Wrong Guild Wars points

I played my 5 guild wars matches today and my points seem wrong.

Points: 200 / 400 / 558 / 801 / 1001
My team: Behemoth, Rowanne, Valkyrie, Sun & Moon

The statue bonus was 43% and I have one green unit in my team.
How is it possible that I get a flat 100% bonus?

In match 3 I lost one troop - Behemoth. Afaik this should not change the points.
Same happened yesterday: flat 100% bonus (+1 point), but got less if I lost a troop.

Score = (1 + bonus x # color) x (1 + 0.1 x # troop left) x base

Match 1: (1 + 0.43x1) x (1 * 0.1x4) x 100 = 1.43 x 1.4 x 100 = 2.002 x 100 = 200.2 = 200
Match 2: (1 + 0.43x1) x (1 * 0.1x4) x 200 = 1.43 x 1.4 x 200 = 2.002 x 200 = 400.4 = 400
Match 3: (1 + 0.43x1) x (1 * 0.1x3) x 300 = 1.43 x 1.3 x 300 = 1.859 x 300 = 557.7 = 558
Match 4: (1 + 0.43x1) x (1 * 0.1x4) x 400 = 1.43 x 1.4 x 400 = 2.002 x 400 = 800.8 = 801
Match 5: (1 + 0.43x1) x (1 * 0.1x4) x 500 = 1.43 x 1.4 x 500 = 2.002 x 500 = 1001.0 = 1001

Everything lines up just right.



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Thank you.
Now I know the forumula.


@Rasper bringing the goods!

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That’s why they call me Helpdesk…