Guild Wars Going Forward

I’ll keep it short: If you make any of the PvP buffs ‘mandatory’ to be competitive in GW, you might as well close shop, because you’ll create an exodus that’ll make the current bleeding of players look like sustainable reverse-growth.

Paid buffs are a no-go.
Buffs you need to unlock on that day by playing more GoW are a no-go.


‘Old’ Guild Wars is gone for good, certainly.

It only remains to be seen if p2w Guild Wars is adopted as it’s successor, although I would assume it to be somewhat based on the current PvP functionality for there to be any chance of it appearing this year.


What did you love about Guild Wars?
Different game mode. 5 fight per day 6 times week was ok.

What I didnt like about Guild Wars?
Last 3 years have been playing in B2-B7. Dosent matter what bracket 90% of that is just book + 2-3 empowered (converters). If players only use 1% different kinda troops, thats not healthy for the game.

What new features would you like to see?
2 main things. 1st this should be 3 match game. With all the empowered troops and explosions you can play games without making single match. So slow things. In arena and epic trials you actually need to play the game. Lets say like no empowered troops in guild wars, max 50% start.

2nd, Variations. Teams only using common/rare/etc. troops/weapons, only X color(s), no hero, troop type(s), kingdom(s), traits/banners dont work etc… Currently there is 1403 different troops, loads of classses and weapons, make use of those. Mayby make many different kinda areas, and then guild (leader) can decide what kinda guild war they wanna do this week (like now in pvp) (multiple winners, no more bracets what stay same all the time) (Side note that mayby then set all the players stats to same low level (arena), that fight dont take 15mins or so and also everyone have access to all the troops/weapons. This would make that new and old players are in same “level”. Then skill would matter, not what you have or dont have.)

How often would you like Guild Wars to run?
Every 11th week. Week when there is no campaing. (Mayby restrictions could related with new/old campaing)

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I like the cooperation between guild mates, helping each other to best the opponent guilds and at the same time, the bit of competition among ourselves.
Seeing your guild get better and climb up the brackets ( or staying in the same one :grin: )

I don’t think changing any restrictions are needed: keep the color of the day battles, but still allowing you to use any color you want to.

No buffs!!!
Edit: No buffs other than the current Sentinels!!!

No nerfs!!!

Allow each player to use any troop/weapon/class/ banner/medal combination that they want.

What I would like to see, it’s the ability to choose a set medals per team.

Please, better rewards, both for the general bracket and for the in-bracket leaderboard placement.
The current rewards are outdated, not having evolved as the game have changed and expanded over the years.



Hi Nimhain,

Thanks for the update and for the consultation.

My recommendation would be to rebuild guild wars to be identical to how it is currently, as any deviation risks losing players. Let’s do a little player segmentation to see why.

There are three main segments when it comes to guild wars.

The first is the GW Lovers. For these people, GW is one of their primary - or even their primary - reasons to play the game. They form guilds based around GW and spend a huge amount of time dedicated to researching and playing this mode. They are motivated by success in the GW mode.

The second is the GW Haters. These people will never play GW. They form and join guilds that actively state there are no GW requirements. They would probably rather leave the game before ever playing a GW again.

Lastly, we have the Inbetweeners. They play GW casually as and when it suits them, without hope or expectation and little-to-no investment. If they lose, they say “oh well” and if they win they say “neat” but whatever happens they move on without giving it much thought.

If you change the way that GW works (in terms of scoring or mechanics) you risk alienating the GW Lovers. There are more of these people than you might think. Any change could have a massive effect on the outcome of GWs and these people will abandon the game.

If you change the rewards, you risk alienating the GW Haters. If they think that the game is ‘forcing’ them to play GW when they don’t want to (because, say, it includes rewards of deeds/books of deeds, so not playing it means they will lose out to those players that do play it) they will abandon the game.

So I vote keep it exactly as it is.


gw should stay like it was like it was last year, no it was not perfect but true gw battlers still enjoyed it. we all work to build our toons for high bracket gw i only fought in B4 in 2 different guilds and been in B3 a few times too. But as my toon grown i found myself in B2 then most times in B1. It saddens me that you have taken a way the gw we all came to love. and even if you did change pvp i think you could of kept gw like it was last yr. YOU are trying to implement the new pvp into gw but its not working so just for gw gave us our old gw back.

