My very first match against Deathknight class

You’re assuming that you can change your defense team on the fly. We know that GW has it’s own defense team selection. It’s entirely possible that you can’t just change it whenever you want.

You’re right. It is another unknown. But, my point still stands that no scooting only brings more randomness into GW not more strategy.


No scouting is more randomness because you can’t plan,

  1. Its removing a element that some players paid for (VIP 3)
  2. In general there is one thread per week or more that randomness is bad (AI, devour, gem drops, chests opening, etc)
  3. Shenanigans WILL ensue, guilds logging defenses for others, plays changing teams mid day, etc. (getting around the “challenge”)
  4. The goal seems to be people are trying to get “harder matches”

Possible Solution:
In Guild Wars (and PvP) you should gain more points (and rewards) if you Invade with less troops. If your Invasion team is 3 Troops you would get a multiplier, if 2 troops it would be even higher still.

This adds to the risk and difficulty without removing elements of the game, rewards players that want a challenge BY CHOICE. It would only will effect those players that choose to try their luck with 2 troops.


you wont be able to do that for guild wars

all guildwar defenses are set and locked at monday as far as i know

well… i may be wrong since there was no official statement that they will be locked but thats only logical providing we have whole day just to set them up

imagine all the issues with point calculations if defenses arent locked

and how about the bug that boots you off a fnished fight with no rewards if the enemy changed defense team before you finished?

i disagree with 1 2 and 3

1 - you are assuming they pre-paid for all non-existing game modes that arent released yet including guild wars, that doesnt necesarely is the case
2 - no scouting is no randomness since u can share info with other members, its just harder to reach the info
3 - the shenaigans may not be present if the defense teams are locked which i think they will be

sounds valid and cool, but i think long shot it could be boring (in practice forcing to bring a summoner with - consicdering we get higher score for amount of troops by the end of fight)
id still give it a try

All GW defence troops are set and locked on Monday?

I must have missed that cause I don’t remember reading it anywhere. Link?

It is random. There will be many soldiers and vanguards. Player A in your guild could play against soldier A while Player B comes up against a different soldier. So, members sharing info about their fights will only go so far and will have a backfire chance. So, at the end of the day, it will take away the incentive to use strategy and tilt GW towards faceroll offenses.


sure strategy against the soldiers

actually in that case i think it is fine to open scouting for lower rank enemies, just not the two last ranks? :slight_smile:
brb ill look for the quotes @Draprion asked

cant find the other quote that was ‘suggesting’ there is ‘somethig else to do’ at monday, however i found this - which i forgot about, that actually worries me:

depends when is considered the guild wars to start (monday i hope?) if it is tuesday it means we cant even preset our defenses as they would be defaulted,
hopefully it “starts” monday?
edit: nvm it will only default them once at guild war release, a relief, i should read more carefully

i did say i may be wrong :slight_smile:

ill keep looking for a while longer for that other quote but all it was only a suggestion which could mean anything

i still believe locking them would be best and most logical solution to optimise points earned during the fight (especially if the points anyhow depends on enemy defense team score)

This is the whole reason they went for color bonuses.

People are going to have to decide if they want easy matches for less points or somewhat harder matches for more points.

I’ve tested hundreds of combinations and have yet to find a “faceroll” team with 4 of the same color (although some are close).

In fact, the fact that they all block one mana color may prevent there from ever being a Swiss Army Knife team made up of all 4 colors.


It was hinted at but never confirmed. All we know is the stuff that @Annaerith has linked.

What we do know for sure is that GW has it’s own defense selection interface and it’s only tied into the standard PVP defense at the start of each war.

i think only at the start of first guild war ever, not the following ones, if you read the quote more carefully

but still its open for interpretation i guess

100% None sense. And an awful business decision.

So what if they said no Legendary $30 (Growth I) or Mythic $50 (Growth II) troops would be allow in any new game modes, but you can still enjoy them as much as you like in all the old ones. Or: your VIP bonuses ONLY apply to old modes and nothing we introduce from now on.

PS #3 Shenanigans are a constant threat, I’m surprised you don’t think so.

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Then what would be the point in disabling scouting in the first place? To make it more annoying for less talkative or involved guilds? These are already at a disadvantage to begin with, no need to increase that.
I definitely have to side with the pro scouting faction here, i don’t need the whole process to be made arbitrarily more awkward and inconvenient.


The biggest issue with this and many other of the frequently-discussed topics here. :+1:

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@Gouki I like how you replaced the word random for arbitrary! :thumbsup:

I’d rather lose a few points and go with a safe Justice/Mab team than risk losing a whole battle and a lot more points.

Guild chat is always losing lines. There have been a few times I have written 3 or 4 lines in chat and one of them disappears.

I’ve said this several times. Winning should always be paramount. Hopefully the point system works out.

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It was. But now with Mythic is quite easy to have 5 or 6 colors in your team.
The main difficulty with mono color team is that you cannot use well-known OP teams.

Devs tuned GW for 2 weeks and so now we don’t know what change or not. Moreover, some details were untold (points for color troops)… It’s quite incredible that we have to to create 6 teams without knowing if the bonus points worth the risk…

I like scouting and hope it stays for GW.