2.1 Preview - Guilds

Okay - 1:30am here - and trying to get some very important work finished, but I’ll quickly answer some of those questions @Studs:

1. There’s no limit on how we earn Seals, just on the total Seal, right?
Correct… you can earn them all with PvP, or all with Treasure Hunt… we set them up with values to appeal to a number of different play styles, based on play patterns of those people, so that a moderately active player has a good shot at the 1500 every week.

2. Can we get a better sense of the reduction in resources in terms of Gems and Glory Keys
Yes - very happy to share the entire amount of stuff you can now net in a single week from your guild
TASKS: 590 Gems, 42 Event Keys, 320 Glory, 64 Gem Keys, 236 Glory Keys, 5900 Souls, 2200 Gold Keys, 9 Maps
SEALS: 75 Guild Keys
STATUE BONUSES: +50% XP, +6 Map Turns, +6% Tribute Chance, +10% Tribute Amount, +50% Souls, +2 Glory per PvP Battle
SKILL BONUS (7d): +8 Armor, +8 Life, +3 Attack, +2 Magic
NEW LEAGUES: Extra Gold Bonus (don’t have the numbers nearby)

3. How do Chest upgrades work, time-wise?
They reset weekly. So if you miss the window between final upgrade & weekly reset, you waituntil next week

** 4. It seems like the top guilds are now going to have a lot of excess Gold **
True for a couple of guilds, but we have some plans for that once we see the new system in action

5. Are there plans to buff Arena and/or Treasure Hunt
Not before we see the new system in action. But we WILL be monitoring them. Both of these modes are still great for new players… the challenge is to buff them for end-game top-guild players so it scales to meet their requirements WITHOUT throwing massive amounts of rewards at lower level players. That’s some tricky design and math, and I think we’d be unwise to touch this until 2.1.5