The 2nd GoW Forum Fantasy Series: First Place Match

I disagree. Many if not most people you PM’d had already voted. This one was close, sure, but it always came back to Gorgotha being OP. Its OPs is in part bc it’s very versatile and easy to build a team around.

Additionally, any skull-based team is an insta-lose. The matches aren’t even close. Again, anti-fun when half the matches are easy wins.

And bear in mind It’s literally the only troop that this can be said about too.

Gorgotha is a good tank for skull damage, but a wussy against magic. Any true damage or direct spell caster can get rid of him in a hurry.

I’m pretty sure he has one of the highest Life, and total HP pools, in the game. And in a system where everything is its base rarity there’s not really an effective true damage option.

It’s really a two part issue: First, any skull damage team is insta-lose. Second, he’s very useful in most teams so it’s easy to build around him. The net effect is that he’ll never not be an incredibly strong addition to a team. Any team with him in it will almost certainly make it to the semis, and, as we’ve seen so far, to the finals and to win it all.

Damn, this is turning into a different kind of grudge match.

Where is @TaliaParks when you need her/him/it

Not to belabor this point, but you have no idea who I messaged or didn’t message. Just because you saw one group message means nothing to Howe many people I may have contacted.

I already voted and to be fair he messaged me even though i have voted. This did not change my vote.

Yeah, that’s my point. I don’t think this is the sort of community where you get many people voting out of friendship/loyalty. Maybe a few, but I’m guessing it’s more or less offsetting.

It might be interesting to consider an event in the future with house rules either completely barring traits, or barring legendary third traits in specific, just to see how that affects peoples’ perceptions of troop worth while team-building.

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Him and to what point? Everyone is expressing their opinions and debating the value of a troop, perceived and actual. And yes there are other discussions that have gone on, are going on, and will go on behind the scenes too. Things have been duly noted plus I think there will be sufficient new things so that preconceived notions will have to be adjusted for series 3.

Plus if you just wanted someone official to read this…


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Setting up a topic for player on player debate of whose team is better than whose with the polls and made official and such.

@Lyya things like that are planned for eventually. I think we wanted to get at least 1 more normal one per say since we are allowing all troops for the first time.

So you want a 2 team debate without a poll…

With over half the kingdoms at 5 stars, my Gorgotha has 44 life. Values vary based on team, kingdom and trait bonuses. My regular PvP team, which a true damage team, can take down Gorgotha in 3 casts. Ask anyone who uses it in their defense team how often they see me in their revenge list and you may get a better idea of how useful/not useful it can be.

There is no doubt in my mind that he is the best defender against skull damage, but skull damage is not the only way to kill a troop.

Actually have a topic with poll and everything set-up just like as if it was an official match in the fantasy series, troops and everything clearly shown on both teams, with rules on judgement.

And even skull damage can take him down


You will have a crazy amount of atk in a short order and be able to take anything down.

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You could always make your own poll. Doesn’t require “official” posting, does it?

Yeah, I agree with you overall, but my point was specifically about fantasy. He has among the highest base stats in the game and true damage troops aren’t nearly as easy to build around (particularly since you can’t have 2x Bats or Crescendo in fantasy). I think he’s OP regardless since he’s a little too useful, but I think it’s especially so in fantasy.

Perhaps but i do not know if it is ok to post it in this topic area considering the teams and the set-up would be the same as the fantasy series.

I’ve also brute-forced my way through Gorgotha with:

  • Anointed One
  • Abhorath
  • Green Slime
  • Treant

Basically any troop that can buff its own attack.