Dear devs, please fix your cheating AI on console

To add to what Wish linked to, I captured some videos myself a few days ago to help showcase what we view as the major problem in the game on console in regards to PVP.

Now, this is right from the start of a fresh match. As you can see, I had a fairly good start to the match, I thought everything was going pretty well! And then the “luck” of the AI comes in - the board was fairly cleared and new drops came in from me using Dragon Soul. At this point, I would advise keeping in mind that the AI has NO 4 or 5 matches at all, and I have two hero powers charged.

3 skull match, 5 yellow mana match from skydrop. AI uses hero power. Purple gems removed. Two 3 matches occur due to this, skydrop 5 mana match. 3 skull match, I lose a minion that WAS at full health/armor. I use a hero power, the AI benefits VASTLY from it instead of me. 7 (SEVEN) red gem match, hero power used.

I’m effectively down a troop and have done very little damage to the AI and lost a troop that had 49 health in total, like that. I will point out I did win that match, BARELY, but it is meant to showcase the ridiculous nature of the skydrops the AI gets every round (and no, this is not an exaggeration, this stuff happens EVERY round).

But, that’s not that bad, right? Maybe forgiveable if it wasn’t followed by this minutes later -

Second fresh match. I think this was roughly 5 minutes after I finished the match from the first video. I have a pretty good start up, once again, and I do get, right off the bat, a 4 match purple and a six match blue. Very good start, happens maybe once every few days, not a common occurrence for sure.

Once again, I get dragon soul power up pretty quickly (this is basically my strategy now, as it seems most effective against the AI crap these days) and sets the AI up with a 4 red gem match from the drops. Didn’t really think it was that big a deal, fair and all, for certain!

At least until the sky drop 5 green match, 6 gem yellow match, 3 gem yellow, 5 (FIVE) skull skydrop. Capped off with a 5 gem blue match to boot!! IN A ROW, ALL AT ONCE. That’s not luck, that’s not recall bias, that is BULL CRAP. And it happens CONSTANTLY.

And oh, what’s this? The AI is set up for two more 4 gem matches!! They take them, and a third 4 gem blue match gets set up from that too!!

So is that recall bias? I don’t think so. And that’s not a one off occurrence either, this is what we keep experiencing day in, day out on console. It’s absurd.

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