Great new player team

Just been having lots of fun with:


Wolf banner. So much fun and surprisingly good.

Give it a shot if u are just getting started. No traiting nessessary for justice just valk and soothsayer

Cheers, h.g

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Sounds interesting, thanks for the tip!

Also, if you want to experience the most broken team imaginable

Soothsayer (fully traited)
Valk (Fully Traited)

Literally you want them to match skulls, one cast of justice and its all over. At one point I was buffing everything by 20atk/20hp just for fun.


Not a great new player team, but it is broken as hell:

Queen Mab (all traits needed)

Unless North or Justice get killed early on, your opponent will be destroyed by a flood of blue and skull gems.

Alistair, Valkyrie, Rowanne, Templar. All pretty easily obtained through quest lines or chests (even gold), and can win pretty quickly by buffing armor and then wiping the board with Rowanne. This was my go-to for a while early in my GoW career.

But that team can be easily beaten if rowanne gets targeted, and a number of common troops do that. With the first team I listed with 2 justice you can lose any single troop and it does nothing to the team. Every single troop can solo a team once a justice casts a few times. more often than not a single justice can cast 3 or even 4 times before even giving up a turn. Even when not fully lvl’d or with max magic that is like 50+ stats on 3 troops.

If this is about a defense team I agree, it’s quite vulnerable. But on attack the AI seldom targets Rowanne, and the team is fast enough to beat most opponents in just a few moves, which is what most people want. And if you lose Rowanne or she gets crippled, just retreat and play a new battle…

Wow, just been loving this team in PVP right now

(wolf banner)

I was shocked how good northrender was in this comp. And insulate has some up a number of time already. Lets me walk through bone dragons and the synergy between northrender and justice is just so good. The first three are easily good enough to crush and team and are very new player friendly. Mab is not necessary but makes it nearly tier 1 imo. Having frozen touch on northrender is just so amazing.

I think best team for early game with Justice;


Problem is, as with any team suggestion, it only applies to those who actually have those troops. Can only speak from personal experience but using Valk as an example I didn’t have that card til around level 150.

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Oh, you poor soul!

Personally, I don’t think any team in the list should have a Legendary or Mythic in it. I tend to think that Rares-Epics are the sweet spot. There aren’t a ton of Rares that are good, but some are fantastic. Ultra-Rares tend to be quite strong while also being relatively easy to upgrade. Epics should really only include the ones you get for free.


This works surprisingly well, thanks for the suggestion. I personally used:


A few things I noticed (this is mostly for newer players since this is a new player team):

  1. Northrender’s actual ability is not at all needed. It will almost certainly fill up slower than your Valk-fueled Justices, so don’t wait for it to cast it first or anything like that. Fill Valk and start looping Justices immediately and throw out a Northrender cast when you have some down time

  2. Justice buffs all OTHER allies. If you get a big Valk cast and get both Justices filled up cast the SECOND one first, that way if your Northrender dies you have a buffed unit next in line

  3. This team is super resilient to losing units because everyone gets buffed and not just the first troop. If your troops start dying the ones that take their place as attackers are going to be buffed pretty significantly so even your last troop can win easily alone

  4. I’m not sure if this is necessarily 100% correct but I prioritize casting Justice over doing 4/5 blue gem matches (even if those matches would give me mana for the other Justice or whatever). Leaving those gems on the board leads to more chances of matches when new blue gems are created, leading to more cascades and more mana generated for continued looping.

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I tried below team and both of them is very nice.

Snow Guardian or Sea Troll

Winter Wolf

best early team that scales into late game I have found uses these troops:

Knight cornet

in that order

Treant can swap in for Knight Coronet if needed. But yeah, I used that setup (with Treant) for ages in my early levels.