Guild Wars is not working today

Sunday morning and you’re doing this? This is why you are the best!

And I don’t even play on XBox…

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It’s working @Sirrian Doés it mean we only got 1h30 before end of this day?

@sirrian only problem is i won first fight and got 0 points

Edit: nevermind it was lagging i got the 420 points now

Unfortunately, yes… it’ll be a very short day for calculating winners/losers. Those battles can still be played tomorrow though, I guess, even though I know that’s not ideal


Too victory theives!

Ty @sirrian you rock, you the man of the situation.

Are you waiting to see if next day will start normally?

Great to see it is back now 🖒

Kind of easy win for euro player tough

I’m sorry, Sirrian, as I do not like to be writing things that are critical of the development team, but… “not ideal”? Kind of seems downright unfair to me, if we’re supposed to have a full day to address GW battles, and only get one to two hours in the middle of the night to do so. I would hope that more of an “adjustment” would be made than this. Just my opinion…


Wife is playing and it seems to be adding points to day 5 and 6 at the same time

I don’t understand why you are so mad, you still can make yesterday fight today, the only thing you are missing is a 50 seals if you won, it’s not really a big deal imo you are making the problem bigger then it actually is


I am not mad, not at all. Perhaps I am misunderstanding, but I don’t think so. Generally, if a Guild is supposed to have a full day to do their tasks, it is a problem if that window is reduced to 60 or 90 minutes in the middle of the night, particularly if a “score” is generated from that and if “win” or “lose” is determined based upon the results generated in that shortened window. Just saying that it seems kind of unfair to me, generally.

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I’m getting a problem like this now, but on mobile/android.
There is no picture on the first, or any match, and the Fight button presses, but results in nothing happening.

I did get the message once, something about guild wars just starting and to wait until next week (I don’t remember fully), but this started yesterday, and continues today - 4th and 5th day of Guild Wars.

Should I create a new topic for it or is commenting here (since it’s the same issue), enough?

It probably would’ve been better to create a new topic, rather than dig up a 2-year-old one.

I’m suspicious you are on Switch and it’s similar to what happened to someone else: you’re fighting a guild that had members in it at registration, but now all of the members have quit. If that’s the case, the devs were kind of “:man_shrugging: You get no points today, sorry!” (I only mention Switch because it’s the most likely to have this problem right now, it can happen on all the other platforms too.)

I don’t like it either. The bracket system stinks.