List of Russian translation mistakes

Troops’ names and descriptions. PART 2

“[Troop_EL_00_DESC]”: “Это он открыл огонь…”,
The Russian text says: he invented fire. Well, that’s wrong but at least it’s not offensively wrong. The correct translation would be: Это он разжег пожар. You can leave it as it is if you like tho.

“[Troop_K00_00_DESC]”: “Ничто так не ограждает от нежелательного внимания, как ожерелье из вражеских черепов.”,
The Russian text says: Nothing protects from unwanted attention like a necklace of enemy skulls. It is almost correct but it doesn’t have the same bite as the original text. It should have been: Ничто так ясно не говорит “не лезь ко мне”, как ожерелье из черепов ваших врагов.

“[Troop_K00_01_DESC]”: “Он выглядит как дитя любви быка и социально-мобильного носорога… но не повторяйте это при нем.”,
незаконнорожденный отпрыск means illegal (bast*rd) child. Love child is дитя любви.

“[Troop_K00_02_DESC]”: “Тот, кто сказал «одна голова хорошо, а две лучше», определенно никогда не встречал эттина.”,
видел means saw (to see) that doesn’t achieve the same effect as the original text. Should be встречал (met).

“[Troop_K00_03_DESC]”: “Сердце у него не камень. Хотя… Камень!”,
The Russian text says: His heart is not a stone. Although… yes, it is! but seeing as it would be impossible to translate the original joke without entirely losing the reference and meaning I think this option is actually not bad. Or you can just leave the English text. I’m sure everyone knows that song.

“[Troop_K00_09_DESC]”: “Хуже начальника не придумаешь…”,
босс in Russian mostly refers to game bosses that you beat at the end of a level. But G&G was never a quest boss so this is confusing. Now if you mean “boss” as someone who orders you around at work then it should be начальник. не бывает while correct just sounds awkward.

“[Troop_K01_04_DESC]”: “Большой, смертоносный и показывает время!”,
может сказать, сколько времени was extremely awkward so I fixed it.

“[Troop_K01_06_DESC]”: “Я инжир… нежир… женонер… у меня хорошо с математикой.”,
я умею считать means I can count. Uhm, somehow I don’t think that’s enough. And the joke falls flat that way. Fixed it to how it should have been. The first part is kinda funny. Wrong in the sense that no one would misspell the word engineer that way. But funny. You can switch it to: Я инжынер… инжинер… ниженер… if you want something more believable.

“[Troop_K01_11_DESC]”: “Эксперт по текущим событиям…”,
текущим событиям in Russian basically means ongoing events and while being a direct translation kills the joke entirely. You can say: Эксперт по ток шоу which means talk show expert or electric current show expert because in Russian talk and electric current are spelled identically (ток) therefore the joke remains.

“[Troop_K02_01_DESC]”: “Нужно больше приспешников! Обращаться только высокофункциональным социопатам.”,
The Russian text said фанатики meaning fanatics. But acolyte is not necessarily a fanatic. Besides it sounds kinda rude. The word for acolyte is Приспешник.

“[Troop_K02_01_NAME]”: “Приспешник”,
Again, Acolyte is Приспешник. Not фанатик.

“[Troop_K02_05_DESC]”: “Со всеми этими щупальцами ясно, куда зайдет дело…”,
The Russian text isn’t wrong just very awkwardly worded. A better and more precise way of saying this is: Мы повидали достаточно щупалец, чтоб знать, куда идет дело…

“[Troop_K02_05_NAME]”: “Зеленая слизь”,
Жижа is slush. Slime is слизь. Also жижа can’t have tentacles. Слизь can

“[Troop_K02_06_NAME]”: “Жертвенный жрец”,
…is such an awkward mouthful! Maybe call him Кровавый жрец (blood priest)? It sounds much better.

“[Troop_K02_09_NAME]”: “Мизмер”,
Myzmer’s name comes from the word mesmerize, right? Only the directly transliterated Russian version lost this reference. Мизмер (mizmer) means nothing in Russian, it’s just a bunch of sounds. Now mesmerize is гипнотизировать or очаровывать/зачаровывать so if you want his name to have a meaning you can call him Гипнотик (hypnotic) or Очаровашка (a very cute word that means the charming one, I really-really like it for Myzmer because he is very cute and charming. Besides it will go especially well with his people-eating description!)

“[Troop_K03_01_DESC]”: “У нее шикарные ноги… все восемь.”,
When referring to legs better use шикарные than прекрасные.

“[Troop_K03_06_NAME]”: “Рой пауков”,
Нашествие means invasion, incursion. Swarm is рой.

“[Troop_K03_07_DESC]”: “Грядет что-то коварное”,
К нам пришел дурной скиталец is utterly ridiculous. And while there is no similar catch phrase in Russian you can say: Грядет что-то коварное, that’s the closest to the original meaning.

“[Troop_K03_07_NAME]”: “Тэл’рэй”,
The correct Russian spelling for Tel’Rae is Тэл’Рэй and not Тал’Рай.

“[Troop_K03_08_DESC]”: “Заходи ко мне в ателье…”,
The current Russian text makes very little sense.

“[Troop_K04_00_DESC]”: “Жизнь тяжела, когда на вечеринке вы вечно «водитель».”,
Due to the unfortunate translation the Russian phrase suggests that if you are a drunk driver then life is fun. And this is not the kind of message you would want to send. Especially not to Russain ppl. Drunk driving is enough of a problem here as it is, thank you very much! Fixed it to preserve the original meaning (with no unfortunate double meaning).

“[Troop_K04_01_NAME]”: “Звездочет”,
Читающая Звезды sounds very awkward. There is a word for stargazer in Russian and the word is Звездочет.

“[Troop_K04_02_DESC]”: “Несмотря на распространенное заблуждение, она не умеет делать звуковые радуги.”,
Seeing as the my little pony translator called sonic rainboom by the same ridiculous name I guess this translation works. It is ridiculous tho. But it’s too late to change anything now. /sigh

“[Troop_K04_03_NAME]”: “Главный пастух”,
…is essentially correct but awkward. You can call Herdmaster Пастырь (shepherd).

“[Troop_K04_04_DESC]”: "И Крушитель! И Душитель! Раздробитель и убивец! Давай, Громила! Давай, Верзила! Вперед, Психопат-блицкригер!",
The reference was as lost on me as it was on the original translator. But at least my version has fewer discrepancies in it.

“[Troop_K04_06_NAME]”: “Астральный дух”,
Звездный is star. Astral is астральный.

“[Troop_K04_07_NAME]”: “Моа”,
I know this is the correct translation. Boring but correct. If you could only call it Зяблик (zyablik, chaffinch) in the Russian version it would make many Russian people who have ever fought @zyablik in pvp extremely happy! Zyablik used to have Moa as their defense for as long as one troop defense was an option (why oh why did you take it away??) and many ppl I know call Moa “Zyablik” because of it.
Please name Moa after Zyablik! Such dedication deserves a reward! It’s a fun name besides! Works well with the description, too!

That’s it for now. More later! :smiley:

I hope you, guys, are still reading this, @Saltypatra @Sirrian

Edited to add: is this okay that I’m using your variables to indicate which troop I mean? Is this convenient for you, guys, or should I include troops’ English names as well?