Question about Gems of Khorvash

I am a firm believer that balance does not equal nerfing popular cards just because they are used a ton on defense.

It drives me crazy when people admittedly say the troop isn’t difficult to face and that they just want it nerfed so they don’t see it so much.

That is a horrible way to balance and I hope the devs never go that route (and it seems like they haven’t thus far).

Nerfs aren’t justified unless the troop is actually OP, which is a lot more complicated than just how much it’s used (although that can be a sign)

Variety is a huge problem, but having a rotating cycle of buffing and nerfing to keep the game fresh isn’t healthy. We need something more. I still go back to the idea of utilizng the event system to help with variety, but that sentiment falls on deaf ears it seems. The base is there to reward players for switching up the defense and making interesting teams but it is not up to snuff yet (not to mention some weeks they don’t give an event like that at all). But eh that’s a different topic for another day.

Nothing would be sweeter than a weekly rotating meta without any nerfs to teams I enjoy! Events have partly accomplished it, but it could still do so much more…

didnt they do exactly that to valkyrie? :sweat_smile:


I like mana shield on valk, and with three necromancers(?) what ever they did to valk was a massive boost!

Did you know the devs have charts breaking down how often certain troops are used, broken down by player level? Some troops are under powered, some over powered and they occasionally adjust both. But when it’s a nerf, they always offer a troop refund of souls and gems.

she was “soul-wise overpowered” and it was soul-wise a nerf (she was even refundable)

but their main reason for the nerf (or so they said) was not her “overpowered” aspect but her popularity

im not saying it was a bad decision on devs side, i rather agree with it in the end (having necro on soul generator most porobably would be too much) but the facts remain facts, please dont diss them

1 Valk + 3 acolytes gathers far more souls now than previously. Necromany was boosted so much that the natural synergy of Valk with it has vastly boosted Valk soul gathering potential.

the potential is still there but the nerf is obvious:
her (solo) souls per cast got divided by 2
the numbers of casts she needs to do to max the soul cap got doubled

while its true she gets more souls with a fellow necromancer, its also true she was getting more souls with fellow necromancers before the nerf and so the same with any other sould gaining way, so the synergy with necromancy is not a direct buff to valk - the soul cap has increased but globally not just for valk

following this kind of synergy-buff-philosophy you could say any unit got buffed just couse some mechanic of another unit got changed or created that by accident synergises with it, the moment bless trait got created all units in game got buffed, congratulations its a buff!

Of course they did. And Manticore, and Maw, and Webspinner, and…

Khorvash is overpowered, that’s why he’s used too much.

They go hand-in-hand.

Being overpowered has nothing to do with difficulty because this game only has one difficulty - none.

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To be fair, they did actually balance her to be roughly the same as other soul generators with that patch of buffs and nerfs. She actually was OP for her skill and her talents and her cost. I was one of the people that was both pro and con Valkyrie nerf! I could see both sides and agreed partly with both.

Now through the various buffs and nerfs of soul generators, Valkyrie isn’t literally the only generator you can use effectively.

Now Dragon Soul is. :smile:

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This guy is a fool, clearly doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ ‘bout. Screw all that, Khorvash is good as is, and I’m honeslty lovin’ it so HA! :joy::sweat_smile::laughing::laughing:

how many split personalities do you have? :laughing:


Maybe what we should do is make all troops the same making it worthless to try and get better troops! Maybe that would make the people that are constantly complaining about the game happy! No one would be playing the pointless game but at least the 2 or 3 who are complaining would have their frown turned upside down! Again I see BD teams way more than EK teams and I cringe everytime I play the BD because it is purely luck if you beat the team! You are depending on getting your fill troops up before theirs! Not an easy task!

i think more funny option would be getting a troop with trait to “reduce the attack of enemy in first position by 2 on 4+ gem matches

there is no impervious trait against stat lowering effects :grin:

More than one when I’m making fun of myself. :sweat_smile::laughing:

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I see BD more than Khorvash too. Just because BD is ridiculous doesn’t mean Khorvash is fine. In fact, they are both symptomsof the SAME problem.

@Rojo1 @htismaqe
I am VERY surprised you saw “way more BD” last week, perhaps there was a different pool of players toward the higher levels that people adjusted toward the +25% bonus of L.E. Oh well.

I saw a lot less of both this week - a lot of people were sporting all-Dragon decks. Still saw a lot of Bone Dragon though, just not as much with Courage and Wraith.