Treasure Hunt high scores 1.0.9 (screenshots)

Beat old record by 3 moves…

Didn’t get completely stiffed on the (three) Vaults this time. One gave me gold though which was annoying. Last match had two Vaults give 6x Glory Keys each which was nice…


my new best, but I still don’t see what strategy could make it possible to reach the 1386 high score set by @Navyguy :frowning:


Yes! I encourage everyone to post their new personal bests! Still trying to beat my original actually…

In my view, this is so clearly either photo-shopped or hacked, sorry…

I don’t believe it is remotely possible to have gotten that many vaults onto the screen and still be able to be making moves…

I also don’t believe that one player has three times the highest score of anyone else…

If you can post a video of this genuinely being done, I will post a video of me cooking and eating a hat of your choice…

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I got 144 which improves my above best… but pressed the wrong keys and failed to get a screenshot :frowning:

In theory you can use the math formula to determine if this is real of fake because if it is fake the math would be off or we can just have a staff (probable) look through the data to see if it is real or fake. Also i want to know how long it took to get that many moves. I believe it is possible cause we have every variable to determine his score.

If it was done by hacking the results onto the end game screen then the score may be calculated correctly and the rewards correctly spun from all those vaults… so I don’t think that really helps.

You would have to hack the starting amount of turns for that to work and then you would still have to play that many turns due to the possible coding and searching for the lines of code. I might know computers but that would be improbable cause the people writing the code would have abused it by now (at least one). If it was a staff that posted it then of course i would be skeptical but a regular player who would need either a programming degree or a college math level of intelligence to pull this off.

Edit: I believe the score is real. I just mean, that for me, I don’t see myself coming anywhere close.

Exactly. I figured two things.

  1. It would take me less work and time to learn photoshop and fake it then to beat Navyguy’s Score.
  2. I wonder if he’s a tactical guy on a submarine. Cause who else is going to have time and tenacity to play through 1,300 treasure hunt moves.

I cracked 200 moves for the first time recently. The tips in these treasure hunt threads have really helped.

Also, having the final tally at the end helps me gauge how well I’ve done.

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If i could i would start a map at 1000 moves and play it for a few hours or a few days but i swear i will break that score cause this is not the first time someone has had an end screen with that many safes on it and the first time it happened was pre-1.8 so i know it is possible.

I currently think that it’s not a fake, but who knows…
On the other hand, I consider myself very skilled on this kind of heuristic-based games and my inability to reach a score near to his screenshot made me feel an urge to be able to test my heuristical assumptions.
I have recently started a simulation program project to be able to simulate lots of games following different heuristics. I will probably be able to test what kind of high-score is possible to reach following different playing styles. I will publish some results when I will complete it.


I think it’s real too. I meant, for me personally, I don’t see it happening.

That is what’s wrong all over the world. No trust. Automatic assumptions that whatever is not what it appears to be. There has to be something behind this. Some agenda. Some alterior motive.

It is just a game people.

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hacking and then posting it on official forums… it wouldn’t exactly be a chessmove as he puts it himself :slight_smile:

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no,but too many people taking someones word with blind faith may be :sunglasses:

This game is like every other game where if someone pulls ahead of everyone else, they are called a cheater. This is nothing new in video games and this is not the first time someone has had an end screen for treasure hunt that looked similar to that end screen. Though when the first guy who posted their end screen the score part was not implemented yet.

150 for me


Curse you (-2 to a random stat) @DEMONorANGEL… beat my best by 5…


@AnalSwordfish , this TH score calculation was truly impressive. I’ve been meaning to ask you, how does a mathematician even know where to start with this kind of derivation?

I recently watched Marcus du Sautoy’s BBC documentary on “The Story of Maths” (and how it evolved) and even studied 3 years of quantum physics in school, but the ability to reverse engineer a function by observing its behaviour has always been something of a mysterious back box.

For Treasure Hunt, was it sheer pattern recognition that you knew the solution had to be a generative Fibonacci power series? I don’t know anything about that. How did you know that the weighting for each type of loot would be linear?

Regarding those who think Navyguy’s score of 1386 had to be fake, I’d love to analyze the elements of the 19-vault image that he provided here, to reassure skeptics that his near-endgame score must indeed have been above 1000. But I’m afraid that I don’t know enough to unroll the summation, as you put it, to pump out the correct scoring result.