GoW Database: Localization Help Needed!

Hi everyone,

I’m looking to increase the amount of my site that is localized in order to provide a better experience for players who are browsing the site in languages other than English. To do this, I will need the help of those in the community that are gifted with a native language other than English. I’m going to paste the text tables I have for other languages below; text that is completely unlocalized (still English) is marked with a “//!” comment, but even the text I’ve already localized would benefit from another pass. If you have questions about the context in which any of the text applies, please let me know and I can assist with providing that.

Thanks so much in advance!

"en-US" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_English.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "All",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "All Stats",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "All %1 troops",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "All %1 troops",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "All %1 troops",
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "As Table",
    "[BANNER]" => "Banner",
    "[BLUE]" => "Blue",
    "[BROWN]" => "Brown",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Cause %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checklist",
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Choose Columns",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Classes",
    "[COLORS]" => "Colors",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Columns",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Convert Any to %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Convert %1 to Any",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Convert %1 to %2",
    "[COST]" => "Cost",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Create Any",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Create %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Create %1 and Any",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Create %1 and %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Count hidden troops",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Count unobtained troops",
    "[DATABASE]" => "Database",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Decrease %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Durability",
    "[ERROR]" => "Error",
    "[FOUND]" => "found",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "Gems of War Database",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Get Permalink",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "The URL below provides a direct link to your My Collection page and can be shared with others.",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Give %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Green",
    "[HOME]" => "Home",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "How Obtained",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Increase %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Last updated: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Learn more about %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Loading",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "More Events",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "More News",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "My Collection",
    "[NAME]" => "Name",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobile",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Permalink",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Physical Durability",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Platform",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Purple",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Random Stat",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Recent Changes",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "The following troops have been recently added or changed.  More details may be available on the <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>official forums</a>.",
    "[RED]" => "Red",
    "[REMAINING]" => "remaining",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Requirement",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Save failed.",
    "[SAVED]" => "Saved.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Saving...",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Skulls",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Spell Bonus",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Spell Effects",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Steal %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Traitstones",
    "[TYPE]" => "Type",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Weapons",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Welcome to the Gems of War Database! Use the links to browse and search.",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (all)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (all allies)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (ally)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (self)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (sometimes)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Yellow",

"es-ES" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_Spanish.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "Todos",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Todas las Estadísticas",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "Todas las tropas %1", //!
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "Todas las tropas de %1", //!
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "Todas las tropas %1", //!
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Como Tabla",
    "[BANNER]" => "Bandera",
    "[BLUE]" => "Azul",
    "[BROWN]" => "Marrón",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Causa %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checklist", //!
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Elegir Columnas",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Clases",
    "[COLORS]" => "Colores",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Columnas",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Convertir Algo en %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Convertir %1 en Algo",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Convertir %1 en %2",
    "[COST]" => "Coste",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Crear Algo",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Crear %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Crear %1 y Algo",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Crear %1 y %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Contar tropas ocultas",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Contar tropas no obtenidas",
    "[DATABASE]" => "Enciclopedia",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Disminuir %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Durabilidad",
    "[ERROR]" => "Error",
    "[FOUND]" => "encontrado",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "Enciclopedia Gems of War",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Obtener link permanente",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "La URL siguiente proporciona un enlace direto a Mi Colección y se puede compartir con otros.",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Dar %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Verde",
    "[HOME]" => "Inicio",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Cómo Obtener",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Aumentar %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Actualizado: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Aprender más sobre %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Cargando",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "Más Eventos",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "Más Noticias",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "Mi Colección",
    "[NAME]" => "Nombre",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Móvil",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Link permanente",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Durabilidad Física",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Plataforma",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Morado",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Estadística Aleatoria",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "“Cambios Recientes”",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Las siguientes tropas han sido agregadas o cambiadas recientemente. Más detalles disponibles en el <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>foro oficial</a>.",
    "[RED]" => "Rojo",
    "[REMAINING]" => "restante",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Requisitos",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Guardado fallido.",
    "[SAVED]" => "Guardado.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Guardando...",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Calaveras",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Bono de Hechizo",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Efecto de Hechizo",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Robar %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Piedras",
    "[TYPE]" => "Tipo",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Armas",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Bienvenido a la Enciclopedia Gems Of War. Utilice los links para navegar y buscar.",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (todos)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (todos aliados)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (aliados)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (a mí mismo)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (a veces)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Amarillo",

