Heading outback to the Jurassic Marsh for this Weekly Feedback Report!
What’s mean, keen, and follows a dangerous routine? If you thought copyright lawyers, you’d be correct! But also wrong. This weeks clever pet is the Marsh Raptor!
This prehistoric Monster is built for hunting it’s prey, which is why it’ll always target the weakest member of the opposing pack. It it manages to successfully take down it’s meal, it’ll boost it’s Attack and Magic. Sharpening it’s claws and perfecting it’s serpentine maneuver!
As a creature from the Mist of Scales, it makes sense to benefit it’s ecosystem by providing an aquatic connection to it’s other swamp members, as well as forming bonds with other monstrous troops like the great Hydra! The most highly adapted raptors even leave a Venomous bite for prey that manage to avoid capture.
:reads script further:
"We're doing this again?" "..." "Well alright."
We’re revisiting the Arcane Light Stone again this week! Best time to power those little beasties like the Owlbear, Warhound & Pegasus. The ever fragile Hippogryph also says “Hello”.
What are you doing in my swamp? It’s already the end of the Weekly Feedback Report!
##[Match you next time!]