XBOX One Hero Class does not record any victories ever

I play Arena, PVP, quests and challenges, and yet I never see a victory for my Priest Class Hero. This has been the case ever since the update which introduced Hero Classes. Anyone have a suggestion for how I can reset this, or is there a bug fix on the way?

It might not be apparent but you must change your class to the one you want, Priest in this case. PS Arena doesn’t count. Select: Hero - Class - Priest - Change

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Also, if you have already changed your class as @Strat suggested, you may need to remove your hero from a team and re-recruit them. You don’t need to use the hero to collect victories, but I had to do the remove and recruit in order to start my victory counter. After I did that once, I could change class and everything worked fine.


Haven’t tried that…thank you!

Those tips from @strat and @stan are both great!

Give those a shot, and if they don’t work, let me know and we’ll investigate things more deeply.

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