Update 7.4 Sneak Peek!

before i watch the whole video … stop adding more stuff when the new stuff is still broken.


Just checking you are aware that you should only play “lantern” kingdoms. You get more chances at the boss, therefore more chances at getting to the mimics

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Where’s gold/hr?
Where’s the glory amount on the map screen?
Where’s the old banner/mana surge screen?
Where are the fixes tying the VP to team score?
Where are missing images?
Where are the fixes for double used buttons on consoles?


Not really hyped for this update.

The PvP changes make things alot more complicated then it originally was. We uses to be able to do around 25 battles and be done with it. Giving more time to focus on other events.
On that matter it would be good to have lesser events happening at same time. As the game is starting to feel more like a chore then playing for fun. Which isn’t a good thing if you want people to enjoy your game and stick around.

The QoL changes are a welcome change. However it is also a bit mediocre with all the issues we as players have put forward. So a small step forward that basically should have been a bigger step.


Is there a text version for this update preview anywhere? I know, your marketing team gets all hyped, when some “social” media numbers go up, but I really don’t want to mess up my recommendations by clicking your stuff.


The old PvP gave no books. The new one does so I prefer the new one.


Strange, I’m well past obtaining 4 Hoard Mimics.

Update looks good! @Kafka @Jeto

It depends of how much you play


Will there be a monolith that enables the server to actually save our pvp teams?


New update sucks. Why don’t you buff the chances of getting the sentinels in underspire? The drop rates and the non dupe protection are a disgrace


Please fix what is broken before adding new stuff. There is so many things to fix and it’s piling up.

Please I believe so many players want to you to start focusing on game issues and fixing bugs instead of making new stuff with bugs added to the previous bugs.

Why not have an update entirely to fix bugs and fix what’s broken?! It’s time to listen to your fan base and their feedback.

Improvement list:


I just noticed that if you click on a PvP kingdom and select the info … gazebo? hut? Thing? … it now works and gives you your information for that kingdom, including wins, loses and favourite troop. More importantly, though, it also states at the top of the screen all the different options that can be chosen for that kingdom.
Right now, the middle ring seems to have four colour options for each kingdom, which makes sense. The outer ring has between 8 and 11 options per kingdom (no idea why some have more than others), so it really doesn’t make sense why we’re getting the same restrictions over and over in most kingdoms.

It is worth noting that Kafka mentioned on here recently that the restrictions aren’t yet set up to automatically change every week. From “season one” they’re supposed to randomly select a restriction from the list of options, but right now they’re having to be manually changed every week. Guess someone forgot, didn’t have time, or couldn’t be bothered to change any outer ring restrictions this week.

In my guild one of us (usually me) watches videos like this and reads any forum posts, then updates everyone else via guild chat. Saves on all of us inflating their numbers, and getting messed up recommendations. Totally agree that they should give some highlights or something below the video for anyone not watching it. Otherwise, I guess you need to wait for the patch notes.

Just so you know, my highlights from this video are this:

  • Two new additions to PvP: Monoliths and blood frenzy
  • Monoliths are like challenges, that you have to earn sigils to play. You get sigils from the new PvP only battlecrasher, the Valhawk. Up to 3 appear every day. Looks like they give 1 sigil each, but not sure.
  • Beating a monolith challenge unlocks the next challenge and gives a buff to your PvP teams for 1 hour. Beating the next monolith challenge improves the buff and extends it by another hour. If the timer runs out you restart the monolith challenges from scratch.
  • You get new victory talismans for beating tier 3 and 5 monolith challenges, which give bonus VP points from battles when used.
  • Blood Frenzy is much like the lantern on kingdoms for explore, except that it chooses two PvP kingdoms and highlights them for one day. It boosts enemy stats per 50% per skill and doubles all VP and silver mark rewards you get from that kingdom.
  • Bloody frenzy and victory talisman bonuses stack, so you can get even more VP.
  • There’s some QOL stuff, but the only thing revealed was they’re adding a progress bar for the 5 battles to get silver stars into the enemy team selection screen, so you don’t have to back out, and they’re adding an animation when you do the 5th fight and get the silver marks. You can allegedly skip the animation.
  • More stuff coming in 7.5, after this, and even more in 8.0, after that.

Hope that helps.


Miss the amount of glory able to get more then that i like the opportunity to buy book of deeds now. To each their own of course.
Though that is rewards and was talking about the amount of battles. Which is a seperate issue then the rewards you can get now.
Do like it myself that draconite can be bought for a reasonable price but again that’s a seperate thing then the amount of PvP battles you need to do now to max out rewards then before.

Just make the scoring more fair its all you got to do all this stuff is just getting to much fix what ya got then maybe add new content


Is it really that much to ask


did not talk about gw at all, it saddens me of no mention of gw, we still have to wait but with no communication on gw we run into pure speculation that many are just rumors. i just hope when they actually take the time to fix gw, they dont spring up a brand new way that will puzzle us on the first gw and trying to stay in your current bracket. This new pvp version since last update sucks. who here likes to grind for nothing the devs are making this game unplayable by frustrating players. they should of kept it the old way and started a gems of war 2 a whole new game starting with 7.2 update. three quarters of gow community is at an uproar on what we all hate with these new changes. I used to love pvp but now its just a stupid grind for small amount of rewards. The scoring system is broke, we tell the devs this but they only have one objective is changing all in pvp and that is costing players more $$$$$.

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So stuff, that is intended to push the Pvp activity rate back up, but is not really rewarding in any way. Hoo-ray.
I understand, that they were hoping for more than what they got, but they have to offer something in return. Buffs for gold and souls are pretty pointless, once you have left the early game phases, and the ep-buff is harmful, unless they finally decide to fix the broken point system (which would at least make it irrelevant).

Anything, that is not gold marks, has no meaning in the new Pvp system, and per bracket, there are three players willing to grind themselves to death for those, while to the rest, the resulting gap is so discouraging, that they don’t even try. Handing out point boni will not change that pattern, but emphasise it.

What a mess.


I find myself playing more and more treasure hunt these days. Makes me wonder if I should just play a game similar to that as I couldn’t care less about the updates anymore… Used to hope for an update for that mode, but now I think it should be left untouched as it would most likely be ruined and monetized if updated…


Yes, I am only playing explore (E12) on kingdoms that have the lantern.

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