Weekly Event: Fortissmo

:newspaper: Time to dance yourself up to this weeks Weekly Feedback Report! :gem::gem::gem:

You can’t have a party without music, and what better to party with than a weapon that forces foes to their feet? Say hello to Crescendo!

Have you ever been up against an army of Skeletons and thought, “Man, if only I could blow them all away in one shot.” Well now you can! This baby does the truest of True Damage while also powering itself up. It doesn’t stop there though, if you manage to get those bones dancing their feet off (literally) and back into their graves, you’ll get yourself an Extra Turn, just enough time to celebrate with some victory tunes!

While all that’s fine and dandy, Hero’s might not live up to your expectations quite yet, that’s okay! As a consolation, you can jam out with the Blade Dancer, Orion, or even the stickler Paladin, with this weeks spot-Light Traitstone.

:newspaper: Partied out? Be sure to ready yourself to do it again by the next Weekly Feedback Report! :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:

[Match you next time!]