Alpha:Omega777 GUILD Recruits active players (GW / TASKS / SEALS)

Hello everyone, my tag in game is Sr Beckhauser (Xbox One) and we are looking for active players willing to contribute with tasks weekly, playing guild wars competitively and why not, communicate with us and make friends! :slight_smile:

G. LEVEL: 82
Guardians: Red: 48 Blue: 42 Green: 41 Yellow: 40 Purple: 30 Brown: 47
Members: 25/30 (Some of them beeing kicked soon for inactivity)
Ranking: 229
GW Bracket/Rank: 22 / 211 (Actualy first on bracket)


Task contribute: at least 100k, depending on level up to 300k per week (Dragon Armor and fast pvp team advisable)

Collect seals everytime you end a gameplay session (or at saturday)

Desirable to play everyday (Tuesday to Sunday) to get 100% XP Boost on GW, if not, try to be as consistent as possible.

We may be little, but with you, we’ll be stronger, contact me via xbox live.

Brasileiros também são bem vindos!!! :weary: brbrbrhueheuhu