PC/Mobile 3.0.5 Patch Notes

Well thats your opinion brudda and you’re welcome to it but i respectfully disagree


I agree that on paper some of those changes are good. But the implementation is awful and there’s little to discuss about it. So many bug and issue, the game runs worse. And worst of all, they didn’t even tried to test the patch before releasing it.

The game runs pretty smoothly on my PC, we must have quite differently experiences then, but that is okay.
In fact the game has never run as smoothly as it does now, here.

They had beta testers brudda so what do you mean?

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This patch has some many issue that it’s hard to count them all. Most of them can be found in few minutes within the game. Are you trying to say they tested it and missed all those issues. It’s more likely they skipped the test entirely.

There were assigned beta testers, long term members of the community. On the forum they even had a little “B” assigned to them :stuck_out_tongue:

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In our defense, there were about 5 of us, which is a fairly narrow net. Some of the more common grievances, such as the chat window size and the filters list, were raised as part of testing. I don’t recall anyone having severe technical issues with performance or crashes.


So the patch was tested and released in this state. Even worse.

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General belly aching might make you feel good, but constructive criticism is useful. There is a tread devoted to ’ 3.05 issues’ and its available to everyone! If you see so many issues you can’t count them, start reporting them, they have a greater chance to be fixed if you actually report problems it as opposed to keep them secret.

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Let’s talk about Orc then.
Have you guys tried anything?

They maybe made the base orc too good in the synergistic aspect of his transform ability plus enraged, cyclops is a cheap and potent direct damage, and garnok is quite able to continually loop himself if his summon doesn’t require red.

Wulfgarok has some new friends but their still not really plausible outside event specific weeks or special circumstances in GW. His spell ability is still too low and doesn’t synergize well in most teams as well his third trait really has little uniqueness or feasibility for the investment vs the new GW reward troops.

Days ago. Not console but I but the girl with 50% ignore armor at the top with my red Guild Orc and Gar’Nock. Plus one more? She was hitting for like 45 True damage when it activated.

“Heal” filter should include “give Life” spells

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Yeah, it think Gar’Nok is ok, and the 1 damage does work with the other orcs traits. Also work with a Humility in the team.
Kruarg is slowly getting there. Impervious and a small chance to devour? Sure.
But the necessity for red gems to summon will always keep him weak. Let’s face it, Krystenax damages all troops (not just 2) and always summons, and affects the boards. So ya, help Kruarg a tiny bit more.

Gona have to try-out the Armored Boar. That is some good dmg to mana ration there.
I can see Cyclops work with the Dark Priestess. Maybe.

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I agree help kuarg but what will happen? Krys will get nerfed into the dumpster

Please revert this troop filter, it’s utter garbage!


I generally agree and I have already posted some of them. But with the state the game is now, as there is no improvement at all, it’s easier to ditch the patch entirely and rollback to the previous build without unity. One thing is helping fixing some issue, another is redoing analysis on the game and tell people how to do their job, which I don’t want to. Expecially when the patch wasn’t even tested properly and thoughtlessly released creating issue to many players.

I have a pretty beefy computer (32 gig ram, 24 gig video, 3.4 GHz proc) so I tossed it at max graphics “Mythic” and was working fine. However, I just tried setting it to lowest graphics “common” to see what the difference was… and suddenly everything lagged. Longer to start battles, slower animations, less responsive to click (having to click the cast button twice). Pumped it back to “Ultra-Rare” and everything is smooth as silk.

Not sure what is up with “common” graphic level, but you might want to avoid it.


Noticed that too. I posted it in the issue thread.

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That’s odd, I put it to Common to theoretically improve the speed, and it seemed to work for me. I’ll have to test the lot of them now.

(Thanks, more work… :P)