Devs, your Luck AI changes have ruined this game!

I like most of the changes myself. That is why I feel I have not much to give such threads as this, I just does not share the same opinion as most that come to these boards for complaining about this topic. I am starting to get sick of such threads and try to mute all of them, but since I saw you replied me, I came back. Because I like and respect you.

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That’s why I thought the ai was actually getting 100% mana after exploding and not 70%

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If I wanted a challenge I would play a skill based game like Dark Souls.

Nuff said.

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I agree too, I’ve been playing this game for over 2 years, and now it’s getting frustrating. Pvp matches, every 3 matches, one of them opponent wins on the first play, with no chance of me having the second play. Guild wars, it’s a real sad thing. Please do not let this game die!


Once consoles get wisp, it’ll be one more thing that makes for some rough defense teams. You may miss not having it.


I have been a strong advocate for GoW but tonight I just lost 3 times in a row to Wisp/Wisp/Kraken/Mab. While this is admittedly a rant, I must make it clear that my ability was in no way a factor in these losses. In ALL 3 matches I relinquished the turn to an AI that proceeded to cascade and loop Wisp. Though I did get other turns my teams were decimated, frozen, and missing allies.

This is NOT the game I love.
This is absolute crap… shoot RNG! (See what I did there?!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All kidding aside, Wisp needs to be nerfed HARD and the cascades dealt with. Furthermore, bug fixes for CORE game mechanics like Impervious and Devour cannot take this long or you will lose, quality, long time, veteran, VIP members.

I don’t ping devs often but I’m going to now.

@Saltypatra, @Ozball, @Sirrian, @Nimhain
You know me as much as you can know anybody on a forum and I think you know I genuinely love this game and ONLY want it to succeed. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY CEASE AND DESIST WITH NEW CONTENT AND FIX THE GAME WE ALL LOVE!

I say this from the best of places, please do not read with hate…

Most sincerely,


We just got Fizzbang so we’re almost up to speed with RNG BS defenses.

As much as I do not mind the “changes” as I have been playing mostly on console I have to say that RNG is strong with this game and it’s going only to get stronger. However there is not much that can be done about it without completely changing the game system. Between mana creators, cascades falling from the skies and natural increase in troops’ attributes RNG is only going to be more pronounced.

Top players will have little problem with it and it won’t affect there scores much. But we will get more and more complaint threads about it from the rest.

Actually, I think the top players suffer more due to the nature of GW.


Really? Are you in a top guild? Doesn’t look like it because…

I am in bracket 1 on console and many players go 5/0 on multiple days I am sure some go undefeated for weeks. I am not sure how it looks on PC/mobile but I see Tacet scoring 5/0 on most days only sometimes losing once, almost never twice. And he is usually not a top scorer in his guild.

So I think what you think is wrong.

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Bracket 1 is a nightmare, all Wisps (broken), Psion (broken), Famine (broken), and Kraken (broken). Zero sportsmanship, all win at any cost. Just disgusting player behavior and I retreated 3/5 matches each day as I don’t fight unsportmanslike teams. Needless to say I am useless in Guild Wars as long as players continue to exploit/abuse/grief their fellow player.


I am going back to bracket 6 asap. Devs broke the game, Players abuse the game.


Yes many people do not feel comfortable with Guild Wars as it’s highly competitive and sometimes stress-inducing element of the game. We had a player quit last week because of that. At the end of the day I think that GW were a success. Of course there are many issues some of which will be hopefully resolved before end of the year (27 top scores, bonus for unique defence troops) but it gives competitive players something to do and doesn’t force casuals to participate.

The rest of your arguments I can’t agree with. You can’t call people that do their utmost (in accordance with the rules) to win disgusting. Most people are not putting Wisps or Goblins on GW defence to taste the salt of those crashed by them - they just want to reduce their score just to maximize their own chances at victory.

You could argue that using 3x Great Maw team is an exploit. Or when your Kraken devours through Impervious it’s an exploit. But since devs are aware of the bug and they did not disable those troops hence they do not consider it an exploit. In other words you’re shaming people just because they play the game to win? I am against that.


This is game theory at work. Don’t blame players for optimizing their performance within the rules system established by the game. If the game itself rewards behavior you are philosophically opposed to, take your pitchfork to the game architects. Otherwise, you are fighting Human Nature Herself, and that’s a lonely battle.


This is funny a broken troop is just like a exploitation of code people are abusing it and in gamer terms is cheating and the fact the devs are not fixing the exploits in a timely manner just adds to the problem so this is not with in the rules of play because had someone else created the exploits they would be banned for cheating so all the krakens, tds, maw type teams just exploits the problem and that is what people are upset about fix the issues before adding content.

losing members because of this people look to a game to get away from stress not to become more stressed, I like the smarter AI as it comes to not taking skulls all the time and it could be programmed to be more challenging without breaking the game by giving it basically cheats advantage.


People come to a game for various reasons, not just as stress release. You’d be hard-pressed to find a gamer who plays Dark Souls “for the relaxation.” That’s okay, and many of the most successful games can cater to both audiences.

The trouble is when you shift the play style over time. Players who did play for stress release and who are suddenly stressed instead have legitimate complaints; and on the other hand, players with a more competitive bent (@Eika is one) will be content with the change, even happier as the difficulty increases.

Gems of War is not a broad game. The only relevant mode of play is PvP, and there are no meaningful differences between casual and hardcore play aside from hours invested. A shift in difficulty (or even the current shift in mana generation) affects everyone. The game can choose to broaden (new game modes that cater to the extremes), to maintain status quo (limiting change), or to shift. They’ve chosen to shift, and a portion of the existing player base is collateral damage.


Yellow day starting board with a total of three yellows. That’s great work dev. While wisp destroy my team with board reshuffle to 4 combos and AI super lucky skyfalls. Such fun to play. Tell me why I give money to these people ?

Very good point.

People throw these terms around rather loosely and I think often “AI” and “RNG” get conflated.

The new, smarter AI is fine with me. In fact, if they could write a truly smart AI then they wouldn’t have to supply it with a cheater RNG to get those win percentages down to what their spreadsheets say they need to be! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I really cannot understand all of you saying the game is harder.

I really cannot understand when you complain about luck.

It’s called script and its far from RNG. The game knows what’s going to happen, often for it’s “good”. That’s the major complain. Smart AI is fine. Cheating and frustrating AI is not.

Still have hope but really, 3 weeks to fix the impervious bug …likely not

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Erudite post… I disagree with your closing point though: I don’t think the devs have chosen to shift, I think it’s very much an accident…


I was going to bring this up myself. Much of the “shift” seems to be completely unintentional as a result of using a codebase written by a third party that is barely ballpark with the original design, and most certainly a very different experience by the time you hit endgame. AI Improvements taking skull baiting off the table is much more of a problem in the agency department when the other ways of preventing an enemy from casting simply aren’t as consistent as they should be.