"de-DE" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_German.txt",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Alle Eigenschaften",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "Alle %1 Einheiten",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "Alle %1 Einheiten",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "Alle %1 Einheiten",
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Als Tabelle",
    "[BANNER]" => "Banner",
    "[BLUE]" => "Blau",
    "[BROWN]" => "Braun",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "verursache %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checkliste",
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Wähle Spalten",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Klassen",
    "[COLORS]" => "Farben",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Spalten",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "verwandele beliebigen Edelstein in %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "verwandele %1 in beliebige",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "verwandele %1 in %2",
    "[COST]" => "Kosten",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Erschaffe beliebigen Edelstein",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Erschaffe %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Erschaffe %1 und beliebig",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Erschaffe %1 und %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "zähle versteckte Einheiten",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "zähle nicht erhaltene Einheiten",
    "[DATABASE]" => "Enzyklopädie",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "verringere %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Haltbarkeit",
    "[ERROR]" => "Fehler",
    "[FOUND]" => "gefunden",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "Gems of War Enzyklopädie",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Hole Permalink",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "Diese URL enthält einen direkten link zu Deiner Meine Sammlung und kann mit anderen geteilt werden.",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Gib %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Grün",
    "[HOME]" => "Home",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Wie erhalten",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Erhöhe %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Aktualisiert am: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Erfahre mehr über %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Lade",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "weitere Events",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "weitere Nachrichten",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "Meine Sammlung",
    "[NAME]" => "Name",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobil",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Permalink",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Physische Haltbarkeit",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Plattform",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Lila",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Zufällige Eigenschaft",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Letzte Änderungen",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Folgende Einheiten wurden kürzlich hinzugefügt oder geändert. Weitere Details sind evt. in den <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>offiziellen Foren</a> verfügbar.",
    "[RED]" => "Rot",
    "[REMAINING]" => "verbleibend",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Anforderung",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Speichern fehlgeschlagen",
    "[SAVED]" => "Gespeichert.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Speichere…",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Schädel",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Zauber Bonus",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Zauber Effekte",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Stiehl %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Steine",
    "[TYPE]" => "Typ",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Waffen",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Willkommen in der Gems of War Enzyklopädie! Benutze die links um zu browsen und zu suchen.",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (alle)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (alle Verbündeten)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (Verbündeter)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (selbst)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (manchmal)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Gelb",

"fr-FR" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_French.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "Toutes",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Toutes les Compétences",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "Toutes les unités %1",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "Toutes les unités de %1",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "Toutes les unités de type %1",
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Tableau",
    "[BANNER]" => "Bannière",
    "[BLUE]" => "Bleue",
    "[BROWN]" => "Marron",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Inflige %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checklist", //!
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Choix des Colonnes",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Classes",
    "[COLORS]" => "Couleurs",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Colonnes",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Transforme la Couleur Choisie en %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Transforme %1 en la Couleur Choisie",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Transforme %1 en %2",
    "[COST]" => "Coût",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Crée la Couleur Choisie",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Crée %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Crée %1 et la Couleur Choisie",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Crée %1 et %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Tenir compte des unités masques",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Tenir compte des unités non obtenues",
    "[DATABASE]" => "Encyclopédie",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Diminue %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Durabilité",
    "[ERROR]" => "Erreur",
    "[FOUND]" => "trouvée(s)",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "Encyclopédie Gems of War",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Obtenir le Lien Permanent",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "L’adresse ci-dessous vous donne un accès direct à la page Votre Collection et peut être partagée avec d’autres personnes.",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Donne %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Verte",
    "[HOME]" => "Accueil",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Obtention",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Augmente %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Date de dernière mise à jour: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "En savoir plus sur %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Chargement",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "Plus d’évenement",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "Plus de actualité",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "Ma Collection",
    "[NAME]" => "Nom",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobile",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Lien Permanent",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Durabilité Physique",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Plateforme",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Violette",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Compétence Aléatoire",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Changement Récent",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Les unités suivantes ont été récemment ajoutées ou modifiées. Plus de détails sur <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>official forums</a>.",
    "[RED]" => "Rouge",
    "[REMAINING]" => "reste",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Conditions Requises",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Echec de la sauvegarde.",
    "[SAVED]" => "Sauvegardé.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Sauvegarde en cours...",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Crânes",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Bonus du Sort",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Effet du Sort",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Vole %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Piedras",
    "[TYPE]" => "Type",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Armes",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Bienvenue sur la base de donnée de Gems of War ! Utilisez les liens pour naviguer et effectuer des recherches.",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (tous)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (tous les allies)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (allié)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (lanceur du sort)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (parfois)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Jaune",

