2.0 PvP Preview

Everyone starts at Tier 15 at the Monday reset and works their way up… so the same matchmaking risk may come early in the week of level 100s facing level 1000s… but the higher level / more monetised players will climb to the higher tiers fast enough…

As one of the dreaded Lv1000s, I look forward to having three opponents to pick between, so I can avoid lower tier fights that aren’t worth much…

My biggest joy is the removal of the quit option, Now defend has meaning :slight_smile: . My question would be with this new ranking system will we be able to target our own guild mates more as I want as many of them as possible to finish below me hehe :smiling_imp:

That has never been possible. For 2.1 reasons, you wouldn’t want to do that anyways. :wink:

I like that all teams in PvP show guild now too. Time to focus Anonymous. :wink:

Can you play as many fight as you want?
If so, no casual player will have any chance beeing top100, because every full time player can easily mass-gind xxx of pvp fights.

Welll I kinda miss beating Sammy but I guess I will enjoy hammer Anonymous now we will know who they are …

The league system is more so for very active players. It is the rank system that casual players would still use. A casual player can reach 2,000 rating in a couple days. It will be longer than the 1-4 hour grind on Mondays, but it is still very possible. The top 100 ladder spots will be exclusively to hardcore players though.

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Yes you will lose points if your defense team loses, but it won’t be as much as a win. It is 1900 points for Rank 1; and from the video, your getting less than 20 points per match. There’s going to be a lot of matches you have to play in order to rank, and you would have to lose an awful lot to lose those points. Also, you can’t quit out of matches so the AI may net you more points to even things out when you’re not playing.

We may be Anonymous, but we’ve never been in the shadows. You’ve never been worth the gold, but exceptions shall be made. :smiling_imp:


And while you 2 fight Mean Machine will come out and take the throne :stuck_out_tongue:

:heart_eyes: @Nimhain 's voice really has your head in the clouds huh? :heart_eyes:

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My head was there already. But my body is there too now :slight_smile:


But mark words, Mean Machine will be in top in the time to come :slight_smile:
We are already gaining more trophies a week then 30 out of 50 highest ranked guilds :wink:

I would like to knife if they did any retooling of matchmaking also, just because it was never said doesn’t mean they haven’t done anything.

I am also curious what factors into team scores.
Traits? Facing a full dragon team is a cake walk if they aren’t traited, fully traited dragons on the other hand…
Kingdom stars? These play a huge part in how tough fights can be. I’ve been stomped flat by goblin teams with lots of kingdom stars.

It would be nice to have a breakdown of that score so we can better understand it at a glance.

Also: think this is going to see the rise of some of those hated defense teams? 4x celestasia etc.


In that order.

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Well with the new changes my simple but fun defend team will definately be altered :smiley:

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Just when I was getting distracted by other games. I better play plenty of Doom before 2.0 release.

Is the dev team going to make an official ranking list every week on the forums?
I just thought it would be cool if we had a leaderboard update every week and they could be collected so we could see an extended history of the player rankings.

If they don’t I’m sure someone from the community could/will.

EDIT: Someone already does it for Guild rankings.

@Actreal , you are needed. :wink:


Thanks, had to go searching for who it was >< If @actreal doesn’t do it, I might consider taking it up actually.