2.0 PvP Preview

It was unclear in the video (or I am being slow): @Sirrian does quitting / disconnecting a ranked battle also lose a trophy for your guild?

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ok. i missunderstood the battle log and thought u can replay them. my fault.

Just continue with your posts/quotes @killerman3333. I am quite surprised how easily some users get annoyed of absolutely nothing…


So back to the topic at hand does anyone have a response to my last Quote mine? Ignoring the person who threw this topic on its head, no offense or anything but i had questions and i prefer them answered if possible.

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In my experience, if you are looking for a specific reply to a question, it’s best to ask just that one question instead of burying it in the middle of other commentary.


Fair point. So anyone got any prediction on the next meta game?.

Low-level team that can give you wins or an annoying team that people will avoid.

Do we have an eta of the next preview?

@Sirrian Have you always had the intention of inserting pvp rivals into the game? Just thinking that may explain why a certain amount of opponents randomly seem to have a much higher chance of showing up for different players. I havn’t really read much about the matchmaking system though.

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Surely the devs will follow closely on which teams get the highest win rates and adjust the team scores accordingly. This should be much easier to do compared to nerfing troops, so they should be able to do it any time on the fly.


The higher the score, the more you’re invaded, and less likely hood to put that team on defense?

This makes me ponder, what is a peasant worth untreated with no kingdom bonuses and if we leveled him would he be worth more than a goblin untraited? Also what is the weakest troops at level 1?

If they buff summons/resurrect to have traits, I will skip any team that uses Inferno King(s). :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe Goblin teams will finally die out due to the next kingdom.

I suspect most defend teams will be 4x Dragons, Mercy + Daemons, Mercy - Silent One - Warhound - Cockatrice, and any other combination of teams that are either extremely strong or mind-numbingly annoying.


I’m pretty sure a goblin would be worth more based on spell damage alone.

Man I wish I had your sources!!!

All the troops for the new kingdom are already downloaded to your client (subject of course to change). This isn’t insider info.

I’ll be doing some videos soon covering the 2.0 preview video and the defend teams that are likely to be good next patch.


My game shuts down while I am in pvp fairly regularly, and I don’t even know why since I am mostly on my desktop. I don’t like the fact that I will be more or less dinged for losing a battle when that happens. It also happens if I am in the arena and then I lose that battle, it feels so unfair but I just accept it. But now, I feel it will really be hurting me more with the new changes. Feels unfair when I have no idea what I can do about it.

If people actually wanted to counter Goblins with frozen they could do that already right now, but noone does it.
Frozen adds nothing to your team offense wise and using it slows you down, and most people are only interested in fast games. So no matter how arguably good a counter frozen could/would/might be to Goblins it is not used for that anyways.
So i doubt the new kingdom will have a noticeable impact on Goblins, just as frozens introduction in 1.09 had no impact on Goblins at all.
Unless the new kingdom troops come with spells that apply frozen without handing the turn over to the opponent or without the opportunity cost current frozen spells have, in which case the troops will most likely be overpowered in a general sense and prove to be a counter to all the things :wink:

Alas, those of us on iOS may have the files, but we lack the ability to look at them. Looks like we’ll have to wait and get surprised when the patch drops, since nobody is posting them even in the spoiler threads!