"it-IT" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_Italian.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "Tutti",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Tutte le statistiche",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "Tutte le truppe %1",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "Tutte le truppe %1",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "Tutte le truppe %1",
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Come da tabella",
    "[BANNER]" => "Stendardo",
    "[BLUE]" => "Blu",
    "[BROWN]" => "Marrone",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Causa %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checklist", //!
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Seleziona colonne",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Classi",
    "[COLORS]" => "Colori",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Colonne",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Converte qualsiasi in %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Converte %1 in qualsiasi",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Converte %1 in %2",
    "[COST]" => "Costo",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Crea qualsiasi",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Crea %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Crea %1 e qualsiasi",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Crea %1 e %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Conta truppe nascoste",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Conta truppe non possedute",
    "[DATABASE]" => "Enciclopedia",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Diminuisce %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Durabilità",
    "[ERROR]" => "Errore",
    "[FOUND]" => "trovato",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "Enciclopedia Gems of War",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Ottieni Permalink",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "Il link sottostante permette un collegamento diretto alla pagina della Tua Collezione e può essere condiviso con altri.",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Dona %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Verde",
    "[HOME]" => "Home",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Come ottenere",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Aumenta %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Aggiornato: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Impara di più riguardo a %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Caricamento",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "Più eventi",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "Più novità",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "La Mia Collezione",
    "[NAME]" => "Nome",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobile",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Permalink",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Durabilità Fisica",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Piattaforma",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Viola",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Statistica casuale",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Cambiamenti recenti",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Le seguenti truppe sono state aggiunte o modificate. Più dettagli saranno disponibili sul <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>Forum Ufficiale</a>.",
    "[RED]" => "Rosso",
    "[REMAINING]" => "Rimanente",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Requisiti",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Salvataggio fallito.",
    "[SAVED]" => "Salvato.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Salvando...",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Teschi",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Bonus Magia",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Effetti Magia",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Ruba %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Traitstones",
    "[TYPE]" => "Tipo",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Armi",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Benvenuto nell' Enciclopedia di Gems of War! Usa i links per sfogliare e cercare.",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (tutti)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (tutti gli alleati)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (alleato)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (te stesso)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (a volte)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Giallo",

