copies of previous two pets (Vulpacea - Starry Foxite pet, Khetar - Starry Shrynx) ?

Thank you.


99,9% you won’t receive an answer to this question from devs or mods because it would again display them in a bad light. They avoid that by simply ignoring stuff. If by the 0,1% chance someone with a minimal amount of “say” puts an answer out it will consist of vague information and most likely not be helpful/satisfying in terms of players expectations.
Please prove me wrong…

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We won’t. The Customer Experience Team likely considers the issue solved to the fullest satisfaction of all players, they won’t go near the topic again to avoid being proven wrong.


Yeah, we are very firmly into the same “let them shout angrily into the void” approach as was deployed after the Dungeon rework.


The update has hit Switch now.

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And what is new? @Stratelier

Offer is still 1 mil for the pet on switch. Maybe it will be fixed after weekly reset?


They won’t they gave us those 3 OoM’s for that which won’t help those that went through the struggle to see a 1m gem cost of a thing… which if they can change it to 1m why can’t they of just changed it in the first place… but eh well we got somewhat decent compensation.

Always expect the unexpected!

Seriously, I would not expect anything beyond what was officially mentioned… you should NEVER expect anything big from a “bugfix” tier update.

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Ah,ok. Good to know!