GoW Team Build Compendium

fast paced EXPLORE team, aimed for traitstone farming but with soul gain too (hard difficulty suggested)

The Dragon Soul
Aziris (fully traited)
Aziris (fully traited)

+abysmal banner

total color bonus: +4 purple +1 red -1 yellow
necromancy: +100%

priority: you fill DS possibly with purples then reds, otherwise behemoth, casting DS as a priority otherwise behemoth

2 necromancy traits make even single ds cast grant a lot of souls so even if you dont cap souls its worth to just kill with behemoth and move on to next explore match,

games usually end after 2-3 casts and you fill ds usually after two 3-gem matches so it really goes fast :slight_smile:

edit/ possible team modification:

replace Behemoth >> Giant Spider (traited link)
(little slower game but more stable souls and safer board control)

replace first Aziris >> Pharus-Rah ***
(a little slower game but a tone more souls)