"ru-RU" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_Russian.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "Все",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Все параметры",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_COLOR]" => "Все %1 войска",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_KINGDOM]" => "Все %1 войска",
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS_TYPE]" => "Все %1 войска",
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Таблицей",
    "[BANNER]" => "Флаг",
    "[BLUE]" => "Синий",
    "[BROWN]" => "Коричневый",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Вызывает %1",
    "[CHECKLIST]" => "Checklist", //!
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Выберите столбцы",
    "[CLASSES]" => "Классы",
    "[COLORS]" => "Цвета",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Столбцы",
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Заменяет выбранный на %1",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Заменяет %1 на выбранный",
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Заменяет %1 на %2",
    "[COST]" => "Стоимость",
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Создает любой",
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Создает %1",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Создает %1 и любой",
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Создает %1 и %2",
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Считая скрытых",
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Считая не приобретенных",
    "[DATABASE]" => "База данных",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Снижает %1",
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Прочность",
    "[ERROR]" => "Ошибка",
    "[FOUND]" => "найдено",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "База Данных Gems of War",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Получить постоянную ссылку",
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "Ссылка будет постаянной на Вышу коллекцию, ею можно поделиться с другими",
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Получить %1",
    "[GREEN]" => "Зеленый",
    "[HOME]" => "Главная",
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Как получить",
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Увеличивает %1",
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Последнее обновление: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Узнать больше %1",
    "[LOADING]" => "Загрузка",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "События",
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "Новости",
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "Моя коллекция",
    "[NAME]" => "Имя",
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobile",
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Постоянная ссылка",
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Физическая прочность",
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Платформа",
    "[PURPLE]" => "Фиолетовый",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Случайный параметр",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Последние изменения",
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Следующие войска были изменены.  Более подробно на <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>форуме игры</a>.",
    "[RED]" => "Красный",
    "[REMAINING]" => "остается",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Требование",
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Ошибка сохранения.",
    "[SAVED]" => "Сохранено.",
    "[SAVING]" => "Сохранение...",
    "[SKULLS]" => "Черепа",
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Бонус заклинания",
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Эффекты заклинаний",
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Крадет %1",
    "[TRAITSTONES]" => "Traitstones", //! 
    "[TYPE]" => "Тип",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Оружие",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Добро пожаловать в базу данных Gems of War!",
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (всем)",
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (всем союзникам)",
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (союзнику)",
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (себе)",
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (при условии)",
    "[YELLOW]" => "Желтый",

1 Like

Aww no Indonesian :frowning:

I’ll support it once the game does! :smiley:


I’ll handle the French part :slight_smile:


Thank you!

“[ALL_STATS]” => “Alle Eigenschaften”,
“[ALL_X_TROOPS]” => “Alle %1 Einheiten”,
“[AS_TABLE]” => “Als Tabelle”,
“[BANNER]” => “Banner”,
“[BLUE]” => “Blau”,
“[BROWN]” => “Braun”,
“[CAUSE_X]” => “verursache %1”,
“[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]” => “Wähle Spalte”,
“[CLASSES]” => “Klassen”,
“[COLORS]” => “Farben”,
“[COLUMNS]” => “Spalten”,
“[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]” => “verwandele beliebigen Edelstein in %1”,
“[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]” => “verwandele %1 in beliebige”,
“[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]” => “verwandele %1 in %2”,
“[COST]” => “Kosten”,
“[CREATE_ANY]” => “Erschaffe beliebigen Edelstein”,
“[CREATE_X]” => “Erschaffe %1”,
“[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]” => “Erschaffe %1 und beliebig”,
“[CREATE_X_AND_Y]” => “Erschaffe %1 und %2”,
“[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]” => “zähle versteckte Einheiten”,
“[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]” => “zähle nicht erhaltene Einheiten”,
“[DATABASE]” => “Enzyklopädie”,
“[DECREASE_X]” => “verringere %1”,
“[DURABILITY]” => “Haltbarkeit”,
“[ERROR]” => “Fehler”,
“[FOUND]” => “gefunden”,
“[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]” => “Enzyklopädie Gems of War”,
“[GET_PERMALINK]” => “Hole Permalink”,
“[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]” => “Diese URL enthält einen dirkten link zu Deiner Meine Sammlung und kann mit anderen geteilt werden.”,
“[GIVE_X]” => “gib %1”,
“[GREEN]” => “Grün”,
“[HOME]” => “Home”,
“[HOW_OBTAINED]” => “Wie erhalten”,
“[INCREASE_X]” => “erhöhe %1”,
“[LAST_UPDATED]” => "Aktualisiert am: ",
“[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]” => “erfahre mehr über %1”,
“[LOADING]” => “Lade”,
“[MORE_EVENTS]” => “weitere Events”,
“[MORE_NEWS]” => “weitere Nachrichten”,
“[MY_COLLECTION]” => “Meine Sammlung”,
“[NAME]” => “Name”,
“[PC_MOBILE]” => “PC/Mobile”,
“[PERMALINK]” => “Permalink”,
“[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]” => “Physische Haltbarkeit”,
“[PLATFORM]” => “Plattform”,
“[PURPLE]” => “Lila”,
“[RANDOM_STAT]” => “zufällige Eigenschaft”,
“[RECENT_CHANGES]” => “letzte Änderungen”,
“[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]” => “Folgende Ein heiten wurden kürzlich hinzugefügt oder geändert. Weitere Details sind evt. hier verfügbar official forums.”,
“[RED]” => “Rot”,
“[REMAINING]” => “verbliebend”,
“[REQUIREMENT]” => “Anforderung”,
“[SAVE_FAILED]” => “Speichern fehlgeschlagen”,
“[SAVED]” => “Gespeichert.”,
“[SAVING]” => “Speichere…”,
“[SKULLS]” => “Schädel”,
“[SPELL_BONUS]” => “Zauber Bonus”,
“[SPELL_EFFECTS]” => “Zauber Effekte”,
“[STEAL_X]” => “Stiehl %1”,
“[TYPE]” => “Typ”,
“[WEAPONS]” => “Waffen”,
“[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]” => “Willkommen in der Gems of War Datenbank! Benutze die links um zu browsen und zu suchen.”,
“[X_ALL]” => “%1 (alle)”, //!
“[X_ALL_ALLIES]” => “%1 (alle Verbündeten)”,
“[X_ALLY]” => “%1 (Verbündeter)”,
“[X_SELF]” => “%1 (selbst)”,
“[X_SOMETIMES]” => “%1 (manchmal)”,
“[YELLOW]” => “Gelb”,

above the german version…hope it helps


This is Plural so it should say “Wähle Spalten”

It says nothing of converting gems, so to correctly translate that I need more info. The translation now only assumes the convertion of gems to something.

This is a bit tricky in German because to get the right “beliebig” you need the actual word after that. So a bit more info would be fine.

Again the assumption its about gems. More info is needed.

I would say it the other way around “Gems of War Enzyklopädie”


“verbleibend” (the translation is the past form but it should be the present form)

Because “DB” was translated as “Enzyklopädie” earlier this should be the case here too…"Willkommen in der Gems of War Enzyklopädie! Benutze die links um zu browsen und zu suchen.”

Misspelling… Einheiten (one word) Weitere Details sind evt. in den offiziellen Foren verfügbar.


Einverstanden…Habe bei ashtender gespickt um die Kurve zu kriegen…Bitte gerne übernehmen

You’re correct, all conversions and creations are Gems. Sorry for the lack of context.

Thank you both for your help! I’ve updated the site with your corrections. If anything looks incorrect, notify me and I can adjust it.

I’ve updated the text map at the top of this thread with the latest changes. So far I’m still very much in need of Spanish and Russian translations (French appears to be on the way).

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I have had a look at ashtender…looks nice now. Thanks @aurora_x for correcting my errors.

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Added French translation (and updated above). Still need a volunteer for Spanish translation.

For anyone of any language, if you see text on my site that doesn’t come from the game data but rather from the above, and there are errors, please let me know and I’ll correct.


Here u have it in Spanish:


