Rage Against The Machine

I’m in a dire quandary about using Event Keys, because Khetar week is scheduled in 14 days and I’d really, really like to take a shot at getting one Pharos-Ra this time. Word on the street, though, is that you’d need some ~1000 event keys’ worth to pop a Mythic.

Problem… I’ve got around 400 event keys worth now, where normally I’d use some to try to get a single Tesla legendary from Adana this week. Next week is Suncrest. I’d want to cautiously use a few more keys, to attempt to get those intriguing, Mayan-type kingdom troops.

After this kind of double-whammy we’d normally be left with a grand total of Zero event Keys/Gems remaining for Khetar week, so I’m not optimistic at all. I used to think I could just sit on target keys like Event Keys or Gems and just go after specific troops. Unfortunately that growing background mass of troops (over 300) is now making it statistically difficult to pull even Ultra-Rares when you’re missing any.

If I conserved my Event gems for Khetar, I’d probably end up losing 5-6 new troops AND Pharos-Ra instead of just missing out on Ra again. And right after that bombshell we could follow up with having NO resources for the Dragon Mythic, either. When I look at the odds, it’s daunting. I don’t understand how to keep up with this kind of troop release schedule! :scream_cat: