Console 3.0.5 Known Issues

I realize you’re just the message deliverer, but please take another look at this. This disparity in troops affects literally EVERYBODY. If these troops eventually go into Guild chests, as has been teased, everybody will be suffering the consequences because we all have a shortage of Myzmer and Troglodyte and a surplus of the other troops, meaning we will be at the mercy of the slowest-gathering troop (almost certainly Myzmer or Troglodyte). Players are already a little annoyed at the “must have each troop 4x mythic” rule, even when the variations in troop numbers are due strictly to RNG. To have developer interference play such a significant role will add a whole 'nother layer of hostility.

We did not ask for Guild Wars to be canceled for two weeks, we could not anticipate that we would be impacted this way, and we notified you as soon as possible when it was realized that troops were skipped. Fixing this relatively small problem now will eradicate foreseeable future complaints. As console players, we’ve come to realize that there are many things that aren’t fixable without a full-fledged update. This is one of the few that (seemingly) is, so please take advantage of that and adjust the GW troop rotation accordingly.

I beg of you, PLEASE make this right!

@Alpheon @Sirrian @Nimhain


My boar rider does a flat 35 damage. However when taking out a row with skulls in it nothing is added to the 35 damage. None of the other troops similar do this. Skulls add one point each as far as I know.

It’s because he removes a row and doesn’t destroy it

Lol, I see! Level 1125 and still learning stuff. Hahaha, cheers mate.

Xbone Today i got another win counted as a lost in GW please fix this as soon as possible @Alpheon you the man :slight_smile:

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There is a video of the bug, win count for 0 points and a lost (xbox one)

@Alpheon @GoldPhoenix0 @Saltypatra @Nimhain @Sirrian @Andrew


The “good news” is this is effecting ever single Guild so your not being singled out. Plus, I think one of our guys is the largest victim. We had a guy go 5-0, on daily color, with 1 troops lost for the day: result 0-5 giving 0 points for the entire day.

I agree with you its incredibly frustrating. The patch should be here “soon”, so hopefully they looked at this multi platform problem even though its still not on the list above of know issues and resolved it.

Just to check, are there PS4 players getting this GW bug? (it’s been added to the OP as well)

Also @Rickygervais and @Strat just to check, do you guys happen to play at reset? Could this be a possible cause? (yes it’s a PC specific thing, but they’re getting the bug as well so figured I’d at least check)


  1. I personally NEVER EVER play GW immediately after rest, after it happened to me a month ago (5 weeks ago?). I’ve been fine since.
  2. Please see my comment directly under the link you quoted #21.
    Won all 5 GW battles, all 5 counted as loss - #21 by Strat
  3. Also I “fixed” it by purposely loosing a battle.

EDIT: I’m pretty sure you know but for anyone else I play 99% on the X1. That’s were I had the issue, as has my Guild mates.

EDIT 2: In general I also “hard close” Gems on the X1. I do this every single day to get full credit for everything, and more importantly to refresh my daily tasks (I don’t know if it helps the problem were discussing or not)

Yes it happens on PS4 too. Hit me twice personally.


Why does famine kill my troops when casting his spell if they’re barriered?
I thought initially it was because his jinx trait had triggered on the first troop and knocked out the barrier, but it’s just killed as barriered elemaugrim with over a hundred hp.

Sorry for the issue dude. But thank you for capturing it!!!

Just happened to one of mine just now. The closeness of the scores means this is a crucial bug that needs sorting out ASAP. However it’s been happening since guild wars started a couple months or so back.


Xbox one. The weekly event troop got 25% boost instead of 10% please fix it as soon as possible

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Bumping for @Saltypatra @Alpheon @GoldPhoenix0

That will be changed soon. Thanks for letting us know!

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Ty @GoldPhoenix0 i knew i could count on you :slight_smile: