Can you please verify that Kingdom Tribute chance (w/Guild bonus) is working as intended?

thank you :smiley:

btw a week ago, or so, i got single tribute of silverglade, was too slow reflex to screen shot it, but it was there

Is it possible to check if all kingdoms are added to the kingdom tribute table and/or the correct kingdom tribute table is being used just to make sure? The data in this thread seems to suggest that one or more kingdoms may have been impossible to get tributes from in addition to red statue bonus being multiplicative instead of additive (or the red statue just wasn’t working at all previously). I know we got one confirmation that Silverglade is able to kick out tribute, but others could still have been omitted for whatever reason and the data warrants at least a quick check I think, especially if it ends up being an easy fix.

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Does the same apply to console? (The problem and/or the fix?)
