New Kingdom - Silverglade

People talking about the typos… For real??!

Well yeah, those happen, and shouldn’t be pointed out to, so everything is nicely polished :slight_smile:

Yes, it is just damage. And don’t call me Shirley.


Giving positive feedback to help the Developers polish newly released content is always helpful in my world.

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oh, u was just trolling. ok…

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Not at all. Just tired of all the typomaniacs…

Gotta say - Enchant is pretty cool.

I put together a mana-blocked elf team knowing that I’d have to depend on Enchant for mana.

Swordmaster / Enchantress / Lady Anariel / Bard

It’s slow of course but it works.

Good on you Devs! :thumbsup:


I have to test the Elven Bard in combbinatioon with War.

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I played with Elven Bard in Arena. She was really useful for filling Hobgoblin fast. Nice work on Enchant.

On a side note. Before I started the quest line, I placed the difficulty on Warlord IV. Somehow it reverted back to Normal. Anyone else experience this?

Why does the new kingdom epic kills your own troop. That’s so bad side effect. .


Thanks for the cool new troops and mechanics, devs! Looking forward to experimenting. It’s a brand new world.

Also, Princess Elspeth is going to be the new game-breaker. Empowered, create 11 gems. Put her with a common troop of the right color, and first turn BAM, replace it with a Knight and charge up whatever you want.

Thankfully the AI won’t be able to manage a team like this on defense, but there are a ton of cool new possibilities here.

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So you use her only once? Since you probably will not want to kill anything else afterwards. And the troop you are killing will end up taking most the mana from the gems you create. And what happens next? You kill it to summon a random troop that won’t have any mana.


I tend to agree with Don. In a game where damage is so high and total amount of life to soak it up so precious, any troop that kills a friendly troop is 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

Black Beast might work at level 100 but at level 1000, using him is asking for a loss.

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If you gained an extra turn after devouring a friendly troop, then black beast could work with a spawner deck to replace the missing troop. Although probably still not too great a troop at the higher levels.

I dislike Elspeth.

But hypothetically… stick that Common in the back of the team. Run something mean like Elspeth Webspinner Webspinner Goblin or something. Spawn bunch of Greens and then keep going and going and going. I tried with Tassarion, this one seems like it’d be waaay faster. Don’t know if it’d work of course, and that random Knight just foils any further planning, but its interesting at least.

Did some quick experimenting:

First things first, Elspeth kills the troop before generating the gems. So you aren’t wasting mana on a troop before killing it.

Second, I just threw together a super quick Explore team of PE (fully traited), 2x Bombot, and my hero with Black Manacles and Mechanist class (start all 3 non-Princesses at half mana; probably not strictly necessary). First turn she kills a Bombot, which generates enough brown gems to charge up at minimum the second Bombot, and usually enough leftover to charge the hero. Fire off the Bombot to kill the entire opposing team, or if anyone’s left, finish them off next turn with Black Manacles.

I just mowed through like 20 matches in a matter of minutes. For low-level stuff like Explores and single-trophy PVP, this is working phenomenally.

You could probably get complicated and build teams that don’t run out of steam after 3 turns for tougher battles, but she’s been in existence for like 8 hours so I haven’t had the chance yet. :slight_smile:


Hm. That’s not a bad idea actually. Might have to see about that one myself…

Reading the story line, I started hearing Elspeth’s lines in Veruca Salt’s voice…

I want a golden goose now!


Oh hell she’s in my head now and I’m not even on the quest. You monster.