A New Mythic Approaches - Death

Yeah you’re right I am getting off topic, my apologies. Last thing i’ll say is there are articles out there of what they have in mind for season 2 and it sounds pretty great. If you finished the show though, in the last episode they left a hint for what’s coming next.

aye, OT, but not confirmed by Netflix no, but they only greenlit/paid for one season. And ofcourse now everyone wants it, on condition that the Duffers want it, which they do clearly :slight_smile:

I got him and now have all 4, still need Death’s last trait to have all 4 fully traited.

I went through all glory, then went through all gems and nothing… bought (USD) enough gems to open 50 VIP chests and he dropped. Not sure why, or if it’s by design, but all four of my ‘initial’ drops of each Mythic have come from 50-lot VIP chests. After getting initial drops, I’ve had random +1 plague and +1 war while opening glory chests on occasion. As I approach lv 500, all gems are saved now for 50 VIP chest lots only.

I tried 4-horseman together and on offense, was underwhelming to me. It took a long time, didn’t feel overly powerful and getting it all charged was miserably slow… in fact, last two were never even used other than tick damage.

The colors I’ve found are really kind of… well, forced? It seems you have to play them as War, Death, Plague and Famine to get each troop to have a color. 3x blue out of the 4 cards though… hmm? That seems like a bad idea for a group of 4 that thematically, should all work together. Blue Green banner gets you a banner to help all 4 cards - not sure if that’s really ‘ideal’ though. Perhaps by design, you run the team in order of attack.

The team has no charger… so, you wait for plague / famine / Death tick damage and watch War gain in attack as you wait for things to charge up. It’s fairly anti-climatic playstyle to me… sadly, because I really like the idea of this team!!

There are some big spells, but honestly the spells you feel like you want to cast are Famine (last spot)… and War his helpful, but not as desirable. Plague and Death both eat away at the opponent, but the RNG nature of it makes both of them feel less desirable. I was really hoping Death would feel… well, deadly but there’s a number of cards in the game that feel far more ‘deadly’ to me.

I wonder how others feel, and if Plague and Death both get a look again… perhpas the mana colors are on the table too. Don’t know, but the 4 of them… well, it ‘seems’ like they should feel better and have more synergy to at least be on par with top teams? Don’t know… maybe its just a theme, and that’s all there is too it.

PS - The artwork is pretty good… well, Death’s staff top looks like a cross between magnifying glass and wind catcher - which is a bit laughable… but the rest of them are just stellar.

Overall, fun group.


You guys are tooo freaking weird lol.
Just discovered STRANGER THINGS last night waiting for Death to come out .
Juzt weird :wink:


That 3rd trait would go great with Crimson Bat in first slot, since you know that the lead troop will always be injured.


I finally got Death after opening 4,600 glory keys. Lord knows when I will get all the arcanes to trait him. :stuck_out_tongue:


From my perspective, the devs have released another weak at the start mythic, this is obvious as this gives them buffing room. He has low health at max level (probably to offset his pre nerf spell but with that boost gone his health is way too low for no reason as he will get one shot by most true shot troops, this means his health will lose out to non mythics easily such as crimson bat. Either his spell needs a buff or his health does, his third trait seems weak as 2 health is really poor and will not keep a unit alive very well. If the third trait stole 2 health from all enemies then it would be worth the title of death. He would gain 8 each turn and the enemies would still lose 2 but the enemies are facing death so it has to be hard to take him out.


Honesty all this mythic talk makes me sad because I don’t think I’ll ever have the good ones :stuck_out_tongue:
I have war, which I pulled out of a glory chest randomly and he’s really not that good in my opinion. Doesn’t fit my teams or style.

Blew through 150 gem chests and 1000ish glory keys. You look at the store and the amount of USD it would take to get that many gems keys is $100… So if I had spent 100$ every time a mythic came out I still wouldn’t have any mythics and would have spent 300$ (I’m excluding war. I never wanted him and didn’t save up any materials for him)… All I’m saying is that for $100 I think you should be able to have a mythic card lol

First I get it, I wanted them all too and a system which seems to be based purely on RNG and weighted toward those willing to spend to get VIP, save up gems and spend all at once is very frustrating if it doesn’t pan out. Leaves you feeling defeated.

This is why I wish they would implement a Hearthstone-esq, dust equivalent system. A number of very successful titles allow you to worst case, buy / farm a ton of some kind of resource and just craft a card, even if you have to open / find a number of other resources before you can break them down and craft what you need. In the end, vendor comes out ahead.

So, heart goes out to you - I get it.

That said, in my opinion, Famine and War are the most usable at present. If you don’t like War, you very well may not like any of them. Have you considered which of the Mythics you feel would be more to your liking and playstyle? How about how would that new Mythic change up what you are commonly playing now? I only mention it as you said War you have, and it doesn’t fit your playstyle, but you would like the others. Perhaps in the end, based on your playstyle, you really aren’t missing much. Just a thought.

Plague, though interesting, his abilities are far too slow to really take hold in a game. He has Impervious, so could be used as a 4th on all Impervious team, when you run into the Maw/Mab heavy team… but needed? No… not even close. I even tried him in a dual behemoth, plague, star gazer build and though it worked, terribly slow game on offense. Especially when PvP is time to kill for progress based system.

Death, has an RNG chance of having an effect… he has necromancy… and his damage is scattered and not true damage at all which I hoped for… but honestly, scattered damage against armor + rng chance to kill… or just dissapate while ever so slowly ticking away at enemy health to first troop only even is about as mediocre as it can get.

In a game like this, where you can cycle and control to a degree a number of 4-gem matches, those those traits that can be triggered multiple times in a turn tend to be preferred compared to a trait that only 'does something, to a single stat, to the top troop, and only per turn. In a game where speed is the key and cycling is fun and fast rapid killing is incentivized… I don’t want a 20-turn game necessary for any of these ‘slowly over time’ tick debuff/damage effects.

I’d rather gain health every time I cycle on my turn… freeze potentially the entire enemy team by cycling multiple times on my turn… entangle the enemy team… gaining more attack when I hit on skull damage… stun the whole enemy team… etc… These "on 4+ gem match abilities* just so far outshine any couple point stat reductions, there’s almost no comparison.

For me, from a spell perspective Famine and War have it… and probably in that order… and only really as a novelty item. At least Famine can say - you die now AND drains the enemy team magic. That’s useful and requires you to heavily build around it charging all that mana to be workable in end game type of play. He can give you control. That helps you win when you need to…

War to a lessor degree, also does big damage and burns everything causing constant tick damage AND he gets bigger. So, he too is actually useful, but has a huge mana requirement and again, needs a mana charger to be effective.

So, unless there’s a build or team that you see Plague / Death being just so… and you don’t like War that you have… I guess you are down to - does Famine work for you in your playstyle? See above questions. Unless they keep tuning and tweaking this group of Mythics, I wouldn’t be too down that you haven’t gotten the others. In my opinion, you have one of the two best of the 4 of them already, and none of them are so good that they would put ANY of the following in the backseat… If you have cards like Maw, Valk, Mab, Infernal King, Mercy, Sheggra, Rowanne, Emperor Khorvash, Soothsayer… etc… the collector in you might want the Mythics - and I’m right there with you… but as they stand, they honestly kinda pale in comparison - which is sad.

Its a bit anti-climatic in the end. The 4 horseman of the apocalypse came as the prophets warned… but with them they brought, not much. Some fire and tick damage while they sat and rode in circles collecting mana… and, they made scary noises and faces… but in the end, they got frozen, ate, stuned, drained and critically wrecked almost to the man… and though Plague stood his ground as his bretheren fell, his armor was nothing as he got true-damaged to death in a near instant. Present and long time rulers of the land, continued to reign, laughing and pointing at the failing horsemen… Prophets and doomsayers sat in the corner drooling and drawing spit bubbles as the Apocalypse really wasn’t all it was cracked up to be… LOL


or mythic
[mith-i-kuh l or mith-ik]

Word Origin

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.
dealt with in myth, as a prehistoric period.
dealing with myths, as writing.
existing only in myth, as a person.
without foundation in fact; imaginary; fictitious:

If it truly is Mythic it should be hard to obtain .

Sorry for not replying sooner, I didn’t have time when I first saw your response and didn’t want to leave a simple response since you took the time out of your day to answer me.

The first thing I want to reiterate is that this game, as much as I love it and really like the developers, is NOT worth spending money on. It just simply isn’t. And that is, as you pointed out, because you can buy hundreds of dollars and STILL not get what you are looking for. That leaves the player feeling regretful (especially if that player is impulsive or has an addictive personality…since this is essentially like gambling) about their purchase and can turn people off from the game.

To put it into perspective, you can easily get 1,500 gems in an active guild every 1-2 weeks. For 1,700ish, in the store, you have to spend $100. By spending $100 dollars you can save 1-2 weeks of your time… now, if you think about everything else I can do with that $100…such as pay off my monthly phone bill, or buy MULTIPLE FULL games (indie = $10-25 per game… AAA title = $50-60) you get a LOT more out of it…especially considering that this is FULL RNG. In other words, that $100 you just spent does not guarantee you that mythic that you really want. You aren’t getting a full game for that $100 you are spending to save TWO WEEKS of time. So that promotes spending MORE money to get the thing you didn’t get out of your first hundred dollars…and it’s a vicious money sink that is never worth the money you put in.

All I’m trying to say there is that free to play game markets (this game is no better when it comes to pricing) is INSANE. Absolutely insane. I can’t believe people actually throw away their money like that… but, again, it’s addictive to gamble…and this is essentially gambling. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I foresee it getting a lot worse…until people stop feeding into it. So, essentially, I’m just ranting. I would love to support the developers, and I have bought a few bundles…but there’s no way in heck I’m spending more than $60 for an entirely RNG based free-to-play game which is designed to suck the money out of you.

Admittedly, this game is a lot less money-sucky, which is why I like this game so much. It takes a lot of time, by design, but you feel like if you spend enough time you can get everything you want. The introduction of Mythics has negated that for me a bit, which is why I’ve been feeling disheartened. As it is now (I’m assuming it’s always up for change), you essentially have one week-ish to have your best shot at targeting the mythic you want. Mythics are extremely rare, so they take a lot of resources to find. You only get those resources by spending a lot of money or by being in a very top guild (or an active guild, where you get lucky with RNG, but I’m specifically pointing out top guilds because they have the best chances because they have the most resources). Also, they have the highest liklihood of dropping from VIP chests (which need to be worth it, of course)…but to get VIP chests you have to spend a lot of money to get there. No big deal if you are playing this game for a long time and you throw money in every now and then and you build up your VIP over years…but think about anyone who hasn’t been playing long…that initial sum of money to jump to that VIP level to only then be able to buy hundreds of dollars worth of gems to sink into VIP chests…okay I think you get my point by now.

I certainly do not object to developers making money. I really enjoy this game and want them to have all the money in the world. But, as a consumer, I also want to feel like my money was well spent. And, simply speaking, spending hundreds of dollars to get a mythic…is not worth it. I could spent that same money on something that will give me a lot more fulfillment and enjoyment. So, personally (I can only speak for myself) I won’t be doing that. I’ll never spend money on gems. If they ever want to introduce new cheap bundles that are worthwhile, then by all means I’ll scoop that up…but I’m not falling into that gambling trap.

I apologize for that major rant about money…it just always frustrates me whenever I think about the F2P market and how unfair it is, so I let it carry me away sometimes :slight_smile:

Back on point… War.

My reasons for not liking him over someone like Famine is because:

  1. His cost is not worth the resources put in. Simply speaking, he doesn’t feel worth the trait stones or the souls due to my following points…When you compare him to other troops, there isn’t anything that special or great about him…I’d rather use someone else that is cheaper and requires less work and does just as well as he does.

  2. His design feels…odd to me. He is designed like he wants to be a front line troop. As in, his skill scales on his attack. You typically want your huge attack guys in the front line. But he is not tanky enough to be in the front line because he dies way too fast. So, then that puts him in an odd place because you don’t want him to be in the front line so he doesn’t die…then you’re relying on his skill…and his skill is underwhelming to me.

Okay he burns all enemies…24 mana (if I remember correctly) and he burns everyone… I can use Jarl and just one loop and burn everyone. So, that leaves his damage…does a bit of base damage and then boosts by his attack. Okay, so you need to put him with an attack buffer (or waste a lot of time waiting for him to build it up himself - lots of time wasted = bad). That adds another troop that you need to get their mana for in order to effectively do damage on War. Basically that’s just a build up time that can be time consuming, and if it’s time consuming it’s not generally worth it. So, now lets say you finally build up enough attack on him to be able to one shot a person (which is a considerable amount of buffing required typically), now you have to focus on his mana in order to effectively kill someone. It just doesn’t feel effective, is all I’m trying to say. And if you play him this way, then you have to figure out how to effectively use him… I was using War, Sunweaver, Valkyrie and Mercy I think…since you need to be able to fill him, and you need to be able to buff his attack in order to make his mana cost more efficient…and you need to have a cleanse and a heal because there are a lot of nasty effects in this game… and, when I tried that team it just didn’t feel that great.

Admittedly I stopped trying after that, so if you have any suggestions I’ll give it another go.

  1. I don’t like his traits. The only one I like is his second one. His third takes too long to actually make a difference to his playstyle.

  2. This isn’t a big deal…but it does add to the fact that he’s not worth the investment…he’s horrible for defending. If a Mythic is absolutely a walk in the park to kill on defense…it detracts from his overall worth…when in comparison Famine is actually an annoyance to people on defend (and I’ve succumbed to plenty of Famine teams in the past).

If you compare him to someone like Famine…he is just not as good, in my opinion. Famine has a very clear spot. He’s meant to be a damage dealer (not in the front line). He debuffs the first troop. He halves gem masteries. He even recovers 1 armor per turn, which can be helpful. His skill is fantastic…it has a great utility of draining EVERYONE’S mana…and it’s almost always a one shot (as long as you use his skill at a good time)…AND it’s 4 mana cheaper! He can be placed on the back burner and doesn’t need all these troops to make him effective. He stands strong on his own. It’s unquestionable that Famine is worth all the extra souls and traitstones and resources to get him. War, on the other hand, does not feel worthwhile.

Admittedly, I’m only truly sad about not being able to get Famine. If you cannot tell, I really want that troop. He FEELS like a Mythic. Worth the time investment, for sure. He is what a Mythic should be.

I don’t know enough about the other troops to go into analysis with them (plus my post is already reaching novel lengths). But, war is probably on par with them…perhaps better than Plague at least (whose skill is underwhelming…but is nice for impervious I suppose).

Plus, it’s the principle of it all…and the fact that they can always balance these mythics. So its better to have them because you don’t know what the developers will do to make them better (or worse technically) in the future. And right when they are released is pretty much the best way to get them (if you have the other mythics…if you’re in my boat then you’re barely better off :stuck_out_tongue: )

Note: I am not saying any of my opinions are facts, they are of course my opinion. I’m not trying to be argumentative or start any drama or anything, so keep that in mind! :stuck_out_tongue:
I am also not saying that Mythics should be EASY to obtain. They should be harder to get than Legendaries. But if you are spending hundreds of dollars and still not getting a mythic…that is cause for feeling dejected. If we want players to spend money (which we DO want, in order to keep the game going) is needs to feel worthwhile. For me, it doesn’t. I may be in the minority…I’m not sure how everyone else feels because I can only speak for myself. But when things cost so much that ostracizes a big portion of the community (we are living in a world with money crisis…a lot of families are barely making it…middle class is struggling…I live in America so perhaps it’s different in other countries)

Also my bullet point formatting got all wonky and “corrected” itself away from what I actually wanted it to look like…so not intentional but I’m not sure how to fix it and so I hope you were able to follow along nicely haha


The problem is not weather the horseman fit the definition, but whether they are worth the difficulty to which they can be obtained. They like all troops in the game fit the definition of mythic, how ever the mythic rarity does not in the end seem worth the rarity.

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Personally I think death should deal damage similar to bul’tauros. Right now, death does almost no damage, and costs a lot, on top of being easily countered. very underwhelming.

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Personally I don’t think I would like Death because I’m not a fan of Death Mark. I don’t like to gamble :stuck_out_tongue: (But that doesn’t detract from my desire to get him for some reason. I am a collector at heart so maybe I can’t stand to look at his greyed out frame haha)

when it works and instantly kills someone, that’s awesome…but if he doesn’t…not awesome. And doesn’t feel worth it. But then the devs have to balance around Death Mark because if it DOES insta kill someone it’s annoying for the player…and anyways it’s a balancing nightmare. I like to avoid Deathmark cards. I personally feel the game would be better off without lame one shot “mechanics” but that’s only my opinion haha

Wish there was at least one horseman who would create\transform gems to speed things up. Painfully slow.

Another thing the devs could do is have an exclusive horsemen banner that can only be used with All 4 horsemen. +2 all colours


Demon or Angel?


+1, actually like that idea a lot… same could be said for imps… why do these ‘banner locations’ have to be kingdoms on the map anyway… can’t they just be “other places?”


I yield to your typing prowess and text gods (and as most know who have read any of my posts - that’s saying something!) LOL.

Regarding rarity, I get it - RNG at some point hurts… I wish we knew their card award mechanic, if it has a sympathy mechanic or not, etc. My guess is that it does, as true random would mean folks are never getting some items… and I honestly don’t believe that is what is at play. I’m quite confident its far more complicated than true RNG. I’ve been in your shoes and know what that feeling is that you have.

They could really quell the issue by adding a ‘dust’ mechanic. Just using Hearthstone’s mechanic - break a card down, get 25% dust for it in returned value… create what you need to over time with overages and extras… or use them for souls, your call… that alone would solve a lot of it… and as other games have shown, it doesn’t make them less profitable, it makes them more profitable. Although folks cannot ‘buy’ Death… they can ‘buy’ enough gems to open enough packs to get enough ‘dust’ to then craft said DEATH. Folks like yourself might view this as ‘less gamble’ more willingness to spend, as at least you know worst case - your money would not be ‘gambled’ to use your speak, worst case - you can save and use your dust, as desired. I think it would ultimately encourage more, not less, sales. It has worked for other games. That’s a dev decision though.

You could also remedy it by joining a better guild perhaps, more resource generation yields greater results… save for the VIP chests if you can, they offer the best return on investment in the end IMHO…

You mention spending $100 and getting 1700 gems… when I spend 100, and I have, I get 2250 gems (its enough for 50 VIP chests ironically…) and that’s at VIP 10 as the perks get better. Not suggesting you should, but, be advised you get more as you progress in VIP ranks. If you know that great… if you didn’t, might be worth considering in your analysis is all…

Free to play is a choice, and like any game that has the option, your road to climb is steeper and longer than those who ‘boost’ their way along. I think that’s a big pain point for you too. Dev’s all have to eat and feed their fam too. So we all know it’s an option to be FTP, but, those who do put cash in, are not just gambling and do expect something in return… to you point in part. If you are honestly spending ‘nothing’ well, no sweat, but I have less sympathy… your road should be harder than mine. Paying customer perspective / prerogative… and I’ve likely hit VIP 10 twice, LOL…

If you look at the cards, the souls, the gold, etc… it’s all an economy. To the extent that yo do not know what you are receiving, it’s a gamble… to the extent that you are getting enjoyment / entertainment, it’s goods for an experience, service and product in what you obtain and walk away with. Is it a lottery or gamble of sorts, sure it is… especially if you go into the transaction saying - Ima spend X and I really hope I get Y… well, you may or you may not. One could argue that when you pay to see a movie, based on trailers or reviews… or buy a PC / Console game, and don’t like the final product… you too gambled… or had buyers remorse… or all the above. In the end, it’s your call.

War… agreed, would not play him on Def… the other three could all have a place on Def with the right build, but not necessarily ideal or first choice for Defense… back to War, if you have it, consider something like

It’s not terrible… can also swap war and gorgotha if you need more tank. If you do not have all 4 of the “magic cities” 4-starred, then you will not realize the full potential of any of the cards… I have 3 of them 5-starred and it makes a big difference… but that’s a lot of Valkyrie / soul farming over time.

Famine I agree, as prev stated. It seems / feels satisfying as a Horseman. It feels rare and mythic when full traited. It has an obvious utility in mana drain and impressive damage to potentially 1-shot and though I’m not a ‘turn tick debuff fan’, it works. It’s in a league of it’s on compared to the other 3, but War I do see as a closer second than you do. I think War or Famine fit offensively in a number of viable builds.

I mentioned where I land with Plague and Death prior… hope they get some more attention.

The game is a play to collect and progress kind of carrot on stick. It’s a collection game. I totally get and appreciate the “collect em all” desire. However, if you are not willing to fund the game at all, I think you also have to level set your expectations of returns a bit more fairly.

If I recall… you are spending 1K-ish in glory and hundreds in gems with no results… I’ve spent 6K in glory and couple thousands in gems with no success at a mythic… and soldiered on. Should it be this rare? Well, that’s a different discussion all together… however, in the case of all 4 mythic drops, I put money in to increase my odds… I’ve since on random occasions seen a couple bonus mythic drops… but this is a single example. I think you have your expectations of return higher than many, compounded by your desire to spend nothing, and further complicated by participating in a guild that’s perhaps not generating as much as others… yet, you seek to have the day 1 / week 1 mythic drops occur for you like they do others - who have invested more time / money / resource to get your desired yield. Though drop rates might be excruciatingly rare… arguably painfully so without a dust mechanic… still, perhaps you should also consider adjusting your expectations. You may also find value in conserving / stock piling your in game resources more, buying the better chests and increasing your odds.

Good luck broseph,

I’ve said everything I need to say so there’s no point for me to counter your points other than to add that I have never objected to spending money.

I’m not sure exactly how much I’ve spent… But I’ve spent in between $60-100. I do not object to paying money for something that is WORTH IT. Cost and value is the biggest thing for me. If a game does not feel worth the amount of money I’m putting in, then I’m not going to invest more money.

For example, I was suckered into those 15 day or whatever gem packs which I bought a few of… Then I joined a good guild and was like “welp there goes my money what a huge waste I get so much more gems just by playing the game” and I regretted spending that money. It was at that point I learned not to spend money on that. I also bought a few bundles… Can’t remember the details of those because that was at the beginning of my play.

Long story short, I spent money on this game until I learned how much of a rip off the amount of currency you are getting for your real money. I’m sorry but fake money that you use to gamble with is not worth sooooo much.

If they started adding $10-20 dollar bundles, maybe with a guaranteed weapon that’s no longer available… Or a troop or whatever… Something guaranteed plus a bit of gamble… I would spend money every week. As it is, I’m not spending anything more until they give something that’s more valuable. Like the death knight armor… If they had put that with a smaller amount of gamble and lowered the price appropriately… That could have been a great bundle. But 50$? No thank you.

This is a gamble. Whenever you spend money on gems it’s a gamble. Gambling has been proven to be bad for your wallet and your sanity. So I choose not to gamble. I buy bundles that give something guaranteed that I want along with gem chest keys and such. If they had more worthwhile bundles I would spend more money.

And the thing is, great for you for spending a crap ton of money on this game. Not everyone has the funds to spend that much. Some people have to budget and have a special entertainment fund. Then it boils down to… Hmm should I spend my weekly $50 or so on a gamble or on a full game or going out to experience something like a play or a movie with my family… I’m just saying that there should be value in every dollar amount you spend. Right now it’s extremely lackluster. You’d have to be crazy to spend hundreds of dollars on a chance of getting something you want… Maybe I am more frugal. But come on what you’re getting for what the price is… Huge disconnect.

Obviously if you pay you should progress more. I’ve never said otherwise. In fact, I’m saying that if the value is better for what you’re getting more people would be open to spending. And that’s what we want… More money for the developers. By adding more access points to lower income families they would be able to budget something in and still feel like they were getting a worthwhile value for their money.

Obviously the more you spend the faster your progress. That should never change. But there should be better value for your purchase. I can’t be the only lower income person that plays this game that would be willing to budget to get an actual value. I’m not saying give me a guaranteed mythic. I’m saying price things more reasonably so that more people can buy and be satisfied playing

Perhaps people that have more money think nothing of blowing $100 dollars to save 1-2 weeks… But to me that’s absolutely absurd.

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I hope the next mythic (for apocalypse) is the lamb.
The lamb
summon a random horseman, then choose a color and transform it to another selected color.
This would make this troop the ultimate feeder and it might from a spell perspective be too strong. However it would be a mythic so the spell strength should be really strong.
Mythic trait should be something like, Aspect of faith: This troop gains double mana from gem matches.

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