“[LOCFILE]” => “GemsOfWar_PC_Spanish.txt”,
“[ALL]” => “Todos”,
“[ALL_STATS]” => “Todas las estadísticas”,
“[AS_TABLE]” => “Como tabla”,
“[BANNER]” => “Bandera”,
“[BLUE]” => “Azul”,
“[BROWN]” => “Marrón”,
“[CAUSE_X]” => “Causa %1”,
“[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]” => “Elegir columnas”,
“[CLASSES]” => “Clases”,
“[COLORS]” => “Colores”,
“[COLUMNS]” => “Columnas”,
“[Convert_ANY_TO_X]” => “Convertir algo en %1”,
“[Convert_X_TO_ANY]” => “Convertir %1 en algo”,
“[Convert_X_TO_Y]” => “Convertir %1 en %2”,
“[COST]” => “Coste”,
“[CREATE_ANY]” => “Crear algo”,
“[CREATE_X]” => “Crear %1”,
“[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]” => “Crear %1 y algo”,
“[CREATE_X_AND_Y]” => “Crear %1 y %2”,
“[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]” => “Contar tropas ocultas”,
“[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]” => “Contar tropas no obtenidas”,
“[DATABASE]” => “Enciclopedia”,
“[DECREASE_X]” => “Disminuir %1”,
“[DURABILITY]” => “Durabilidad”,
“[ERROR]” => “Error”,
“[FOUND]” => “encontrado”,
“[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]” => “Enciclopedia Gems of War”,
“[GET_PERMALINK]” => “Obtener link permanente”,
“[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]” => “La URL siguiente proporciona un enlace direto a Mi Colección y se puede compartir con otros”,
“[GIVE_X]” => “Dar %1”,
“[GREEN]” => “Verde”,
“[HOME]” => “Casa” “Inicio”,
“[HOW_OBTAINED]” => “Cómo obtener”,
“[INCREASE_X]” => “Aumentar %1”,
“[LAST_UPDATED]” => "Actualizado: ",
“[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]” => “Aprender más sobre %1”,
“[LOADING]” => “Cargando”,
“[MORE_EVENTS]” => “Más eventos”,
“[MORE_NEWS]” => “Más noticias”,
“[MY_COLLECTION]” => “Mi Colección”,
“[NAME]” => “Nombre”, //!
“[PC_MOBILE]” => “PC/Móvil”,
“[PERMALINK]” => “Link permanente”,
“[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]” => “Duración física”,
“[PLATFORM]” => “Plataforma”,
“[PURPLE]” => “Morado”,
“[RANDOM_STAT]” => “Estadística aleatoria”,
“[RECENT_CHANGES]” => “Cambios recientes”,
“[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]” => “Las siguientes tropas han sido agregadas o cambiadas recientemente. Más detalles disponibles en el foro oficial.”,
“[RED]” => “Rojo”,
“[REMAINING]” => “restante”,
“[REQUIREMENT]” => “Requisitos”,
“[SAVE_FAILED]” => “Guardado fallido”,
“[SAVED]” => “Guardado.”,
“[SAVING]” => “Guardando…”,
“[SKULLS]” => “Calaveras”,
“[SPELL_BONUS]” => “Bono de hechizo”,
“[SPELL_EFFECTS]” => “Efecto de hechizo”,
“[STEAL_X]” => “Robar %1”,
“[TYPE]” => “Tipo”,
“[WEAPONS]” => “Armas”,
“[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]” => “Bienvenido a la base de datos de Gems Of War. Utilice los links para navegar y buscar”,
“[X_ALL]” => “%1 (todos)”,
“[X_ALL_ALLIES]” => “%1 (Todos aliados)”,
“[X_ALLY]” => “%1 (Aliados)”,
“[X_SELF]” => “%1 (Yo) (A mí mismo)”,
“[X_SOMETIMES]” => “%1 (A veces)”,
“[YELLOW]” => “Amarillo”,

Some translations may change depending on the context where you put it.

I hope it helps a bit, if you need more translations, let me know!.


Thank you very much!

EDIT: Incorporated the Spanish text and updated the above list.