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This message has big impact. GW lovers are in the game for GW only. Stating, “hey, we will rebuild it but no idea when” is basically the push many of us need to quit the game. We’re playing all modes to get an account that is as good as possible for GW. The daily chore can be stomached with the promise of a fun week once a month. Taking that away for a very long time…well. We lost two veteran players already with 6+ years of game time on their names.

Bring current GW back as soon as possible. fix the scoring mechanism (replace it with some simple caclulations for all I care) and let us enjoy the mode again on short term.
Rebuilding it from scratch will cost months. By then a lot of the GW loving players will have given up and you’re rebuilding it for nothing


As many GOW gamers , i guess ive got a love\ hate relationship with Guild Wars , and mostly the things i loved about GW are the things i disliked.

  1. The ruthless difficulty level.
    Although since the reintroduction off the revamped pvp, most of the games in GOW you didnt really have to look at the screen to play through (grind) , while as with GW it did feel like a challenge where you could be punished for carelessness so you had to take your time crafting bespoke teams for each opponent which was probably the favourite part for me.

  2. Bragging Rights…
    Being the Paragon within the Guild felt like a better reward than the actual rewards themselves… And obviously climbing up over other guilds should be kept imho.

There the 2 main things i loved. The only thing i hated about GW was terrible rewards that didnt equal the amount of effort put in…

One suggestion that comes to mind could be a knock out tournament with a entry fee of resources that is pooled and split out depending on where you finish…


My guild’s 2 cents is bring it back in its original form ASAP.

On a side note the lack of communication is exacerbating the situation. I’m not sure why you don’t have one of the forum channels with sticky’s that have a post like this, and then let all players voice their opinion through chat. You could even have a GPT sort through it if needed.

My personal opinions -
GW you have to be present each day, so as far as duration, 1x a month seems ok.
Any changes made to new GW should leave the original intact. Similar to how Central Spire was old PVP.
As with all modes, there should be a trophy room, that shows all the Placings by which Guild members (ex. Week of Dec. 8th 2022, Smeeg placed 74th Raid Boss) Does this eat up too much server space?? Sort by person, event, date, highest place.
In a new mode, under the condition you leave the old one in tact, designing, building, maintaining, fortifying, and repairing your castle, would be neat. Just not sure what the buffs could/should be, or the game modes that support it. It shouldn’t affect the old GW, so maybe just leave old GW what it is, and call this something new.


Original form, better rewards, more transparent scoring - NO MONETIZATION

Don’t make GWs pay to win.

I know it’s hard but you’ll have GWs enthusiasts financially support your game in other areas.


It’s funny to see all these comments about no monetization… They are rewriting guild wars, they won’t do it for free! I expect a GW pass or a stat boost purchasable only with real money
I’m not asking for it obviously, I am preparing myself for the usual disappointment after each update

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So, guild war has to change.

  1. Guild leader chooses the war roster. 5 to 5 or 10 to 10 etc.
  2. Players use troops only from the kingdom of choice.
  3. Depending on the guild level there have to be limitations, eg high level guilds war without 3 coloured troops .
    Good luck game designers !
  • What did you love about Guild Wars? Nothing
  • What new features would you like to see? Delete the mode
  • How often would you like Guild Wars to run? Never

Some of us wait til the weekend to do all battles, and at that point, you can’t see your overall score for the day, as the battles then go straight to the next color day. I have to manually add/subtract from the total to know the points for each color day. Please add a better way to keep track of that.


I like the color restrictions for each day as it is now. I like the 24 unique cards on Def. I think other restrictions like not being able to use empowered troops would be bad because the only place those troops are used is wars. Those troops would be mostly useless. Now having said that we could have wars that rotate restrictions like no weapons this wars then the next no empowered troops then the next no restrictions other than the color and 24 unique troops might add some variety.

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For me and most of my guldies this has been a good time - without Guild Wars. We are far from Bracket 1 and the hefty rewards tho. I look forward to something new.

