There are not actually any “real” ranges being used - we wrote it like that in the patch notes for conciseness… the legendary task pulls once each from 3 tables (starting with the last table first, and not picking duplicates):
- Gems x25
- Glory x200
- Glory Keys x10
- Gem Keys x2
- Event Keys x2
- Guild Seals x100
- Minor Rune x20
- Arcane Rune x2
- Gems x35
- Glory x300
- Glory Keys x15
- Gem Keys x4
- Event Keys x2
- Guild Seals x140
- Minor Rune x30
- Arcane Rune x4
- Gems x60
- Glory x500
- Glory Keys x25
- Gem Keys x6
- Event Keys x4
- Arcane Rune x6
- Legendary Troop x1
- Mythic Troop x1