I just had a very lucky GW win

Crimson Bat and Spirit Fox killed one of my troops and Famine killed another 2 I was down to a 7hp Kerberos vs a 110 hp Crimson Bat, 56 hp Famine and a 69 hp Spirit Fox. Kerberos devoured Famine and summoned a Warg then Crimson Bat casted again and I devoured him and summoned another Warg Spirit Fox managed to cast 5 or 6 times always on Kerberos but I managed to cast Warg a few times and took some skulls and killed that and ended up with a perfect score.

I really wanted to retreat when I was down to a 7hp Kerberos but I figured I would lose in a few turns anyway.


never give up gw fight! :sunglasses:

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RNGesus smiled upon you!

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