Most RAREST and needed traitstone.. Minor Red :/

I need couple thousand. Lol
How bout you ?

Red and green both seem to hover at 0 for me.

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When doing Pridelands, seems I get Red Major more than Red Minor :frowning:

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I really wish we could just buy what gemstones we need with gold or gems


With Glory***

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I’ve bought troop packs with glory for the minors fairly often.


Next week they will be cake to get, at 300 glory!

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@killerman3333 there this week also. 3x for 300 glory

Really we should have destroy Majors to get 2-3 minors or sth like that. It will not affect game play so much and majors are really not useful right now. It will give some “Yay” feeling when major drops… Right now is rather “oh crap” feeling.


it was still sunday for me, i was referring to the hellcat event for the red stones.