I would like to start a low pressure guild

Please disregard this post…

I play on PS4 and I’m currently level 181. I play daily but I don’t always play for a great amount of time each day. I’m looking to start a low pressure guild. I play to at least get my daily gold etc and then play more when I can. I’m looking for friendly, similar (or more frequent :grinning: ) players. Post your invite code if you are interested in helping build such a guild. I look forward to meeting you :slight_smile:

The reason I edited this post was to add which platform I am playing on. Big thank you to Zippity for pointing out my mistake.

Make sure to add which platform you are playing on within the categories so people know when applying to your guild.

Thank you Zippity for pointing out my mistake. That will definitely help things :slight_smile:

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I have a guild just like this, and am looking for people to join.
If you’re interested the name is “Buttercup”.
It’s not invite only, so you can join whenever if you’re keen :slight_smile: