Welcome to Nimhain's Lair: May 21st

The “problem” with Famine is the AI can use it so perfectly because it drains ALL enemies, + damage/kills 1, + its nice Passive Traits. For the barging cost 20/22 Mana (depending on platform).

Its top tier on defense period. I can only image the win rate if a brand new player pulled this troop and used it vs sub-100 players.

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I agree with your take. The other issue with him is that, once in a while, Famine has an ability to stand on your throat in a way that no other troop in this game can. If things line up against you such that Famine and an exploder can both get powered up, it is impossible to get out from under it. Even if it is only 1 time in 10 or 1 in 100, it is so frustrating that you can’t help but be left with a bad taste in your mouth.


Who says it doesn’t? In what way is that even relevant in this discussion about Famines relative power?

Gorgotha has a tremendous ability to refill himself and also fill Famine, I love when the AI manages to do it.

Good luck with your movement! I am tired to be up against 7 of you.
Check out the LEGO games btw.

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Because that’s how meta works. People also said the same reason when they complained about previous meta (Maw, BD, Manti, etc). At this point, I won’t be surprised if people will complain again about whatever meta come next if Famine got nerfed further than he is now.


That’s what most people are saying but they went with +2, maybe they’ll see the responses and bump it higher.

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Perhaps the ongoing issue of battling a monotonous meta should have been rectified first - instead of exacerbating it with the GW mode.

Famine will be eventually be modified so you can just remove the Preamble in your statement:
“people will complain again about whatever meta come next” :smiley:

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I agree with what you are saying, and whatever meta-dominator comes after Famine(not that the current nerf seems to be a reason for Famines reign to stop yet) will get flak for it, warranted or not.

But i think it is important to see when a troop is actually too powerful and a change was needed, and that change was successful.
Worldbreaker Maw was and after the nerf of his trait he is still a strong troop, viable for multiple teams but not plaguing the meta anymore.
Skulllord BD was too, and after the nerf of his spell he is still a powerful troop, viable for multiple teams but not plaguing the meta anymore.
Mantibore was…not, he was more of a distraction from BDs brokenness and got caught in the crossfire, the nerf was not needed imho, but he is still somewhat useful.

Famine clearly is, currently he does(arguably better in many situations) what several other base mythics are solely designed for, which is massive singletarget damage to the point of oneshotting a troop, and in addition he drains a whole team of its mana, an insanely powerful “secondary” effect, where troops like Ketras or Jotnar have no secondary effect whatsoever.


I agree. It’s a base mythic, so it should be a good troop. It’s not nearly as OP as Maw’s old 3rd trait or Bone Dragons pre-nerf skull spam. Famine is good, but nowhere near game-breaking OP like Maw and Bone Dragon were.


Maybe you should try it with gorgo and soul dragon and loop again and again and again

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I always feel happy every time I see Gorgotha on enemy defense. AI play him poorly because he will just keep casting even though all his team is already full mana. But again, AI on console and PC is different. So I don’t know how AI play him there.

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You are correct, that’s how meta works, and I will likely complain about whatever comes next :wink: . To me, the issue is not so much changing the meta as expanding it. Right now, with a catalog of over 350 troops (plus lots of weapons and classes), there are basically 3 main defenses consisting of less than a dozen cards.

A lot of cards need to be nerfed or buffed so that there are more viable defensive teams, so that there is more variety of opponents and more options on defense. Wanting 30-40 cards (around a dozen teams) to be viable on defense, or put another way 10% of the library, isn’t an inappropriate goal. There would still be meta, but it wouldn’t be as narrow and boring as it is now.

Reversing the issue, and instead of focusing on the current meta and the nerfing of a single card (Famine), consider this question. How much defensive variety do you think is reasonable? How many troops or teams should be part of the meta?


Gorgotha on console is reasonable, not at all like PC where it just casts and casts…


Good point. I agreed that broken troops need to be change. But again, Famine might be the most annoying troop in the game but he is not a game-breaking troop.


When a troop appears in more than 3/4 of matches, it is broken. It may not be overpowered in the “can’t win against it” sense but if everybody is using it in lieu of other troops, it’s pretty obvious there’s an issue.


Wait when you get console AI lol you will probably change your mind


Gorgo will stay full and dragon soul will keep doing his magic then refill himself and often refill famine from 0 to 20 and then famine will attack you and maybe kill one of your troop then you play, then dragon soul will make his cast again and refill famine again, if not he will make his magic again and then famine will be full and also catch extra turn just to make aure you don’t have the time to empty a full troop and then famine will drain you. And again and again and again

This is how the console AI work


Console ai does not multi loop gorgotha