Guild Wars - Sneak Peek II

I do prefer all the rewards be given in one package in the end of the week, than minor rewards throughout the week. Some might prefer the minor rewards throughout the week, but this is not any biggie, as the reward total should be the same. I do be surprised if this is game breaking to anyone…


Yeah what everyone else is saying. The daily battles are still important because you’re still working toward the same rewards. So however you choose to approach it, it still measures the same.

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Weird. This post keeps indicating there are unread messages. :thinking:

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Yes I agree with your deleted post: a feature (guild leaderboard for example) in this game is not only a question of rewards. That’s why I said removing the rewards don’t solve the issue of the “unfair” (if you consider like it) competition where some players cannot participate in the Guild versus Guild (aka the Daily Battle) because of life or whatever and because the available window of one day is too small.

You win against <put_a_guildname_here> Guild? No meaning, maybe they just don’t care about this fight and so didn’t play it during the corresponding day… but they could be better than you in the end.

Well to me it’s more like this…

When you are required to play daily or else lose the rewards, it means nothing. People can’t always get on daily and shouldn’t have to. But when you are given a full week to play, you have no excuses. You can’t complain that you didn’t get a chance to go for the rewards. So in that respect it’s fair.

Competition is only good when all parties are equally met. As the saying goes, fight me at your best not your worst. So just because you win a single day while i’m at work, does not mean you’re the “best.” But if your guild wins overall for the entire week, then that says something. You deserve those bragging rights. So I think it’s fair that the rewards are given out based on the week, not just a single day. Much like a war. You don’t win a war in a single day, it’s a series of days.

I’m using the term “best” lightly because the game is all about expendable time. And time is the only equal measurement we can have.

And I think you are missing that it’s measured throughout the entire week. Nothing has changed except the rewarding. People tend to not care about losing a few battles daily, when they aren’t going to lose any rewards daily. I.E defensive/offensive losses now in pvp. In war you can afford to lose a few battles, and still come back to win.


Did you miss this point?

Daily battles will still be decided every day.

In fact, it’s the only point that I don’t like: daily winner. Remove all the daily things and I will be okay. Rename Daily Battles by Color or Guild Battles whose the winner is determined at the end of the week (and not at the end of the day) and it will be perfect.

No that’s exactly the point i’m speaking to. Losing daily battles now technically doesn’t really matter, you can still win the “war.”

Most people don’t care about those bragging rights. Oh you beat me today, but didn’t get any rewards for it? Congrats.

Much like most people don’t really care who gets #1 on the leaderboard, unless you are a competitive person. I don’t feel bad by not getting #1 each week in pvp, do you? The reason being because i’m not going for it. If I choose to go for it, then yeah it’s a competition. May the best person win.

And the key word there is choice. I should have choice to go for something, not be forced or persuaded to.

In reality the main issue people had was it put an unfair penalty on your guild because you might not be able to get on daily. A rewards penalty. We all pretty much said the system as a whole was fair.

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I am not a high competitive guy but I thought that it could be nice to have a fair (with a week not only one day) fight Guild versus Guild.

You said it yourself: with this solution, we don’t care about winning versus a specific guild because there is no reward. But yesterday it wasn’t the case. Devs removed the enjoyement to win against a guild when they removed the rewards.

There is no choice because it’s not a personal competition, it’s a 30-players competition. You want to win every battle but your guildmates don’t care: are you going to move to another guild?

They didn’t remove the rewards. The rewards are now given out for the week as a whole not just one day. The competition is still there for those that care about it.

Yes you might if you’re that competitive. Or you still might go to another guild if the rewards are that good and 1 guild in particular keeps winning every week. It provides great advertisement for guilds. But guilds still only have 30 slots so they can only take in so many people. Also this is the way the game works now, so I wasn’t expecting it to be any different. Though sure they could have designed it a completely different way, but the end result will still be the same. 1 guild has to win every week, and whoever that guild is deserves it. (as long as no cheating or exploiting) So they deserve the bragging rights.

BTW I didn’t know the forum had a warning system for sending too many responses to a single person. :laughing: It’s telling me I need to talk to other people. Sorry @turintuor It’s not you it’s me, and I need to see other people.

They will remove the daily rewards which become a weekly reward: you will not receive a reward for your performance versus one guild but for your whole performance versus the 6 guilds.

I also received the same message but… nobody aside us comment.

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Yeah I know all of that. So you want them to give both daily rewards and weekly rewards? Sorry i’m doing my best to understand you, but now I think I don’t know…

Points for the Daily Guild Battle will stop to be counted after the end of the corresponding day (but not for the Weekly War but I don’t want changes in this one).
I just want that they remove this restriction and the notion of “Daily” so every points in the week count for each Guild Battle. At the end of the week, you win rewards for your weekly points and for each victory of your 6 Guild Battle. That’s all.

I think @turintuor fear that the Guild War rewards will be lower now when Guilds is getting the weekly reward instead of daily rewards. Like winning all 7 battles a week with getting daily rewards would have had a bigger payout, than losing 3 and winning 4 days in GW and get the rewards in the total rewards. With the new weekly reward any loses doesnt matter as long as the guild has more wins than loses it will get the best reward possible in the end of the week. I am also confused what he means. I do not think we will ever know what the rewards was meant to be for the daily reward system compared to the weekly reward system when it comes to GW, so I do not want to speculate anything.

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I do also believe that the new system will benefit most guilds. I am 100% for that.

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No. It seems difficult to speculate on the amount of rewards for the daily battles or the weekly war… And Sirrian never talked about what we can win. Maybe the best will be 10 Glory keys… So no, I don’t talk about my personal beneficts and I never talked about the amount of rewards…

I just said that by removing the rewards of the Daily Battles, they lost all their value and nobody will care about this feature, players will focus on only the weekly results. Like Casual mode.

Sorry disregard.

What they did is take the importance away from the days, and made how many wins you get the important focus. More wins=more rewards. Which is the way it should be imo.

And you’re saying you just want them to remove the daily feature completely. Which is fair, but it’s still a nice feature for people to experience.

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Well, that is great, so Guilds can actually have the option to focus only on the weekly results, if they like to.
Other guilds still have the option to try win every GW. This new system is better because it gives Guilds more options, as well as freedom. I struggle to understand you.


Daily wins should still give at least something, or they would be completely pointless.


They are not pointless as your guild needs at least 4 out of 7 wins to get the best weekly reward for GW.

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Where did this information come from?

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