Can we please nerf Courage’s 3rd trait downward, or boost all other on skull bonuses upwards?
Here is a comparison of troops that also have on skull stat gains compared to Courage:
+12 Attack and HP gain for Team, 24 total stat gain
Applies regardless of slot
Great Maw:
+2 to all stats on self, 8 total gain, doesn’t use the +2 magic, so 6 total gain
Applies regardless of slot
+8 HP gain to self
MUST be current 1st slot
Warlord Class:
+3 Attack gain to self
MUST be current 1st slot
Even if Courage was the ONLY troop left on a team, his ability STILL out values most other options. Any instance where 2 or more troops are on a team, he will ALWAYS out value all other options.
You should consider the stat ratio: 1 Attack = 1 Magic = 2 Hp = 2 Armor
It will show how Courage is great/OP? compared to others (36 stat points compared to 8 or 6 for Warlord).
Agree, Courage’s buff numbers make no sense compared to Loyalty given that its much easier to match a large number of skulls than it is to cast a large number of spells.
I have previously stated otherwise but I take back that statement
On a non related sidenote. Why the hell is Great Maws trait, a legendary objectively staight up better than Ketras’, a mythic? They are both triggered by three matches of one gem colour, but Ketras’ trait won’t buff Ketras magic, what’s up with that?
Simply buffing all stats like Great Maws trait does would be a very very subtle increase to Ketras spell, one he could use.
Debatable whether Maw is better… the +2 Magic is irrelevant as Maw doesn’t use that stat, so the traits give the same benefit, and Ketras is gaining spell damage from all those stats as well… also red gems probably match more often than skulls in general…
However I agree Ketras should get the +2 Magic in there too, as a Mythic his trait should be strictly better…
Agree on Ketras’ trait, even though his spell ratio got buffed to being useful since release.
As for Courage… jesus, I don’t know how this is still a thing. Its gotta go down. I’d be happy with +2/+2 or +2/+1 or +1/+2. As it stands, there isn’t another Guild Guardian being used nearly as much, let alone two or three on a team. Justice is probably the closest.
Even with the Bone Dragon nerfs. The thing is pretty much just as dangerous as before as far as Courage + BD teams are concerned, just a bit slower with the higher mana cost.
That’s something I was wondering about, actually. Before, BD would cause one big 25-skull blob. Now it might cause multiple 3-skull matches. So Courage would trigger once before, but three times now, right?
Pretty sure Courage was triggering multiple times before, too, because of errors deep in the code. Same with the Archer and Assassin insta-kill proc rolls.
BoneDragon cast plus double Courage meant an easy +60 to Life and Attack.
Courage was triggering multiple times depending on the skull patterns. The only nerfs I see are an increase in BD’s mana cost (making it significantly harder to charge in two turns), the target retaining more armor, and the rare chance that the skulls don’t get an extra turn. The amount of Courage procs seems the same.
This type of troop Power comparison is exactly what I do all the time for my personal teams (usual cost to power but still)! “Nicely written out, as opposed to ‘Nerf’ Courage because its OP”
I thought the same thing after reading the OP. I’m generally pretty anti-nerf. I’ve rolled my eyes and speedily scrolled by plenty of whinging nerf xyz troop thread filled with incoherent vague rants. It’s nice to see someone post a coherent and well-thought out post that actually shows why a troop is out of balance.