"ru-RU" => array(
    "[LOCFILE]" => "GemsOfWar_PC_Russian.txt",
    "[ALL]" => "Все",
    "[ALL_STATS]" => "Все параметры", //!
    "[ALL_X_TROOPS]" => "Все %1 войска", //!
    "[AS_TABLE]" => "Таблицей", //!
    "[BANNER]" => "Флаг", //!
    "[BLUE]" => "Синий",
    "[BROWN]" => "Коричневый",
    "[CAUSE_X]" => "Вызывает %1", //!
    "[CHOOSE_COLUMNS]" => "Выберите столбцы", //!
    "[CLASSES]" => "Классы",
    "[COLORS]" => "Цвета",
    "[COLUMNS]" => "Столбцы", //!
    "[CONVERT_ANY_TO_X]" => "Заменяет выбранный на %1", //!
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_ANY]" => "Заменяет %1 на выбранный", //!
    "[CONVERT_X_TO_Y]" => "Заменяет %1 на %2", //!
    "[COST]" => "Стоимость", //!
    "[CREATE_ANY]" => "Создает любой", //!
    "[CREATE_X]" => "Создает %1", //!
    "[CREATE_X_AND_ANY]" => "Создает %1 и любой", //!
    "[CREATE_X_AND_Y]" => "Создает %1 и %2", //!
    "[COUNT_HIDDEN_TROOPS]" => "Считая скрытых", //!
    "[COUNT_UNOBTAINED_TROOPS]" => "Считая не приобретенных", //!
    "[DATABASE]" => "База данных",
    "[DECREASE_X]" => "Снижает %1", //!
    "[DURABILITY]" => "Прочность", //!
    "[ERROR]" => "Ошибка",
    "[FOUND]" => "найдено",
    "[GEMS_OF_WAR_DATABASE]" => "База Данных Gems of War",
    "[GET_PERMALINK]" => "Получить постоянную ссылку", //!
    "[GET_PERMALINK_BODY_HTML]" => "Ссылка будет постаянной на Вышу коллекцию, ею можно поделиться с другими", //!
    "[GIVE_X]" => "Получить %1", //!
    "[GREEN]" => "Зеленый",
    "[HOME]" => "Главная", //!
    "[HOW_OBTAINED]" => "Как получить", //!
    "[INCREASE_X]" => "Увеличивает %1", //!
    "[LAST_UPDATED]" => "Последнее обновление: ",
    "[LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_X]" => "Узнать больше %1", //!
    "[LOADING]" => "Загрузка",
    "[MORE_EVENTS]" => "События", //!
    "[MORE_NEWS]" => "Новости", //!
    "[MY_COLLECTION]" => "Моя коллекция", //!
    "[NAME]" => "Имя", //!
    "[PC_MOBILE]" => "PC/Mobile", //!
    "[PERMALINK]" => "Постоянная ссылка", //!
    "[PHYSICAL_DURABILITY]" => "Физическая прочность", //!
    "[PLATFORM]" => "Платформа", //!
    "[PURPLE]" => "Фиолетовый",
    "[RANDOM_STAT]" => "Случайный параметр", //!
    "[RECENT_CHANGES]" => "Последние изменения", //!
    "[RECENT_CHANGES_SUBTITLE_HTML]" => "Следующие войска были изменены.  Более подробно на <a href='http://community.gemsofwar.com'>форуме игры</a>.", //!
    "[RED]" => "Красный",
    "[REMAINING]" => "остается",
    "[REQUIREMENT]" => "Требование", //!
    "[SAVE_FAILED]" => "Ошибка сохранения.", //!
    "[SAVED]" => "Сохранено.", //!
    "[SAVING]" => "Сохранение...", //!
    "[SKULLS]" => "Черепа", //!
    "[SPELL_BONUS]" => "Бонус заклинания", //!
    "[SPELL_EFFECTS]" => "Эффекты заклинаний", //!
    "[STEAL_X]" => "Крадет %1", //!
    "[TYPE]" => "Тип",
    "[WEAPONS]" => "Оружие",
    "[WELCOME_TO_GOWDB_BODY_HTML]" => "Добро пожаловать в базу данных Gems of War!", //!
    "[X_ALL]" => "%1 (всем)", //!
    "[X_ALL_ALLIES]" => "%1 (всем союзникам)", //!
    "[X_ALLY]" => "%1 (союзнику)", //!
    "[X_SELF]" => "%1 (себе)", //!
    "[X_SOMETIMES]" => "%1 (при условии)", //!
    "[YELLOW]" => "Желтый",




I’d offer to help with a Japanese translation, but A the game doesn’t support that, and B I think you probably have that covered anyways @Lyya :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, I’d probably be able to handle that language myself :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the due diligence! Yeah, there’s some text missing still, particularly in the “Extras” section and in account management. I will get to it eventually, but those sections have a lot of text and I’d rather get the DB parts of the DB in order first.

EDIT: Incorporated the Russian text and updated the above list.

All that’s missing now are a few text lines I’ve added since I got the translations from y’all. Thanks so much for the assistance!

@Lyya thank you for your great work and effort to help specially beginners with your web- side

I just noticed that Tuskar’s spell description is in English in the game for French-speaking players. Don’t know if or how this affects the DB.