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I have read the conversations in this thread and I agree with multiple suggestions criticisms Etc as a now retired GM of a bracket one Guild I love Guild Wars for the pure challenge in my opinion there is no other reason to advance your profile as high as it possibly can without a game mode that is challenging and you can battle against someone of a similar mindset it’s what keeps more players than you think playing Just for that and that alone I also understand some players don’t want to push or be stressed out at the end of the day it is a game and it’s to be played for fun if that’s not fun for you I can totally understand that.
My thoughts on a rebuild, #1 monetization will lead to a exit in Mass eventual end of the game
#2 a straightforward scoring system
#3 the 5 battle system works well.
#4 restrictions multiple suggestions in this thread already, i was fine with color restrictions, empowered converters I could take or leave. Something that changes so one doesn’t have to face the same team and hope 4 a good board, or spend the rest of the match getting looped.
#5 a small Point penalty for missing that day’s battles. If vou really need help it’s still available but would definitely make it more difficult to have the Sunday stream, where the last place Guild goes from last to first anybody in the bracket knows exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll also add I’m fine with helping people but when it’s that obvious well something has to be said
#6 improved Rewards it’s outdated.
That’s all I can truly come up with off hand currently I will add I appreciate the communication that has been attempted by this particular thread truly at this point in time the ball is in your court there are players patiently waiting and there are multiple players that are upset at current I see this as an opportunity to go forward instead of dwell on past issues if you listen to the community they’ll generally steer the game where they wanted to go if you let them.

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I am not sure about all others that play their battles on the weekend but for me I do not stream. I do it because I work 12 hour days and the last thing I have time for is a game on those days. Accessing a penalty because someone has a job is not the right way to do things. Score should not be assessed a penalty but if there is something else the guild gets for winning the day other than a score penalty that would be ok I think.


I’m one of the in-betweens - don’t love 'em, don’t hate 'em; I’m not ambitious or dedicated enough for super high brackets, content where I am in B5-ish.

I’m fine with attack team premise and freedom to use what I like (with color hoops for my main account and whatever when sometimes playing on alt account); perhaps only - and I usually hate bright and flashy things - make as big, as bright and as flashy thing as you can that says BONUS POINTS FOR COLOR OF THE DAY. Seeing some nonsense stuff about restrictions and penalties being perpetuated day in and day out by virtually everybody who’s awake enough to open their mouths is horribly annoying.

Week-in schedule is fantastic - the end result at weekly reset is what matters and what happens on-between is just for fun. I can play whenever I like, whenever I can, whenever I choose, not be forced for daily participation when I don’t have time for it for whatever reason.
Prize for winning the day is exactly what it needs to be - bragging rights and some token stuff you’re okay to have but not upset if you don’t.
Do not listen, please, to all the ridiculous proposals being thrown around, do not change anything about this, most certainly -

no extra points that affect total result,
no penalties for having a real life and not playing on the day,
no rare resources,
no deeds,
no deed books.

Another look at climbing through brackets? Guilds who strive to get up there shouldn’t take forever.

Some review of final rewards might be okay (maybe look at rewards for in-bracket placement) - but nothing too drastic and too much valuable stuff. It’s enough already with haters of this not-worth-waste-of-time-stupid-game-mode going delete it for everybody because I personally don’t like it and don’t care how many people like it whenever they can instead of simply - cheap, effortless solution - not playing the damn thing; if they felt like they actually missed something we’d never hear the end of it.

No purchasable buffs, bonuses, talismans of any kind beyond the current sentinel system!


As someone who works 12h shifts myself i totally understand where you are coming from, but when guilds go from last to first place on Sunday it’s also a issue. I can’t think of anything else that would make this happen, but even 100 points per day would a at least make it more difficult. The bracket one players will know. I will freely admit I’m a purist, the best against the best and the current pvp system isn’t it. A possible workaround that might appease those that have issues making it on certain days is a schedule say five players that can be chosen to battle just a thought of course it would have to be so everyone does battles at some point in time whatever makes it more difficult to have a guild earn over a million points on Sunday