Has anyone farmed for Traitstones recently for an extended period on the Xbox after this latest patch? Last week I had a low drop rate in Khetar, where I had to do hundreds of Explores for 3 Arcane stones. Today I just needed 1 Forrest Arcane to Trait “Ketras the Bull”. I stopped after 100 and still not a single Arcane. https://s22.postimg.org/tdgxqtcr5/WIN_20170608_16_00_30_Pro.jpg
As you know, I’m on PS4 not X1, but after our conversation last week, I have been keeping a closer eye on things. I picked up 4 arcanes in Khetar in about 35 explores yesterday, so a very good run. Probably just bad luck for you. Just 4 more to get Abby her 3rd trait.
I would normally agree. But why would Runic and Celestial also be dropping at a lower rate than normal? For the next 100 I keep extra detail records for my self.
I don’t know, but on a cosmic scale, you’ve still got a relatively small sample size there. For what it’s worth, I’ll start keeping detailed numbers myself when I’m grinding explores. Should be quite a bit this weekend.
That’s a very low sample and only about double the rate so not unreasonable at all. On the X1 last week it must have been 3 stones for 350+ explores or more
Also ps4 here. I’ve had ebb and flow scenarios when I’ve tried farming. Managed to get a run of bloods and darks (12 total) in < 100 matches. But now that I need skulls and spirit, I’ve pulled 3 in about 200 matches (all spirit, no skulls). Still get runics fairly common and even hit a celestial. Best I can say is keep at it, though I know that’s not that useful. Just sharing my own experiences.
Hey @Strat, I had to do some hard farming as I need 16 Arcane Spirits. So I packed some bombs and set out to mine Khetar until it’s a wasteland.
My results ran both ends of the gamut. I got 6 Spirits inside of 50 games. After that things dried up somewhat. Found 2 more (and a Celestial) over the next 150 games after that. Again a small sample but need 8 more so I can let you know how that goes too.
Edit: Hmm, just noticed in both cases I was averaging 6 per 50 and then 1 per 50ish. Wouldn’t mind if it holds up for the next batch.
I carefully tracked 41 explores today across two kingdoms. Picked up 3 Arcanes, 0 celestials, 6 runics, 10 majors, 22 minors. Seems perfectly normal to me.
I think your results were almost perfectly in line with expectation. As far as I can tell, the best estimate of expected distribution from large samples collected by players is:
Minor 49%, Major 24%, Runic 18%, Arcane 6%, Celestial 3% (with minor, major and runic a coin toss to determine color after the rarity is selected).
It still seems to me that all the PS4 players posting above are getting normal Explore results. And its only the XBOX ONE players that are getting ~2% (1:50) Arcane drops same rate.
I really wanted to see if anyone on the XBOX ONE had done a few hundred of Explores recently and was getting the around 9% Runic, 2% Arcane in Explore.
I know that hundreds are a small sample but buy combining ALL three “higher” Traitstones together and with multiple players a bug might be able to be shown.
Q. What are the odds of multiple XBOX ONE players getting 9% Runic 2% Arcane 1% Celestial, the exact same drop rate as non-explore?