Devs, your Luck AI changes have ruined this game!

I have been a strong advocate for GoW but tonight I just lost 3 times in a row to Wisp/Wisp/Kraken/Mab. While this is admittedly a rant, I must make it clear that my ability was in no way a factor in these losses. In ALL 3 matches I relinquished the turn to an AI that proceeded to cascade and loop Wisp. Though I did get other turns my teams were decimated, frozen, and missing allies.

This is NOT the game I love.
This is absolute crap… shoot RNG! (See what I did there?!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All kidding aside, Wisp needs to be nerfed HARD and the cascades dealt with. Furthermore, bug fixes for CORE game mechanics like Impervious and Devour cannot take this long or you will lose, quality, long time, veteran, VIP members.

I don’t ping devs often but I’m going to now.

@Saltypatra, @Ozball, @Sirrian, @Nimhain
You know me as much as you can know anybody on a forum and I think you know I genuinely love this game and ONLY want it to succeed. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY CEASE AND DESIST WITH NEW CONTENT AND FIX THE GAME WE ALL LOVE!

I say this from the best of places, please do not read with hate…

Most sincerely,